

Ask @int0xicate

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Would you perform as a magicians assistant and if so, what illusion would you most like to assist in?

The one where they get sawn in half, looks like fun
Liked by: Paul

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You walk into a room, there's a sheep sitting on a sofa. Do you stay or do you go ? x

Stay, sounds pretty exhilarating

So your pet cat brings a mouse it has caught into the house. The mouse is still alive and fine. Do you save the mouse and bring misery to your cat, or do you let your cat finish what it started ? Moral dilemma hahahh x

This happens all the time fs, save the mouse ahahaha

If a dolphin could ask you a question, what do you think it would ask ? x

What could have possibly made you think of that ahahahaha

Which activity would you do with each of our wizard bachelors ? x

hit with a spade sounds like a pretty fun activity

Voldemort, Snape, Mad eye Moody = Walk On the beach, Feed The Ducks, Hit with a spade ? x

what does this even mean, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO ANSWER THIS


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