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cute banget itu penggaris fiesta aslik pengen hahaha

Yea.. Kalimat pertama bokap gue pas gue bilang "ini mau taro di kamar ah" adalah "gak akan dipake kan?!" Wahahahaha
Liked by: Benasher

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Should we have the right to die?

Well, I don't see the point in living and I also don't see the point in dying. So, what makes them so different? Living and dying. They're the same thing. If we have the right to live then, why not?

do you agree with stereotypes? what are the dumbest stereotypes you have ever heard?

Um, no. 80-20 rule, man.
Idk, basically all of them, but I'm always irritated with the stereotype about horoscopes. Like, I think it's stupid how people believe that the ones who were born on certain dates of certain months have the same personality. It just doesn't make sense.

I mean, try to think a little further ahead. Imagine that girl's gonna be your wife. Well, normally, wives, mothers, they talk a lot, don't they? That's because she's taking care of everything. Of her husband, kids, the house. Trying to make sure everything goes right. Relationships just won't do wi

Young lady, if you knew me you'd totally understand what I was saying and why I said that, but you don't and I know that I could write you 7 whole paragraphs on why I disagree with you but I don't want you to know me and therefore I'm not explaining myself to you. So now we better say goodbye to each other because I am not arguing with you.
If that's what you think then okay, it's fine, I just want you to know that it's not what I think and for now, let's just leave it at that.

Probbie, how do I find time and getting myself into a good mood for reading?

Well, hm... I don't know, Zano. But I can tell you that I usually read in the morning when I'm having my tea, and it's only because I don't like having conversations during breakfast. And the second time is when I'm about to go to sleep. Because, like, I'm always in a good mood when I'm in bed haha. I don't do it everyday though. But reading is something I like so I eventually find time to do it.. and if it's something that you like too, you should know yourself.

Bie, I'm talking from a girl's point of view, and trust me, kalo cewe ngoceh, it means she cares about you. Hands down. Justru kalo cewe put up a front dan diem, you need to worry, man. No offense. I mean well.

Well, you're not completely wrong, but... you're not right. I cannot agree with you.
Liked by: R. Aruni Hudyarto

where did you buy it?

I didn't. Got it from a friend.
Try to look in Aksara, Kino or Periplus.. they should have it. If not now, soon. Or coba tanya mas-mas Gramedia. Kalo gak ada juga, order online di Periplus or Aksara. Pasti ada kalo itu.
Kalo lo seniat itu sih... Kalo gak, ya udah tunggu aja. Entar juga nemu gak sengaja
Liked by: Lizbeth Angjaya

Hello probbie, I was just wondering, lo lebih suka kemana mana sendirian atau ditemani satu dua orang?

Sendiri. Tapi kalo new places lebih nyaman barengan 2-3 orang. Gue gak terlalu suka jalan berduaan. Orang-orang suka bacot, terus kalo cuma berdua it means gue satu-satunya orang yang harus merespon bacotan mereka....... Makasih.
Tapi juga gue gak suka jalan keramean. Maleuz. Susah ngobrolnya.

Imagine, 10 years from now. Where do you see yourself?

Working in Holland. Idk, it's where I'm sure I'm gonna go. Though I really kind of dream of working in either Chicago or SF, 10 years from now is gonna be Europe I think.
Or the apocalypse. I'll be a zombie by then. Or kidnapped by super cool aliens.. Live somewhere out of Milky Way. Finding a different kind of sun and sea. Trying to get along with with four-legged, three-eyed fellas and stuff.
Or Asgard! I'll be in Asgard with Heimdall. Hahaha!
Whatever... World War III is coming, and the world is pretty much ending.


Language: English