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gue gak bilang kalau the same sex couple itu hina. tapi itu gak normal di dalam kehidupan. Gini ya. Tuhan udah nyiptain perempuan dan laki laki, untuk apa? Untuk saling melengkapi kehidupan mereka. Nah sekarang ini udah banyak kita lihat orang"same sex" yang udah menyalahi aturan dari tuhan mereka.

If this was a real life conversation I would quickly put a lid on this by saying "if you say so..." But I thank GOD that He's given me something to write about right now. You know what? Gak semua orang percaya adanya Tuhan, gak semua orang percaya akan agama. Sekarang kalo mau ngomongin soal kepercayaan, itu beda lagi. Semua orang, beragama ataupun tidak, mereka punya pahamnya masing-masing. Lo gak bisa menghakimi satu orang atas dasar kepercayaan orang-orang tertentu. Kepercayan itu sifatnya sangat personal. Jadi, lo gak bisa main bilang mereka salah jalan... Sok bener banget jalan lo, ya gak?
Okay, emang itu salah probably di setiap agama. Tapi gue percaya bahwa setiap agama itu mengajarkan kasih. Jadi kalo dia bikin "dosa", ya itu urusan dia. Tugas lo cuma mengasihi aja, bukan judge atau jauhin and shit. Toh pada akhirnya yang dihakimi oleh Tuhan adalah dia sendiri, kesalahan dia gak akan mempengaruhi penghakiman lo. Nah, isi paragraf ini adalah kepercayaan gue, gue gak tau kalo lo percayanya gimana... Ya kaaan? Ngerti dong maksudnya gue? Kayak, gue percaya bahwa Tuhan ciptain laki-laki dan perempuan itu untuk beranak-cucu, bukan untuk saling melengkapi. Karna gue, yang gak punya pasangan ini, sudah merasa lengkap :) itu kalo kepercayaan gue. Dan gue gak menyalahkan kepercayaan lo, gue cuma bilang, jangan hakimi orang berdasarkan itu.

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kaka cantique paradox itu maksudnya apa?

Suatu pernyataan yang benar yang bisa menyebabkan konflik. Ngerti gak? Susah nih gue jelasinnya :/
Nih contoh:
(Ini bukan pernyataan, tapi ini contoh paling jelas yang bisa gue keluarkan sekarang.)
"Bisa gak Tuhan ciptain batu yang berat banget sampe Dia sendiri gak bisa angkat?"
Itu pertanyaan buat orang-orang religious. Kalo mereka jawab "bisa", yang nanya bakal bilang "katanya Tuhan bisa melakukan apa aja? Kalo Dia gak bisa angkat batu yang Dia ciptain sendiri berarti Dia gak bisa melakukan apa aja." Terus, kalo mereka jawabnya "engga bisa", yang nanya bakal bilang "katanya Tuhan bisa menciptakan apa aja? Kalo Dia gak bisa ciptain batu kayak gitu berarti Dia gak bisa ciptain apa aja."
Atau kalo masih belum ngerti, nih contoh-contoh lain yang bisa lo pikirin sendiri:
1. "Gue tau bahwa gue sama sekali gak tau apa-apa"
2. "Satu hal yang pasti di dunia ini adalah bahwa di dunia ini gak ada hal yang pasti"
3. "Apakah jawaban dari pertanyaan ini adalah tidak?"

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recommend hal yang mesti dilakuin buat liburan dong thankssss

Untuk yang mau liburannya jauh:
- Kalo lo ada di Jakarta, you need to put your ass somewhere other than Bandung, Puncak and Anyer.
- Kalo lo engga di Jakarta, jangan ke Jakarta.
Untuk yang mau liburannya di rumah-rumah aja:
- Apapun yang terjadi, jangan makan Indomie kuah susu.

do this test thing http://www.wordofmouthexperiment.com/dedpyhto/tests/tibetian/index.htm

1st question
Priorities in your life:
1. Pride
2. Family
3. Money
4. Career
5. Love
Hahaha bit egoistical I am. Perhaps peace comes third, money and career are the same thing for me.
2nd question
Friend - implies your own personality.
Fur - implies personality of your partner. (I don't even know what that means)
Dirty - implies the personality of your enemies
Bitter - It is how you interpret sex. (Laughed so hard at this one hahaha)
Aesthetic - implies your own life.
3rd question
Grandma - Someone you will never forget.
Dad - Someone you consider your true friend.
Sister - Someone that you really love.
Mom - Your twin soul. (Uh, don't think so)
Me - Someone that you will remember for the rest of your life. (Haaaaalleluljah!)
* question:
What's the difference between "someone you will never forget" and "someone that you will remember for the rest of your life"?
4th question
Favorite number: 4
Favorite day of the week: Wednesday

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aye probbie, so you said that you dun want to get married, and have you, like, told anyone or ur family yet? or ur parents? i started to get even more certain that marriage is not sumtin i'm into, i could easily use 'screw-you-fuck-off' attitude to irrelevant ppl but not my parents. any suggestion?

I didn't exactly say I don't wanna get married, I said I don't plan on getting married. Like, it's not my priority in life but if one day I meet someone and we both fall deeper in love everyday, I don't see why not. I just... I don't really believe in marriage, dude.
My mom knows, all my friends know, my sister apalagi... My cousins.. Many, many people know that, actually. And to be honest, I don't know how to tell your parents. Sorry. My dad doesn't know yet cause I don't talk about stuff like this with him. But I know that both of my parents are fine with my life choices. And I understand not many parents treat their kids like that, so I honestly don't know.

hai, jika kamu (entah bagaimana pun caranya) dilantik menjadi presiden indonesia, apa goal kamu untuk Indonesia di 5 thn kedepan? kebijakan2 apa yang bakal kamu hapuskan? dan kebijakan2 apa yang akan kamu buat? lalu, siapa yang bakal kamu pilih untuk menjadi WaPres mu? Terimakasih, Pak/Bu Presiden.

Gue berlakukan hukuman mati buat koruptor abis itu pasti gue di hunt down sama pembunuh bayarannya semua menteri-menteri yang tukang korup itu terus ya udah deh, gue mati.

lo juga gak bisa lihat sebelah mata gitu dong. nanti kalau anak yang diangkat oleh same sex.gimana pertumbuhan sosialnya nanti. saat ada temen temennya yang nanya itu ibu atau bapak lo kok sama aja ? gimana kasian anaknya juga kan harus menanggung beban gitu

Ya itu kan kalo orang-orang seperti lo. Kalo gue kan gak melihat penyuka sesama jenis itu hina or some kind of weird creatures, jadi gue gak ngeliat itu sebagai beban. Mereka sama aja sama orang-orang "normal". You can't judge someone's mentality before you even know them.
Gini ya, kalo misalnya orangtua lo itu paling miskin di antara semua orangtua-orangtua di pergaulan lo, gue yakin lo secara mental juga akan tertekan. Tapi kan mereka pasti bisa kasih pengertian bahwa there's nothing to be ashamed of, am I correct? Dan gue rasa, orangtua-orangtua yang gay juga akan mampu untuk ngasih pengertian gitu ke anaknya. Kalau mereka gak mampu untuk ngasih pengertian gitu, ya berarti mereka gak capable untuk jadi orangtua. Right?
Gue percaya bahwa anak-anak yang dididik dengan seseorang, gedenya juga akan punya pola pikir yang kurang lebih sama dengan orang itu. Kalaupun akhirnya mereka punya paham sendiri, ya gue berharap itu lebih baik.
Kalau ada yang nanya, "kok orangtua lo dua-duanya cewek/cowok?" Itu anak bisa tinggal jelasin aja, "dude, di dunia ini ada yang namanya homosexuals, mereka penyuka sesama jenis. There are also bisexuals and asexuals. They're called sexual orientation, not a disease. And sometimes, they decide to get married (or not) and adopt kids! It's completely normal. Because all they wanna do is actually take care of me, which is a good thing. So don't look at them as if they're some kind of freaks."
Gue mau tanya, apa sih masalah kalian dengan orang-orang penyuka sesama jenis? Mereka juga manusia. Kalau kehidupan sosial tidak menerima mereka, ya yang salah bukan merekanya. Apa sih? What's with people and "beban sosial"? Kenapa mereka liat kehidupan sosial sebagai beban? Apa yang perlu dibebanin??? It's not your fault, it's not my fault, it's not anyone's fault. But it is what it is, man. If you don't like it you can fuck right off. Keep it simple.

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can u describe one of ur friends u like? and why do u like him/her?

So, there's this girl... Met her just a few months ago. I don't usually consider someone that I know for only a few months a friend, but she is. She's my friend. She's the kind of girl who's just really smart and fun. She has this rare personality type that makes people feel happy to be around her. I like her. We laugh a lot, almost at everything. She makes most people feel good for being themselves, that's what I like most about her. She's much older than I am and she always says "yah elah, anak kecil lo!" But she never treats me like that's what she thinks of me, she treats me like a friend. She doesn't look down on people. One of the things I fully respect from someone. She always sees the goods in people, she hangouts with everyone no matter how they look like, she's always nice and warm and friendly, but trust me, you don't wanna mess with her. It's easy for her to hate and she can be very selfish sometimes.. But I like that she's confidence. And above all, she's just the kind of girl that's very fun to hang around with. The kind of girl that I like to hang around with. She makes me feel good. I like her. Said it twice now.. Decent girl.

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Setuju nggak kalo same sex couples diperbolehkan mengadopsi anak? Kalo setuju, beri pendapatnya ya.

Gini ya, ini jawaban gue sekalian alasannya. Menurut gue, semua orang itu boleh adopsi anak. Berpasangan ataupun tidak, selama mereka capable, kenapa engga? Gue sendiri sejujurnya mau adopsi anak. Gue udah rencanain malah. Gue udah rencanain nanti mereka mau gue sekolahin di mana, mau gue ajarin bahasa apa, mau gue lesin apa aja... Gue udah rencanain masa depannya mereka. Dan fyi, karna gue tidak melihat kepentingan dari pacaran, gue gak berencana untuk menikah. Kalau sepasang orang dewasa aja gak boleh adopsi anak, what about me!!? Gue pikir semua anak butuh rumah untuk bertumbuh. Rumah, dalam artian dikelilingi orang-orang (or in this case mungkin satu aja orangnya) yang sayang sama mereka, yang ngerti mereka, yang mau penuhin kebutuhan mereka dan mampu ngedidik mereka. Kalau satu orang aja sanggup, kenapa harus butuh sepasang? Adopsi anak itu bukan hal yang mudah, gak banyak orang mau bikin itu. Dan di dunia ini, ada banyak anak yang butuh rumah. Banyak. Jumlahnya gak sebanding sama orang-orang yang mau sediain rumah buat mereka. Jadi kenapa harus dilarang-larang? Selama mereka gak mau bunuh itu anak, atau jual, atau at least sakitin, mereka udah punya kasih sayang yang anak itu butuh. Kenapa diperibet?

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Before you read this answer, read this one first http://ask.fm/indoprobs/answer/112047689551

indoprobs’s Profile Photoindoprobs
It makes me mad because it's something that I wanna do, and I wanna do it because of a lot of reasons. Good reasons. And he ruins it. He has it, but he blows it all just like that. It hurts, man. It fucking hurts. I'm so mad that he treats his job like a piece of shit. As if it's not something that makes him live. He lives from writing like that. IT PISSES ME OFF! I don't care how much money I make from writing. I appreciate quality. If I had to die cause I didn't have enough money to eat, as long as I could provide useful informations with qualities, you mark my words, I would always choose to keep the qualities. At least if one day I died starving, I'd die starving with honor..
Seriously, man, I'm pissed at Indonesia's medias because of it. Don't get this wrong, there are still people who care about quality in this country, not many, but we still have hope. I'm the glass half full kind of person, so it's all good... All good. But halah, berdoalah gue buat bangsa ini kalo wartawan website kebanyakan begitu.
P.S: many people have cared about sexual abuse long before the JIS incident but, like I said, the medias are only talking about it now. So it's actually you who didn't see how much they care before. You know, I bet now that "more" people care about it, the ones who actually do something are still the same small-amount who did it before.

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another problem is that indonesians reeeeeally love trends. i mean, its obvious that thousands of sexual abuse cases happen before the JIS incident, but why are people aware of the problem only now? terribly ignorant.

Alright, if you're gonna rant here then I'm gonna rant too. You know who I blame for that? The medias.
Let me tell you a story first.
I'm friends with a reporter who writes for both the site and the magazine he works for. He needs to have at least 10 reports a day for the site. When I was at Java Jazz, I had a little problem with the group of friends I came there with, so I chose to stay out of their business. I met up with my reporter friend, and after we watched one show, he decided to go to the media room to write. I came with him. Inside the media room, he told me that he had only watched that one show and he proudly said "gue bisa bikin show yang tadi jadi tiga berita sebelum jam 12". It was about 11:45 so he didn't have time to watch any other shows. You know what? I was actually kind of pissed hearing that. But I laughed. I laughed because I really didn't know what to say. I was speechless in no way good possible. He made THREE reports from ONE unimportant shit like, how fucking desperate is that? I don't get it man... you lose the quality of the story when you do that.
Here's the thing with the medias, when they have nothing to tell, they can't be arsed to look for new stories, so they write the same fucking reports over and over again. They exaggerate stuff and separate it to God knows how many so everyone's "forced" to read them until people like me wanna puke. Once they have something, it's literally everywhere literally every time.
People in Indonesia, the medias especially, most of them don't care about quality anymore. They only care about the site traffic, and Alexa rank and shit that's gonna help them make more money. So you know, the one news they got in an hour is going to be headlines for a day or even three just because they can separate it like that. And this is just one person I'm talking about, what if they have 5 or more people like this in the company? How many online news companies are there? How many people read online news? How many people read newspapers? Compare the numbers. If people read more online and all they see is the same shit over again from all the different sites for a week, what do you think they're gonna do? Do you think they're just gonna let it slip away from their minds? Obviously, I don't blame people for talking/caring about the thing they read on the internet everyday. We have the ability, but we seldom have the quality.
As an idealist, it bothers me that those people care more about the site traffic than the quality they provide to our people. As someone who wants to join the field, I gotta say that I really care about the quality of my stories and the effects they do to people who read them. This answer, for example, it didn't take me 15 minutes to write this. It took me hours and I bet you guys would like to read this answer more than the news my friend wrote that night for his site. Worse part? He's paid to do that. To write all those shit.

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REAL indonesian problems: overt obsession with america (esp. new york and LA), shying away from controversial topics like religion and politics, sacrificing intelligent discussion for a climb in the convoluted social ladder, chronic racism and an unreasonable hatred for all things local.

Sebagai orang Indonesia yang bergaul dengan sesama orang Indonesia, gue sama sekali gak merasa pergaulan gue kayak gitu.


Language: English