

Ask @indoprobs

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Where did u get that bulgogi indomie?

assaitusaya’s Profile PhotoCut S Ghassani
Indomie sent them to me last month. All the new flavors. I actually haven't tasted the bulgogi one cause when it arrived I gave it to my little cousin haha. Everyone says it's the best from all three.. the tom yum and laksa ones are good enough though. Now they're all out and about! Go buy one di supermarket terdekat hanya dengan tiga ribu lima ratus rupiah per bungkus! Lol

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Katanya orang indonesia. Tapi kok suka banget ngomong bahasa inggris. Mereka orang jepang aja bangga sama bahasanya .om gue yang disana walaupun warga indonesia harus wajib pake bahasa jepang bukan inggris. Mereka tuh menghargai banget bahasanya. Coba generasi muda indo bangga pake bahasa sendiri.

I don't give a fuck about orang Jepang, man... I am me, bodo amat orang Jepang mau ngapain. Gue gak pernah bilang gue gak bangga sama Bahasa Indonesia. Asumsi lo sampah! Gue ngomong pake Bahasa Inggris juga gak rugiin lo, gak affect hidup lo dari segi apapun.
You work and make this country better yourself, gak usah bacotin orang lain, that's gonna be enough.


Waktu itu gue dikirimin sama Indomie, tapi kalo sekarang sih udah beredar kok
Liked by: S Y A S

what annoys you the most about ask.fm?

- Overused memes
- Pap
- When people ask you one question and then you post a picture of what you're doing or a throwback or even a selfie that's completely unrelated to the question, like dude this is Ask.fm not Twitter, if no one asks you then no one cares! You norak people just fucking answer the question, or not, delete it from your inbox! Stop being so thirsty for likes
- People who obviously ask themselves questions
- Girls who are always like pap pap pap pap pap
- Pap
- Pap
- Pap

tempat hangout seru SELAIN mall :p ato kelab malem

Kayak pub gitu, ada satu tempat yang gue suka banget, namanya Yesterday. Gue suka karna tempatnya sepi dan nyaman. Nah gue berharap after I post this tempatnya tetep sepi hahaha. Gue juga suka Camden sebenernya, cuman sekarang udah terlalu rame jadi gue males. Tapi, kalo lo mau ke Camden gue sih saranin lo beli tahu a la Camden, atau apapun namanya itu. Itu enak banget meskipun pedes. Terus paling kalo mau banyak pilihan nongkrongnya ya lo ke Kemang aja, banyak cafe enak kok disitu. Kalo seru sih tergantung lo hangout nya sama siapa haha

suka dangdut gak?

Sebenernya, yang bikin dangdut "engga banget" itu adalah lirik lagunya kalo menurut gue. Selebihnya sih I'm fine, menurut gue unik. Indonesia seharusnya bangga dengan genre musik lokalnya. Dangdut, keroncong.. gue suka sih musik-musiknya, asik gitu. Lo tau gak salah satu lagunya Maliq, gue gak tau judulnya apa, itu semi dangdut dan itu keren.

Can I please ask you for an advice? So, I'm an Indonesian and I just started reading books bc I think it's interesting. But I sometimes get some problem, the problem is I read novels in english & I don't understand half of the words there. How can I understand all the words? And how can I memorize t

-hem all easily? I always forget the new words somehow.
Haha Ask.fm cut your question but I got the full one sent to my email, here's my answer.
Take a small piece of paper terus write down artinya semua di kertas itu, abis itu jadiin kertasnya your bookmark deh! Sambil baca novel sambil baca kamus biar awesome hahahah it's good though, you're having a good start :)

Correct me if I'm wrong, but there are 2 admins here right? I remembered "signing up" for the "admin audition" hahah

I am correcting you because there are 3 admins on Twitter and there's only 1 on here haha HI! I still remember some of the names.. hope you're doing good :)
Liked by: Sifra

di jkt tempat yng enak buat hang out dmn aja sih? soalnya gw tinggal overseas jd binggung bngt setiap ke indo

Tergantung, lo hangout biasanya ngapain?

whats your mbti personality type?

I have never "officially" taken the test, but if taking it online counts then I've taken it twice, on different sites, and had the same result that is INTJ. And apparently according to one of the sites I have the same personality type as Moriarty hahaha awesome.. maybe minus the psychotic part

is it weird to say that i adore you and your witty personality despite to have known you through the internet?

Don't worry, I get this a lot.
Liked by: Rafindhra


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