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Do you get nervous when interviewing people?

Actually, not really. I get nervous only if it's crowded. If not, it's just like talking with a friend, you know. I can't be the center of attention is why. So like, kalo prescon gue gak akan mau nanya. Makanya gue gak dikirim prescon hahaha.
Tapi pernah gue disuruh interview Sean Tyas, karna temen gue yang harusnya interview bentrok sama acara lain. Terus, karna kata promotornya majalah gue doang yang dikasih exclusive interview, Editor gue ngusahain dong... Akhirnya, gue yang mau nyantai di hari Jum'at ini diutus ke sana.
Gue kirain masuk room gitu kan karna eks-klu-sif, eh ternyata pas dia dateng gue diarahin ke red carpet yang mana semua media ada di situ, dari cameramen, photographers, even reporters, terus gue disuruh interview on the spot. Panic attack gue. Alhasil rekaman interview dia bukannya di-save malah ke-discard. Padahal gue yakin banget gue udah pencet save.
Untung AE gue bae. Ea, pas kan tuh (b)AE. Hahaha. Gapapa jadinya gak ditulis. Tapi gue gak enak sama Editor gue dan temen gue yang gue gantiin.
Salah sih gue. Harus latihan ya biar gak cemen.

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Probbie, pls adain gathering:"

Udah rencana kan... Tapi kata Rey waktu itu kalo gak dapet sponsor, lo semua pada suruh bayar 150rb. Ya terus gue bilang gak usah bikin aja deh hahaha soalnya gue kasian sama kalian....
Lagian, kalo gue disuruh bayar 150rb buat ketemu "gue", gue gak akan mau. Mending uangnya dipake buat yang lain. Beli buku bahasa Indonesia dapet tiga tuh! Lumayan. Ya, kan?


Haha it's just like what I said on my Interstellar answer (if you've read it.. because it says "spoiler alert"), sometimes you're expected to just get it. It's art! No further explanation needed.

Probbie, what do you think of interstellar ?

------------------------------------------------ S P O I L E R A L E R T ! ---------------------------------------------------
Great plot, good directing, pretty nice ending. Three most important things for me. The way everything's delivered was kind of flat though. It's like you're driving through the Antasari overpass for the first time, only downside. Like, you're heading down in the beginning of it and then you just don't feel anything, you just drive straight ahead without knowing when it's gonna end and where, but you totally enjoy the ride cause you've got an excellent view. Then, bam! You're taken all the way up with the speed of 160km/h aaaand it ends with traffic jam (welcome to Jakarta)... just like that. With all the successful mission, age difference, new planet, a dying daughter, missing friend, and everything.
It's just too...
I mean, the idea is great but the execution and performance of its ending were just not as perfect as I expected. But don't worry, I get disappointed with movie endings almost all the time, so Interstellar is still a good movie. Worth sitting 2 hours and 40 minutes for.
The fact that the ending is always the hardest part to make because it's always expected to be the best part of it is why I'm often disappointed. I just wish that people aren't always so hasty with the ending as they waste time explaining everything in the beginning. I hate explanations, I sometimes hope the viewers could just get it without them writers and directors having to explain so much. It ruins the art.

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That's so true. I support Chelsea and most of my friends and family support Chelsea, and becomes boring because the arguments are just one-sided. Thanks for always answering questions with such thought, I think people have said this before but you're such an amazing person

Wah, thank you. Kita tarung tonight!

hello probbie how are you? do you have plans for toniteee?

I'm great! Thanks for asking. Um, me and my sister are cooking dinner and then we're off to Karawaci to watch a movie with Mom... Skipping the game (again) tonight, yeah. Cyedih. Jauh amad g4ol nya

probbie tell me more about your "The Boss Is Gay surprise" for your boss

Dicopot sama dia hahahahahaha! Not a proud gay, apparently. Dia tuh potongannya cowok banget sebenernya, kayak tentara yang tegas gitu kalo diem. Waktu pertama kali gue ketemu dia aja, kan gue interview, ngobrol gitu sekitar setengah jam, gue gak kepikiran kalo dia gay. Ehhh sekarang, gue manggil dia "Kakak Cantique".
Tapi jangan sedih. Don't cry, don't be shy. Gue masih punya cadangan, nyokap gue beliin dua. Gue pasang lagi entar pake Aibon.

Ya ampun dunia sempit sekali, atau marsha karina memang cukup terkenal ? I know her too, she's really sweet an tall *envy

Said you know her you didn't even describe her correctly. Sweet is not the word―nice may be―and tall is an understatement for her.
Look at this @marshakarina. My anon knows you and you're "cukup terkenal" katanya.
Liked by: Benasher

Sending this to some of my followings. Kalau suatu hari kalian punya anak laki- laki & dia beranjak dewasa (approximately SMP/SMA), kalian bakal izinin anak kalian itu ngerokok gak? Apalagi kalau udh jadi pecandu berat, misalnya sehari bisa abis 1 bungkus/lebih, what would you guys do? Thank you x

Let's assume di jaman "anak gue" SMP/SMA itu tahun 2030-2040an. Kira-kira harga sebungkus rokok saat itu udah berapa ratus ribu ya....? Sekarang aja di US harganya udah lebih mahal dari makanan. Oke, bodo amat. Kalo gue orang kaya, dia tiga hari sekali gue kasih uang rokoknya. Kalo gue ngga sekaya itu, ya suruh pikirin sendiri gimana caranya dapet uang buat beli rokok. Enak-enakan aja dia!


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Seperti berjelaga jika kusendiri

prob how do u deal with perasaan paranoid gajelas after watching horror movies?

Gue anaknya gak paranoid soal gitu-gitu, dude.
Lagian gue sebenernya gak suka nonton film horror. Soalnya biasanya gue nonton film itu karna jalan ceritanya, dan gue bilang genre film horror adalah genre yang plotnya paling klise sedunia. Film horror yang paling gue suka sejauh ini ya Insidious. Itu juga baru gue bilang bagus setelah gue nonton yang ke-2nya.

What would you do if your significant other liked another football club instead of Liverpool? Like, if they liked Chelsea instead.

It would be fun, don't you think? I'd like it. In my school, no one supported Liverpool. My best buddies were mostly United fans, some others supported Chelsea and Arsenal, and even Spurs and City. I was the only one, yet I still enjoyed hangin' out with everyone so much.
We bragged when our team won and we bullied the losing team, we used to discuss stuff, and what I really like is that we actually had different thoughts. That's one of the funnest parts of being a football fan, I guess. As a matter of fact, talking about it, bullying and laughing at each other's teams made recess a wee bit more interesting especially on Mondays and Fridays.
I still miss those moments to this point. If I had someone to talk about football with right now in real life regardless of which team they actually support, I would totally love that.

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We are made of atoms, recycled atoms which were used to made something before. What do you think your past atoms are before they're you?

Food, a bit of animals, and maybe corpses.
Oh my gosh, it just appeared to me that I'm so cool!! I'm like Frankenstein but it's completely natural. My atomic body genuinely consists of, who knows, maybe poop and other gross stuff, then again who also knows if some of my atoms were actually a part of Barack Obama's body? I'm like 0,00000000000000000000001% the president of United States!

Bila Anda dapat menciptakan cita rasa baru pada bumbu mie instan, maka rasa apa yang akan Anda buat? (seperti rendang, soto, dan sebagainya)

Ayam woku. Udah request ke Indomie. Belum dibikin. Mungkin lupa dicatet.
Liked by: nadia liaratna Rene


Language: English