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I'm sorry for the question that i'm asking you almarhum sakit apa, i think i shouldnt asking you that question. I just curious because i was feel the same like what he feel i think, my left chest is getting hurt sometimes but idk. my deepest confolence probi, keep strong, love.

I think it's best that you get it checked by the doctor immediately. We did not know for sure what he had because he never talked about it and he never got it checked, all we have now is assumptions.
It could really be heart attack or just a form of reaction of the medicine he took that night, or… as some say, angin duduk—which theoretical idea I never really understand, but—it's similar to heart attack and is deadly dangerous.
Anyway, thank you for the kind words. I wish you health.

pobbie, temen aku baruu aja ngalamin hal yang serupa kayak yang probbie alamin, dia ditinggal orang tersayangnya...maybe u could give some wise words for her, dia juga sekalian pengen curhat katanya...mungkin kalau probbie memiliki waktu luang untuk mendengarkan, boleh she talks to you via email??

Gue ga bs kasih wise words. My wise words won’t work if your friend is being deeply broken. Nanti dia dgn sendirinya jg akan bangkit.
Saat gue down, ga ada yg bs console gue, bahkan ga ada yg mau gue curhatin. Semua tmn gue cm mikirnya, "dia butuh waktu sendiri." Mrk memilih utk ga dengerin struggle gue. Mungkin alasannya msk akal, karna pd dasarnya mrk tau, apa pun yg mrk blg blm tentu akan membuat suasana lbh baik. Gue menghargai itu. Meskipun pd saat itu gue sedih bgt, ngerasa kehilangan & sendirian, gue berusaha mengerti bahwa apa yg gue alami akan buat gue belajar jd lbh baik. Buktinya, gue jd ngerti bahwa semua jenis kasih sayang punya caranya berkomunikasi sendiri.
Dr org yg paling cinta sm gue.. apa yg dia rasain ga mungkin sepenuhnya tersampaikan kalo insiden waktu itu ga kejadian; tmn2 dkt gue, yg sblmnya nunjukin kekhawatirannya dgn marah2, bahkan ada yg ga mau ngobrol lg sm gue. Pd akhirnya, dgn tingkat kepedulian yg mungkin bertambah & rasa prihatin yg ga bs diekspresikan, cm bs blg "time will heal"; sepupu2 gue, yg setelah insiden itu berusaha sebisa mrk utk bantu gue cari pelarian.. sampe gue yg memilih to deal with the pain sendirian. Itu karna gue jg sayang sm org2 itu & gue ga mau mrk tambah kepikiran.
Org punya caranya masing2 utk meluapkan perasaan mrk. Dgn segala kebaikan & keburukannya, kalian hrs bisa ngeliat itu. Here’s my point. Pd akhrinya, dampak dr semua rasa kasih sayang yg ada di lingkaran itu bikin gue ngurung diri, makin redup & ansos. God knows gue depresi kayak apa selama 40 hari pertama. Sampai skrg pun gue msh nangis, gue msh termenung, gue msh rindu & ga akan prnh berhenti merasakan itu. TAPI... gue bangkit. I choose to live with a big hole in my heart fiercely, cause it’s not about covering the hole with something that hides. Nope. It’s not about fixing, nor replacing. Ini soal bagaimana ttp bergerak leluasa dgn bentuk yg baru. Kalau lo coba sembunyiin rasa sedihnya, one day it will explode & it’s not gonna get you further than you were when it happened.
Note this. Gue ga akan capek sedih & nangis utk mengenang dia, krn cm dlm kenangan2 gue dia akan hidup selama gue hidup. Dan selama dia hidup dlm hidup gue, gue cukup tenang. I won’t lose myself to the most enormous plot twist in my life. Itu mantra yg hrs diulang2 sampe bego.
Intinya, apa pun yg dia rasain skrg, suruh dia rasain sampe muak. Percaya sm gue, dia hrs melewati itu sendiri. Sendiri. Krn itu pelajaran emg cm dikasih buat dia. Jd jgn berharap bs lulus ujian rame2 kalo sekelas isinya cm satu orang. Whatever happens in your life, you should believe that it's for the better, and it will be better. Trust me.
I cannot tell your friend to cheer up, I can only promise them that it will get better. Not necessarily perfect, only better.
Nah kan, gue blg ga bs kasih wise words..... emg ga bs gue kasih wise words, bisanya pidato.
Anyway, here's my email indoprobs@yahoo.com hit me up whenever you need to. I'll try to respond as quickly as I can.

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If it's possible, would you donate your body to science after you die?

As much as I love science and I want the world to become better and free from all kinds of stupid viruses whatsoever, I don't think I have a heart big enough to do that kind of thing. Know what I mean? When I die, I wouldn't want to have any more contributions to the world, because when my time comes it can only mean that my duties are over. And that is exactly why all this time I always say I wanna make the most of myself while I'm alive and have as many useful impact on anyone as possible. One day my clock is gonna stop ticking, and when it happens I wanna be remembered as someone who was influential; not after she dies, but all during the time she was able to inhale all the shit given by humans. Besides the fact that there are gonna be other ways for scientists to do research, I don't really see the use of their hands getting into my dead body. I just don't think it's human. I cannot bear the thoughts of me and my organs being teared one by one by other people, even if it is for a "good" cause.
It is, however, possible, Myria. It's just not gonna happen.

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You deactivate your instagram? ?? -the 'LOL' guy

Nooo. I'm still there, I just don't post stuff that often anymore.

Probbie, i read your tumblr and i saw your post on ig. Can't really say that i know how you feel, let alone know you, but it makes me sad that you, the cheerful ones had to cry your eyes out :( sorry if this doesn't help or just seem really annoying. Be strong probbie, i'll be there for you. Lol.

Hi Anon, thank you…

How's your 2016 going so far?

chyndevi’s Profile PhotoChyntia Devi
Pretty amazeballs. I've learned new skills and met a lot of new people since I moved to another company. I'm becoming better and busier. I met someone who's so full of knowledge, and smart and humble.. nyaw~ :3 Though there are stuffs to complain about, I'm really enjoying this. I mean, things are going lighter and that's good.

how if your bestfriend is a lesbian. will you make her choose between you or the girlfriend? and why? have you ever met lesbians? wdyt of them?

Let's get one thing STRAIGHT; regardless of a person's sexual orientation, I would never make them choose between whomever. Why? Because I have absolutely zero authority over their life. They are fully in charge of whomever they wanna be with and I don't think I have the rights to get in the way.
I have a lesbian best friend, and honestly? Can people just stop seeing others based on their sexuality (and not only that, I'm also talking about money, position, their social circle, etc.)… like no, they're humans. Just like you. See someone as a human, can't you??

Merry christmas probbie :) share us something you got this christmas

Hi, Anon.
The end of the year is somehow hardest for me. God's always ready to harvest; plucking up ripe fruits from the tree of life. Half of my age ago, exactly a day before New Year's Eve, my tree lost its first fruit. The most caring, loving and cheerful fruit. The one I really valued and looked up to as a kid.
This year, in less than a month, three fruits have been taken from my branches in a sudden. All those fruits were great fruits; mature and ready. I've kept and looked up to them for years. Even though some branches will feel lighter now, they'll still feel strange. However, I believe my tree will grow strong persistently with many fruit seedlings to come.
Losing fruits from your tree is not gonna be an easy process. You will feel them being taken away and it will definitely hurt you. I doubt things will get easier, but I am convinced that I will get through everything just fine. I am not afraid, for I know whatever happens in the future will only improve me. I believe that I will become a better growing tree than I am today.
Surely, we're not capable of carving our own fate, but I do not worry because Jesus will always be there holding my hands and guiding me.
That's something I got this Christmas. And it's more precious than any wrapped presents I could find under the Christmas tree.
God bless all those RIPe fruits.
Merry Christmas, Anon! :)

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Merry christmas probbie  share us something you got this christmas

It's not so selfish to be afraid of going through life being misunderstood by people.

Wait until you meet someone who can't stop talking about themself, explaining everything about them and their life. That's gonna sound quite like me if I didn't write.

Probbie, why are you into writing? I mean, you're smart and no offence but it looks like you can do a lot of things other than writing. Idk.

I write because I am mostly afraid of going through life misunderstood by others. Sounds so selfish but that's what I am, anon. I am so full of myself I have to puke it out every day. It's a lonely existence.

Hi there, I'm sorry for your loss. Hope you're okay and getting better every single day. Anyway I adore your writing skill, you can make me (as a reader) imagine the situation in details. Keep it up! xx

Hi.. thank you :) I honestly feel like I need to improve so much on my writing on here cause I always cut many details due to the characters availability.
Characters… yeah, that's always been my biggest enemy. But thanks for saying what you think, it means a lot.
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