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Tell me a good movie

I recently watched a movie called "Third Person", and I'm gonna write about it cause I think that the plot was really good and the directing was pure gold. James Franco, Mila Kunis, Olivia Wilde, and Liam Neeson are in it, so you people who only watch movies based on the famous actors in it would also probably like it. I really like the way Paul Haggis delivered his message. I think it was perfect and you guys should give it a shot.

Probbieeee, temennya brndls ya? mau nanya dong hehe. emang bener ya pas kemarin di soundsfair, itu penampilan terakhir mereka? mereka bubar atau vacuum sih? *kefo*

Yang gue tau sih mereka bubar. Tapi kenapa pada bilang vacuum juga gue gak ngerti. But, just so you know, gue bukan TEMENnya "mereka". I barely know the band. Gue tau it was their last performance aja baru hari Kamis, atau Jumat, atau Sabtunya gitu, gue lupa. Yaaaaaa dimaklumin lah ya
Liked by: Benasher

probbie lagi seneng banget ya? ketawanya "Hahahahaha"

Aslik, bukannya lagi seneng.. Lagi bego aja ini. Males mikir. Makanya jawabannya ngablu, haduu

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Probbie kalo salah satu follower lo bisa nebak lo siapa. Lo mau gimana?

Gue kasih acungan jempol. Hebat. Kan gue pernah bilang, kalo lo yakin gue namanya siapa, lo boleh ke inbox gue tapi lo gak boleh anon. Terus lo ceritain deh kenapa lo bisa tau gue. Pasti w jawab!
Identitas gue gak terlalu penting juga buat diumpetin sebenernya. Gue aja iseng anaknya.

Kalian percaya sama "friends with benefit?" Apa bisa bertahan lama? Karena, mau tidak mau pasti akan memiliki perasaan satu sama lain, dan berakhir menjadi "pacaran". Menurut kalian?

Hmm, gak juga sih. Kalo lo orangnya baper ya baper aja udah. Lo harus sadar kalo dari awal sebenernya lo udah suka sama dia, cause if you gak suka mau have sex 70 kali sehari juga gak suka aja lah..
Yang ada jompo kali. Hahahahaha

lo kan suka stupid, ada stupid moment ga kmrn pas interview mas2 import?

sheriffben’s Profile PhotoBenasher
HAHAHAHAH sialan. Ada banyak, Ben.
Stupid moment #1:
Gue nyiapin bahan interview setengah mati. Pertanyaannya jadi semua. Gue hafal. Siap. Masuk ruangan interview. Liat 4 bule. Baru nyadar gue hafal namanya tapi kaga hafal mukenye sama sekali! HAHAHA geblek juga gue ternyata.
Stupid moment #2:
Interviewing Roger:
*Eller van Buuren, Pedro del Mar, and Inger Hansen were there*
Me: Hi, Roger. How are you?
Roger: Good, how are you?
Me: I'm fine, just a bit tired. Haha. First question!
I litterally reflek ngomong peler gak pake p karna dari di kamar George udah nyebut nama dia begitu mulu! Keceplosan.... Sedih kakaaa :''''')
Note: In case lo gak tau, what made it funny that I laughed so hard was mukanya Roger Shah itu beneran kayak tukang gebukin orang.
Stupid moment #3:
Gue lupa pertanyaannya, jadi salah dikit. Terus jawabannya Roger halu! Jauh banget sama harapan gue, sinjing.
Harusnya "what has been the most unforgettable moment of your career?" terus malah jadi "what has been the most unforgettable moment of this year?"
Doi jawabnya the World Cup. Hahaha bodo amat lah ya. Gak nyambung sama sekali sama eventnya. Gue tulis aja entar. Bodo.
Note: He's German.
Stupid moment #4:
I planned to greet Eller in Dutch but I totally forgot so, yeah, gak jadi mamer gue, Ben.
Stupid moment #5:
van Buuren always cut my questions -_-
Me: Hello, Eller.
Eller: Helloooo
Me: So, dude, I'm just gonna ask you a few questions, okay?
Eller: Can I be the one asking you a couple of questions?
Me: Hahaha. Sure, why not.. (I thought he was joking)
Eller: What was your name again?
Me: *answer censored*
Eller: So, what magazine are you working for, *insert my name*?
Me: *answer censored*
Eller: Oh, is that like an Indonesian magazine?
Me: Um, yeah. It's actually from Singapore, but we have it here and Malaysia as well.
Eller: Oh, great! So there are gonna be a lot of people reading this.
Me: (I was like "don't say that, you sound desperate.") Hahaha, definitely.
Eller: Cool!
Me: I know, right? So! You're a very talented musician.
Eller: Wow. Really?? Thank you!
Me: (I was like "I'm not done yet -___-") Yeah, really. You have your own music school.
Eller: How did you know?? Yeah, I do!
Me: ("I'm not done, Eller :| Gue ngafalin susah..... Entar gue lupa gimana") AND you teach there as well.
Eller: Woah.. You really know me. Thank you!
Me: *udah begah* *kzl* *mulai nyinyir* Yes, of course. I did my research well. It's my job, remember?
Eller: Oh, right...
Me: *nyadar* *gak boleh nyinyir* *lagi kerja* *harus sopan* *smiles* *be super nice after*
And then masih ada 2 lagi but, udah ngantuk. Mau tidur. Males ngetik. Entar aja dilanjut kalo niat.

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Pernah ke earhouse gak bie?

Engga. Gue tiap lewat situ tutup tempatnya. Lagian gue kalo di Pamulang gak suka nongkrong di cafe. Mendingan main sepeda ke hutan, abis itu beli gorengan, jajan di Indomaret, and then nongkrong deh di rumah siapa gitu... Nonton sambil tidur-tiduran right
Liked by: maya


Deket stage-nya Endah & Rhesa. Merak 1 ya kalo gak salah. Tadinya mau gue kasih tau, tapi sinyalnya jelek

Prob, tadi gue liat 2 orang malaysia (di busway) yang satu ibu-ibu gitu yang satu anak muda cowok (gue tau, karena bahasa mereka) terus ada lg satu cowok pake kemeja putih depan mereka (temennya, karena mereka ngobrol) im just wondering, apa itu cowok yg pake kemeja putih adalah lo?:/

Hahahahahaha bukan, cantique. Kita gak keluar hotel 3 hari. Dikarantina. Lagian, dua-duanya cowok tamu kita.

I've read Looking For Alaska (The English ver.) and... do you know Diary of a Wimpy Kid? do you like it or not? and give your reason! (I'm a high school student... and idk why that's book is reflect my real life)

I bought Do-It-Yourself at Juanda airport cause I was bored waiting for the plane. When I finished doing it, I found out that it's actually a novel, so I got curious and now I have like 6 of them. But I've stopped reading it since like 2-3 years ago, I think. It got boring.

prob gimana temen malaysianya?

Yang satu seumuran gue, satu lagi udah 40an. Asik kok dua-duanya.
Terus tadi ada moment kocak deh. Hahahaha sumpah, gue baru bisa ngakak sekarang.
Kan jadi celana yang gue pake hari ini tuh item terus ada motif titik-titik putih gitu ya... Celana ini suka dikatain temen-temen gue, "abis ketumpahan cat ya???" Terus gue selalu responnya "engga, ini abu rokok nempel, susah dibersihin." Terus pasti pada percaya, abis itu gue ngakakin.
Nah, tadi pas di mobil, temen gue ngajakin ngerokok. Gue duduk di sisi kanan, terus yang seumuran gue itu di tengah, yang satu lagi di kirinya. Yang seumuran gue ini kan sebenernya jadi susah ngerokoknya ya... Tapi dia tetep ngerokok aja gitu. Terus dia buang abu di sisi kaca gue. Abis itu karna gue buka kacanya kegedean abunya masuk ke dalem mobil... Ke arah gue. Terus ya, dia dengan polosnya bilang "SORRYYYY!" Sambil ngeliatin celana gue dengan muka yang kaget dan SANGAT merasa bersalah! Hahahaha terus gue cuma bisa nahan ngakak sambil bilang "It's okay, dude. Don't worry about it."
Padahal abu yang nempel di celana gue kayak cuma setitik kecil HAHAHA mau jelasin itu celana gue emang begitu juga sulit ya. Males. Tahan aja ngakaknya.
Sekarang di kamar baru gue ngakak nyeritain ke temen-temen gue. Geblek moment. Ekspresinya itu lhooo...
Tapi mereka baik sih. Dan kayaknya mereka lebih fun kalo minum. Their blood is 50% alcohol katanya. Lol. Looking forward to hangout with them tonight!

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ahh php probbiee:( sabtu atau minggunya?

Yah, maaf dong... Sabtu-Minggu gak bisa juga. Gue harus interview itu DJ yang gue gak ngerti sama sekali, abis itu Minggunya gue balikin anak Malaysia ke airport.
This is honestly the busiest weekend of my life. HELP!
Liked by: adristi

emg sendirian dikantor ga takut ya?

Takut? Apa itu? Haha.
Takut apaan? Ngga lah.. Gue seneng kalo sendiri, gue malah cenderung lebih produktif. Kalo rame kan males, banyak yang ajak ngobrol.


Language: English