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How often do you read and how do you usually decide which book to buy every time you feel like to buy one (i.e. Friends' Goodreads account, NYT bestseller, etc)? Thank you.

Whenever I've got time, which is pretty rare now. How do I usually decide which book to read? I usually just go to bookstores and search for one. Sometimes my friend recommends me books to read, but almost all the time the books she recommends are dead hard to find in here, so..
I just basically buy books that interest me (duh.) The books that interest me are often full of something rad or new. Like... If it's filled with Chinese poems or Indonesian literature, it's interesting. If the story contains some killing and slaughtering, it's interesting. If the book tells you how to be a zombie, it's interesting. Something full of knowledge. NatGeo-ish stuff interests me so much because my grandpa read NatGeo, so I grew up adoring it and I've always wanted to be a part of them. If the book is a New York Times bestseller? Nah. If my friends read it and put it on their Goodreads account, then, thank you very much, bye.

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do you know and like any of John Green books except TFIOS?

I know all of his books although I don't read them all. My favorite one is Looking for Alaska.
I like John Green. I like the fact that he's into his characters. If you read his books you can see that he's the kind of writer that starts out from his characters and not plot necessarily; and that's the kind of writer that could make people feel implicated to the book.

describe guru favorit

Guru favorit gue ada dua. Yang pertama adalah anaknya founder sekolah gue. Kenapa gue suka dengan beliau? Karna gue dengan leluasanya bisa mengganti "beliau" dengan sebutan "dia" setelah paragraf ini. In case you don't get it, it means he's very asik.
Dia itu suka anak-anak, dan dia udah jadi guru gue dari gue SD. Jadi, udah dari SD gue suka banget sama dia karna dia emang seneng main dan ngobrol sama semua muridnya.
Dia juga pinter banget. Gue sadar pas gue SMP, guru-guru gue suka pada ilang-ilangan dan dia jadi substitute untuk semua pelajaran.
Pertama P.E. Siapa yang gak jago P.E, ya kan? Pelajarannya basically cuma main doang. Dan P.E jadi seru kalo gurunya dia, entah mengapa.
Terus dia juga sempet jadi sub guru TIK. Yang gue suka adalah kalo dia ngajar TIK kita bukan belajar software tapi malah belajar hardware. Gue dan temen-temen gue belajar ngebongkar-pasang komputer sama dia. Dan itu komputer sekolah yang bener-bener masih dipake, dia percayakan kepada kita, murid-murid jeniusnya. Kapan lagi bisa ngerusak properti sekolah tanpa tanggung jawab, kan? Hahaha. Itu ya, selama gue sekolah, pengetahuan yang paling memuaskan rasa penasaran gue ya itu! Gue bisa liat dalemnya CPU, terus liat processor dan ngerti cara kerjanya semua, kenapa komputer itu luar biasa helpful. Gue bisa mengerti kejeniusan Steve Jobs sebelum Steve Jobs overrated di Indonesia.
Dia sempet jadi sub matematika, sejarah, dan fisika juga. Terus bahasa. Dia sepinter itu, menurut gue. Dia sangat menerima kritikan, dia dengerin kalo murid mau diskusi dengan dia ataupun sesama murid, jadi kalo dia yang ngajar kelas itu interaktif banget.
Waktu gue SMA, kalo kita di luar kelas dia selalu ngomong menggunakan gue-lo. Dia pernah bilang, "saya mau kalau kita di luar lingkungan sekolah kita semua derajatnya sama. Kita temenan. Saya bukan guru kalian dan kalian bukan murid saya." Dan itu beneran terjadi. Banyak guru yang sok asik tapi tetep kayak gila respect, kan? Dia engga.
Hari terakhir gue sekolah, gue inget dia ngomong "10 tahun lagi gue mau kita ketemu. Gue mau liat kalian semua udah sukses. Apapun yang kalian pelajari di sekolah ini kalian manfaatkan. Bisa gak 10 tahun lagi kalian sukses?" Ini sedikit menakutkan, tapi gue bilang iya. Akhirnya, itu memotivasi gue untuk jadi sukses. Gue harus sukses no matter what karna gue udah janji.
Gue sangat mengagumi dia. Gak cuma sebagai guru, tapi sebagai seorang manusia sepenuhnya. Dari dia gue belajar kalau orang cerdas itu pandai membawa diri. Orang pinter belum tentu cerdas, orang cerdas belum tentu pinter. Tapi dia, udah pinter, cerdas juga. Gimana w gax ngefen...
Yang satu lagi gak usah dideskripsikan dengan kata-kata. Cukup lihat gambarnya aja udah cukup menjelaskan kenapa gue memfavoritkan beliau.

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If you were a food, what would you be?

Sushi is pretty rad. Like, people can either really like it or they don't like it at all.
You have to know how to use chopsticks before you can really enjoy it. It's like you have to go through some stages with me before you get to really know me. No one can automatically like me cause I'm not an open person.
Some people like how it looks like, but then how it tastes is what really matters.
Sushi can make you full, but after a while you'll be wanting some more. It's never enough.
It tastes better with ocha. Just like me, I'm a better person when I'm with my friends.
And more importantly, it's Asian. Just like I am. Ahahah
Except one thing... It's healthy. Which is very unlike me.
OR I could be choux pastry instead. It's rough on the outside but very soft on the inside. HAHAHA! I'm so cheesy, I might as well be pizza.

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Hi this is gonna sound really dumb but I think you're amazing and you need to start realizing that and no matter how crappy your life is right now, you're gonna get through it. You made thousands of people across Indonesia and the world laugh because of your tweets, and they all love you. xoxoxo.

This is like the sweetest thing someone has ever said to me on Ask.fm.

pap the last picture you took by your phone!

Ini jadi ceritanya ya.. Abis acara ulang tahun temen gue, semuanya mabok, terus gue ketiduran di toilet cuma pake handuk dijadiin bantal, tanpa alas badan dan selimut. Sadar-sadar gue udah berselimutkan jacketnya temen gue, gak ngerti gimana ceritanya, terus sepatu temen gue ada di depan mata gue. Terus gue terkesima dengan posisi tidur gue, gue foto deh. Halu ya


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