

Ask @indoprobs

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How do you break the silence of an awkward moment at public places?

I smile at people, it always works. I'd start a conversation if necessary. But you know, the problem with Indonesians is that when people try to be nice by starting a conversation or anything, they'd start questioning their motives. They'd probably start thinking that we wanna rob them or hypnotise them and then rape them and mutilate them and dump their body parts in Tanjung Priok or something.

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kenakalan apa yang kamu lakukan pas SMP?

Banyak! Cabut dari sekolah, bikin nangis guru, nyalin PR temen, main mulu.. Mau ujian aja main. Corat-coret meja, tembok kelas, tembok lorong, tembok aula, tembok toilet, kantin.. Semuanya gue corat-coret. Pernah gue akhirnya sekelas disuruh beli cat buat cat ulang kelas kita, dan kita disuruh cat sendiri.
Terus juga gue sering ngelawan guru, gak ngerjain PR, gak belajar, sering telat, gak nurutin aturan seragam... Kaos kaki gue pernah dibakar, sepatu gue disita, disuruh buka kemeja gara-gara pake daleman kaos, dasi kadang gak pake, badge gak ada, rim kalo udah tengah hari suka gue masukin tas aja. Terus kalo doa bersama gue suka ngasal-ngasalin, sampe temen-temen gue ketawa... Kan sekolah gue sekolah Katolik ya, doanya kan banyak banget kalo Katolik, gue suka males. Terus kalo lagi misa kudus, gue suka ngumpul sama temen-temennya kakak gue di belakang ngomongin ketua yayasan, entar temen-temen gue pada join, terus kita cao ke atas, makan. Kalo baris doa pagi-pagi gue di belakang juga, ketawa-ketiwi, atau kerjain adek kelas yang cupu-cupu. Terus kalo jadwal gue piket, gue suka pulang duluan belaga lupa. Besokannya kalo kelasnya masih kotor yang tanggung jawab ketua kelasnya. Ketua kelasnya waktu itu temen nakalnya gue juga, jadi gue seneng ketawain kalo dia dihukum. Padahal kalo dipikir-pikir sekarang, kasian juga dia hahaha. Terus ya, kalo pelajaran yang gurunya pada lenjeh gue suka nongkrong aja di kantin, atau ngobrol-ngobrol sama senior dan junior yang kelasnya lagi kosong, abis itu kalo ketawan gue yang malah nyolot ke gurunya hahaha.
Parah deh gue waktu SMP suka sok keren gitu, gue aja geuleuh sekarang ingetnya.
OHHHH terus gue pertama kali pacaran pas SMP, rebut pacar sahabat gue sendiri sampe dimusuhin sekubunya hahahah.

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Probbie.. Gw minta tolong dong.Jadi akhir akhir ini gue sering merenung knp gak punya bakat.kadang kecewa sm ortu yg (mungkin) gak ngedidik atau yg parahnya lg kecewa sm tuhan krn gak ngasih bakat ): idup jd gak guna gt gapunya tujuan hidup.ada saran gmn nemuin bakat?thxxx:))

Cari deh di warung Indomie. Kalo tetep gak ketemu, search aja pake Bing. Mungkin ada. Nyarinya yang kayak gimana? Susah juga sih. Mungkin ada di bengkel sepeda. Atau toko antik. Apa ngga di Dolly kali.

Probbie katanya ke Bali..? Nonton Dreamfields? Kok malah askfm-an

Ini di airport, cantique. Lagi nunggu. Makasih yah ditemenin, baique-baique ngets u smua
Liked by: abchelle Rene

probbie, remember the time when you posted "i mean, it's obvious that i'm russian" on ask.fm and some dumbasses started spreading rumor on twitter: "@indoprobs is russian!" lol ahahaha it has been a year ago but it still makes me laugh

Yeah, I remember that. Still my 2nd best answer.

Apa yang akan anda lakukan jika anda berada di arena hunger games bersama teman-teman anda?

Well... Karna sebenarnya gue gak terlalu sayang nyawa, dan kalo sampe Hunger Games ada beneran berarti gue udah gak bisa bayangin lagi dunia se-fucked-up apa itu... :( gue akan deal-dealan dulu lah sama temen-temen gue, siapa yang mau hidup. Apapun yang terjadi kita harus tetep mikirin satu sama lain. Kalo pada ribet, ya gue mati duluan ajalah! Mereka urus sendiri hidupnya di arena. Yang jelas gue pilih mati.
Tapi.... kalo semuanya pada gak mau hidup juga kayak gue, ya udah kita nyantai aja sampe mati kebunuh sendiri sama gamemakersnya. Hahahaha team pasrah.

Hi bro I live in Melbourne an it's august now. I am in high school and I do Indonesian as one of my subject, I travel for 40 mins every saturday to get to the school. Last week, I saw from the train merah putih on one of the house, and I feel so good to see it here in August :)

You should probably come to Indonesia and sit with me at SCBD. Just sit there on the main road and enjoy the moment. Watch the all those beautiful flags wave. We'll buy Haagen Dazs first, my treat. Hahah cause you know.. Jakarta is hot. And then we'll eat our ice cream while listening to Groove Armada's At The River.
Hahahahaha so katrok but ahhh it's so beautiful there. Seriously, it gives me peace seeing those flags wave.

probbie, you know sometimes when you read, you can hear or rather imagine the person's voice in your head? What I hear when reading your ask.fm is like a combination of a girl's and a guy's voice.. hahaha

Hahaha that's funny

Probbie, I love how you percieve things and do it in your way. I adore you in a way hahaha~ Kapan2 ke surabaya dooong mau dong ketemu probbie :3

sadhvisita’s Profile PhotoSadhvi
Yang di Jakarta aja gak pernah ketemu gue..

good, stay distracted. 'cause i wanna ask something, I'm also into writing. but it's just so hard for me, I kinda "OMG I need to write" but I have no idea what I'm gonna type. It's like I have this picture in my head that could tell what I have to write, yet I'm not really in the mood. So, tips?

Well, writing is hard. Not only for you, for everyone else too. Even Ernest Hemingway admitted that.
First things first. Writers write. If you wanna be a writer, you must write. It's not possible that you completely 'have no idea'. There's gotta be something. Write it down! Type anything that comes to your head first. Don't worry about your language, don't worry about your grammar, don't worry about the story line, don't worry about the readers. Just write. The rest will follow. You can edit later.
My grandpa is one of my biggest inspirations... He once said to me "the beginning is always the hardest, so /just write/. It will flow." Second one I quote to you exactly, he said, "it's about being free. Find ideas and put them in your heart."
Put the ideas in your heart. That's very important. Whatever it is you're writing, it has to come from the heart.
"Not in the mood" ...that's very classic.
There's never a 'mood' for writing, my sweet anonymous. If you're gonna have to wait until you're in the mood for writing, you'll never write anything.
You only wanna write when you're in the 'mood'? Go buy a diary. That's for mood. That would suffice.. but you're gonna be your only reader. Do you want that?
Just like I said, writers write. So WRITE! Get your shit together, put your head on the paper. Get started, lazy ass!
Next one is; my secret formula.......
That is to be selfish (I know I'm selfish already). Don't think. I just be myself. It's not a hard thing, really. You just sit there, shut the world out, do whatever pleases you. I listen to music, for example. Or sometimes I just don't listen to anything, haha.. I enjoy complete silence too :) and other times I'd go to Starbucks, order tea, drink, be at peace and think about everything and then lose myself on the paper.
Doesn't sound very hard, right?
Basically, anon, just write, write, write. Don't read what you wrote until you're completely finished. Edit later. Seriously.

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PROBBIE I NEED YOU TO ANSWER THIS BECAUSE YOU ARE A VERY LOGICAL PERSON: What is the most important global issue in Indonesia? I'm torn between poverty and pollution. Thanks!

I think the most important global issue now in Indonesia is either human rights or education. But if I have to choose between those two I'd go with pollution.


Language: English