

Ask @indoprobs

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You are one of the most rare individual I know... stay on public so I don't have to move next to your house and try to be your friend..

Liked by: cherudon

What was the stupidest way you've ever physically injured yourself?

Not only stupidest but probably also the worst. I have a pretty bad scar on my face cause I fell from my bike trying to have some "fun" with it when I was 8. My uncles called me Samurai X back then.. I liked it, so I wear my scar with pride.

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What was the most pleasant compliment you ever got?

"Ternyata lo anaknya pandai bergaul ya.."
I sat there awkwardly not knowing what to respond. I never realized until one of my sister's friends actually said that in front of her friends.
The thing is, man, everybody sees me as this wimpy introverted kid who really, really doesn't like meeting new people. Well, it's true though not entirely.
Can I just say something here?
I wasn't sure. That sentence made me think. People usually mistake introverts as people who cannot mingle, that they're shy individuals who's afraid of society. People. Many, many people think that. Truth is they're wrong. To this day, I still got questions saying I'm a nobody 'in real life' (probably because I said I'm an introvert and they think I have no friends) and that I only go on the internet for praise. Hahaha haha ha... ha.
Now I'd love to break that extrovert-introvert stereotype by saying this;
Introverts are not necessarily shy people, they're just introverts. Just like extroverts aren't always fun people. Introverts CAN be social, mostly they just choose not to. They're not comfortable with the so-called social life. But that doesn't mean they're shy and they can't socialize.
To make this simple; if you don't like sushi, it doesn't mean that you cannot eat it, right? You just don't like it. There's a difference.
I had a friend who's an absolute extrovert. I knew that because literally everyone didn't like him. Ironic, isn't it? He loved to join everyone without actually knowing what they're talking about and then he'd try to laugh with them. He was so loud that even the nicest people got annoyed by his presence. Nobody wanted to talk with him. He was nice but it just wasn't right.
This case opened my eyes just a bit more. People say that extroverts are naturals, they're fun, friendly, warm, and all that.. and the other way around for introverts. But I saw something wrong with that. People forgot about manners.. The fact that society demands it. It's not about being an extrovert or an introvert anymore, it's about having manners.
An extrovert can have lack of manners and be very annoying, and on the other hand an introvert can have very good manners and be completely friendly around new people. Think about it. I just hate it when people assume introverts are wimps. Many introverts are smarter than the regular extroverts, you know. They know how to have their fun and at least they know how to behave appropriately. Even if they didn't, they wouldn't bother you.

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Pernah mengalami "awkward moment" atau engga, momen yang malu-maluin?

NaziPadang’s Profile PhotoMardy Bum
Pernah sumpah ngatjo banget petjah
Lo pada inget gak waktu itu gue ngetweet yang Fiesta Pep Talk? Yang soal kondom itu lohhhh! Bukan chicken nugget.
Jadi yang kalian kira gue diendorse itu sebenarnya adalah niat baik gue membantu teman gue hahaha. Kan emang dia kerja sama bareng Fiesta gitu kan terus konsepnya ya begitu, kirim-kirim pertanyaan. Dia minta tolong gue. Padahal kan maksudnya cuma biar rame aja tuh timelinenya Fiesta, tapi memang niat baik itu selalu mendatangkan berkat. Berguna atau tidak ya masalah belakangan, kan?
Gue menang, gue ambil deh tuh hadiahnya. Satu paper bag gede, isinya seperangkat alat yang dikenakan manusia saat sedang menumpuk bekal ke neraka. Banyak banget, gak boong. Berbagai jenis dan rasa. Dan gak cuma kondom aja, ada kayak katalognya Fiesta, sama kayak pulpen, kipas, tumbler, seeegala macem. Benda yang paling menarik perhatian gue di dalem paper bag itu adalah penggaris besar berisi kondom berbagai warna. Jangan lupa ya, penggarisnya besar. Sama ada.. lo tau kan "in case of emergency break glass"? Yang isinya kondom? Pokoknya itu lah. Itu sama penggarisnya mau gue pajang di meja kamar. Sisanya yang berbox-box kondom itu mau gue kasih ke sepupu gue.
Nah terus kan pulang dari sana gue janjian sama bokap gue di PIM, jadi.. ya kali aja gue bawa-bawa paper bag kondom Fiesta dengan warna merah ngejreng itu ke mall. Entar diliatin orang, males guenya. Jadi gue masukin aja ke ransel gue semuanya, terus paper bagnya gue tinggal.
Sesampainya di PIM, gue masuk lewat lobby utama, terus tumben banget securitynya cewek. Jutek banget pula, gue senyumin malah dia diem aja. Dan tumben-tumbennya pula tas gue harus dicek. Gue nyantai aja sih, kayak biasa kalo tas lo dibuka gitu, gak ada feeling apa-apa. Dan gue juga gak mikirin isi ransel gue apaan aja.
Tiba-tiba.. Pas gue buka retsleting utama ransel gue...... penggaris BESAR itu mencuat! Securitynya shock gitu dan gue juga... mayan sih kagetnya hahaha. Terus kan banyak banget kondom di tas gue. *krik krik krik..... Awkward.....
Akhirnya pas udah selesai, gue masuk nahan ketawa banget-banget parah. Orang-orang sampe ngeliatin gue hahahaha, orang maksudnya naro kondom di tas biar gak diliatin ehhh ini malah tambah parah.

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What is your favorite english & non english (except Indonesian) word? And, what does it mean?

Binnenpretje. It's a Dutch word, go look it up yourself.
Liked by: bor

What are the perks of having you as a brother/sister?

Perks of having me as a younger sibling:
1. I wouldn't bother you.
2. I wouldn't give a shit unless you want me to.
3. I'd respect you, you'd be the leader.
Perks of having me as an older sibling:
1. I'd be smarter than you are and I'd be happy to teach you.
2. We could be great buddies.
3. I could teach you how to be cool in front of your crush.
4. When you make a mistake, I wouldn't yell at you.. I'd laugh at your stupidity until you're hurt instead. Lol.
5. I'd give you money.
6. I'd respect your privacy.
7. I'm pretty persuasive. Work with me and we'd both get what we want from mom and dad.
8. I'd be there for you.
9. I'm cooperative when it comes to pretty much anything.
10. You could always have what you need from me.
11. I'm not that protective, but I'd protect you.

Probbiean pernyataan lo yang bilang "pemerintah hapusin nama typo gue di websitenya" maksudnya apa ya? Kok bisa nama lo ada di website mereka?

Kan waktu itu mau nyoblos... Harus terdaftar kan namanya. Karna KTP gue itu masih pake alamat opa gue (yang sebenernya gak jauh juga sih tinggalnya dari rumah sepupu gue) dan gue males jalan ke sananya untuk cek surat, ya gue cek aja di websitenya. Eh, taunya.... Nama gue sama kakak gue dua-duanya salah.
Siapa coba makhluk picek yang ngetik nama kita berdua..
Liked by: Lizbeth Angjaya


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