

Ask @indoprobs

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57? lol

Haha okay, nice try. There are six numbers there, if you really need to know. And I'm not saying for you to guess it now and post it on my inbox and then I'll give you my number and we'll WhatsApp each other and arrange a meeting there and stuff like that, no. I just want you to guess, and if you see someone with those numbers on this Sunday at The Color Run and you just happen to be sure enough that it's me, come say hello :) I don't bite.. who knows if we could have brunch after, right? Hahaha
Liked by: aulia wicaksono

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how are you today? how was your day, honey? <3

Today, I woke up with an unacceptably sore body cause I slipped in the kitchen yesterday while making breakfast. Terjadi kesalahan posisi urat yang sangat di bagian pinggang hingga bokong kanan dan there's a big bruise on my left knee. Like I don't know HOW exactly it happened but I'm pretty sure it wasn't that "tragic", you know. I mean it didn't hurt at all! ...just a bit embarrassing cause my auntie saw that. And then there was this big exam today and it didn't go quite as expected.. I didn't have time to recheck and correct my answers, but I'm sure I am gonna pass. Other than that I'm fine, anon. Yeah, thank you for asking.

How do you score yourself on a scale of 1 to 10? c:

If people in real life see me as a 4 and many of you here see me as a 9, I think I'm a 7. Lol I don't know how you see me, actually. Just a guess. But, yeah.. On a scale of 1 to 10, I see me as a 7. Or somewhere between 6 and 7 hahaha

So its the season of rain already and do you get flooded?

Flooded by questions like this? Yeah. Hahaha it's not "already" I think it's more of a "still", am I right?
And no, my house gak kebanjiran. How about yours? Hope every one of you is okay. Stay safe.

I remember reading something about you speaking so many language is it true?

Hahahaha no, you read what thing? I don't SPEAK so many languages but I understand a few. I understand bahasa Sunda, Manado, sedikit Jawa, Ambon dan Flores.. dan bahasa Belanda. But I don't speak so many languages, Anon. I'm only fluent in Indonesian and English. I'm not a polyglot.

do you friends and family know youre running this account

My mom, dad, sister, my sister's boyfriend maybe, my cousin, and a few of my friends, yeah. And by a few I mean most of them because I don't have that many people I consider friends. And probably some other people whose existence I don't notice because maybe some of the aforementioned ones have told those other people about it. So, yeah... The answer is yeah.

I like your hoodie ;)

Hahaha! I don't know whether this is a coincidence or NOT, anon, but were you at Love Garage yesterday? Because me and my friend were talking about indoprobs, and he said something about me owning the account pretty loudly in the middle of the crowd and I'm not sure how many people heard him but I noticed 2 of the girls standing behind us started listening to the conversation...
And I did wear a hoodie yesterday. My favorite one I might add.

I've spent my time literally 2 hours stalking your ask.fm account muahaha. Pretty much sum it up that I really respect you buddy, I hope you'd do well in the future. Much love.

Thank you so much!
Liked by: catharina.intan.s


It's been quite a while since I answered a "question" like this and really express myself in a way that, I hope, you understand. People are starting to think I'm all hate.. well, I wish you guys could see what's on my inbox every time I'm on because it's actually filled with beautiful things like this. I don't answer most of them because I just think that it's not necessary for people to know how many compliments I get. I'm honestly not the kind of person who loves to receive compliments because, believe it or not, they make me feel uncomfortably insecure. They give me this sort of "pressure" to be better. And I know it's supposed to be a good thing, but apparently not to me. Many times, the hatred that I receive motivate me better and they give me some kind of satisfaction. I'm very, very used to people being negative toward me cause people always looked down on me. They still do, in fact. Most of them.. aaaaaand this is getting deep and personal, let's go back to the subject! So, I guess you guys should know how much this all means to me. Thank you so much for all the love that you've sent! I read all of them, you're all such angels, I'm sorry if I don't reply them all but I really do thank you. Most of you often make my day. Thank you so much!

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penyanyi & band indonesia fav lo apa?

Musisi Indonesia banyak yang bagus. Gue dengerin lagu Indonesia lumayan banyak, kadang gak tau penyanyi sama judulnya. Gue gak terlalu hafal. Gue gak punya favorit, tapi ini beberapa musisi Indo yang gue salutin, suka dan/atau dengerin:
Rock N Roll Mafia
Jamie Aditya
Neonomora; gue liat dia perform di 280 Festival dan menurut gue dia bagusan live
Endah N Rhesa; gue suka musik folk dan di Indonesia I think baru mereka doang yang bisa make it sound alive, you know...
Adhitia Sofyan
Efek Rumah Kaca
Mungkin ini belum semua, masih ada yang terlupakan.. But they're all I can think of right now.


Language: English