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been missing your tweets lately, just saying. you were one of my biggest Twitter crush. ☹️ #indoprobsdontdie

Aww, bby. Cheer up.

Mana yang kamu pilih, bisa bernapas di dalam air atau berjalan di awan?

Since I'm not really a fan of swimming and I'm afraid of the darkness at the bottom of the ocean, berjalan di awan would be pretty cool.
Tapi setelah dipikir-pikir, lebih useful bernapas di dalam air sih ya. Kayak, ngapain kita jalan di awan? Ke awannya aja susah, harus naik pesawat dulu. Terus belum tentu dibolehin kalo mau keluar dari pesawat.
Lol. Bingung.

tes pakek perawatan wajah apa? kok mulus gak pernah ada jerawat

Genetik, mas. Cuci muka pake air bersih aja setiap hari.

Probbie, does mr.fox worth the price?

Service wise, they were nice, far from disappointing. The place and decoration were okay. I ordered their pie for dessert, loved it. So food wise, they were good. But it wasn't like we cannot find their kind of food anywhere else in this city. Their music? It was fine.
On a scale of 1 to 5, I will give them 2.5. Because, as a whole, I consider the place moderate. A wee bit average even. I mean, if you're a kid my age — which you most probably are cause you're on ask.fm — it's okay to come here just to try it, but perhaps the restaurant isn't for a frequent visit. Not terrible, but not excellent either for their price.
Liked by: Indah EPS


Apa itu Shoutout?
Kenapa sekarang semua orang bothers my peaceful existence "via Shoutout"?
Bagaimana caranya unsubscribe to this unpleasant experience?
Liked by: fati

Would you rather have a boyfriend/ girlfriend for life or a best friend for life?

As long as I have someone by my side; someone who is always there, supports me, and helps me grow, either way is fine.
#cheesyalert lol
What I mean is that life will always be its shitty self no matter what. You don't ever need to face it alone, that's the most important thing.

you got typo ,but still cute , thanks :p

That was actually meant for your typo ? It's a poem because it has a meaning. #fail

damnnn indoprobs back again with a 'should sleeping thought', yo oldschool ass need to know that sleeping is just for the weak dude.

No! I'm not gonna fall for this.
Liked by: HANNA.

Was there something in your childhood your parents lied you about and you knew they were lying?

I pretty much lived my whole childhood believing every little lie my parents told me. Like how the rice on my plate would cry if I didn't finish them, and that an ugly old man was gonna come and get me if I didn't shower on time, or that time when they told me that all my dolls were gonna attack me if they saw my eyes open during bedtime. How naive...

Bumi manusia also available on aksara~

Are you sure it's "Bumi Manusia" and not "This Earth of Mankind"? If yes, at which Aksara?
Liked by: HANNA.

Thanks for the suggestion, Probie! So far pas aku nyari cuma nemu yang English versionnya doang, dan pas baca halaman-halaman awalnya, rasanya kurang enak aja karna kata katanya nggak sepuitis yang bahasa indo-nya. Thanks agaaain probie

Trueeee. Literature is best read in its original language! I have a friend who once learned French just so he'd be able to read Jules Verne's original works. The things you'd do for literature...
Liked by: Auliaa a

Probie, if you know where to get a copy of Bumi Manusia (not the english version) can you please tell me because I've been stressing my hair out searching for that one goddamn book

It's available at Gramedia kok. If you live in Jakarta and have been searching all over, try the Gramedia at Margonda, Depok. It is probably the most complete Indonesian bookstore around here. You've been here and there, what makes Depok so far away, right? :)
Or you can go to Blok M. They have endless stock of it... in fact, of any book you want. But I can't guarantee the quality of their paper. Though if you love to read, it shouldn't really be a big deal haha.
Liked by: a Indah EPS


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