

Ask @hydrazoite

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Describe our hypothetical marriage.

kesidiii’s Profile PhotoDani
You would kick me out of the house about once every two weeks for being too lazy to make my own food. Because no matter how good a cup of tea I can make it just isn't equal to meal preparation.

nah ppsspp is a emulator you can use it on your pc!! :3 Zelda is cool but remember Last of Us and Beyond two souls are for ps3 only u_u

I'll look into it, see if there are any PSP games I'm interested in// a working download for Mac, thank you for the suggestion ^^ Although I don't have a shitton of time now with university so idk if I will get around to playing any ^^

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whos the editor that inspired u editing lol

If you're talking about in the very beginning 3 years ago, it was actually this video.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3976dkAOZlQhydrazoite’s Video 104878580657 3976dkAOZlQhydrazoite’s Video 104878580657 3976dkAOZlQ
I never knew communities existed though, I found this video randomly by clicking related side videos and I thought it was the coolest thing ever and then watched it like 50 times over a week and then was like "hmmm i wonder if I tried something like this myself" and only had ATLA footage on my computer so then I tried it out and then I discovered there were communities and voila we end up at the present XD

you should try the ppsspp i think its called like that ahah wii is bad :(

Unfortunately things in this world cost money. And university costs more money. OTL. Money.
And *caresses Zelda and Monster Hunter Tri* It's not horrible it has some pretty legit games on it.

do you have xbox or ps3? :D

I don't *cries* I do have a wii, and I downloaded recently a wii emulator for my laptop which is pretty spiffeh 8D

mmh how many time did you spent on your last video? for ex one week or more?

If you're talking about the Sinners MEP Parts those took about 4 hours each, so maybe 8?9? total hours, but if you're talking about Scratches that fucker took 2 weeks solid work :'D

OH MY GOD, KAI-SAMA I ADORE YOU!^-^ Watched all your work on multiple occasions and still look! Especially your last job, straight chill bumps! You have a talent! You are great, there are no words Т_Т

rip 2 my youth
AWE ; A ; ls;kdjfiajosfl;kjsd gahhh Thank you so much T________T <3 ^////^

i was watching your livestream yesterday but i had to goo to early cause it was 00:00 :(

Awe D: I'm sorry! Time zones can be such bitches sometimes :(

I hope I didn't annoy you during the live stream! I feel annoying xD

shh its a secret
You actually talked to me all the time and thats the best because the funnest part of livestreaming is talking to my followers srsly

What do you think about Loki?

I really like Loki's character. He's so frigging sassy and I have a lot of feelings after watching Thor the other day @____@ He's a tricky bastard but I love him. //I'm not really into the Thor/Avengers/Whatever ya'll call it fandom to properly gush about said characters sorry ; A ;

As you said you were a Zelda fan in your 1,000 sub vid, do you think you'll ever edit with it? Or do a fanart version with Zelda? I'd love to see that from you. :)

I love Zelda! I actually just downloaded a Wii emulator for my macbook and asap got Twilight Princess for it :D I'm looking forward to replaying it :D So, the possibility exists! //i really adore Link and Midna - I wonder if there is any decent fanart to edit with anyway! Thank you for reminding me! *O*

Yayy!! Hmmm, I'll be there for at least the last four hours, if you end it at 4 (in your time zone of course :D) Before that I have school though ; ~ ; oh god let's hope the FBI spares me. WTF this isn't even a question...

shh its a secret
Yay <3 I hope you can make it ^^

What time (and time zone) is your live stream tomorrow?!

shh its a secret
Well, I go by PST (Pacific Standard Time) and I'm going to go say that it will be similar to last time, hopefully I can start it earlier than before though, but I suspect it will end at around the same time, 4~ish PM. Uhh, I'd like to start it maybe at 10? 11? and just spend the day chatting with you guys and editing, but I still have papers to write, and a song to find, and I basically didn't sleep last night, so WE SHALL SEE HOW THIS GOES. Hopefully I can scramble something together for you guys so I can actually make this happen!

hi! i know you might have answered these questions previously already but i'm wondering what programs you used to create the dichotomy video!? it's so freaking amazing!!

No problem :)
I always use Final Cut Pro X and Photoshop CC.
However this video does have a slight annotation - the scene of the claw curling up (I'm only talking about the black claw animation mind you only that scene) at 0:21 was animated in After Effects.
But the rest of the video was entirely FCP/PS ^^ // and my AE died on me with my new OS update so I'll never use it again because I'm way too unmotivated to find a crack for it.

I have developed a theory about you!! Everybody who wants to show you anything ereri should just give up, because we all now you have already seen everything ereri. I try finding something to show you, but then I see you already commented a million years ago xD

shh its a secret

I love how I can ask you anything about your life. And you would even answer. I could be a kidnapper for all you know. Or a murderer. jk i'm just a daisy... literally.

XD I dare say there are some questions I wouldn't answer ;D And hello Daisy <333333333333

are you a tea addicted ? :o

Not technically but I do love it XD I don't really think that 3 cups a day max is particularly addicted??

what are your plan today?

Uhm, go grocery shopping, write a paper on the cold war, and find a song to edit ereri with :P //excitin' times that will mostly consist of tumblr and tea


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