

Ask @hydrazoite

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i think the same about free you know! i think that it was made just for fanservice so :/

It was totally made for fanservice which is fine, really. They can do that. It's kinda nice in a way they are providing fanservice geared towards female audience members.
However I didn't find any of those boys attractive, so I was kinda out of the loop for that LOL.
My problem with the show is its pathetic attempts to turn something that should have been a comedic chill anime into an emotional puncher.
... and so many people actually fell for it and cry so hard over the characters and that is so far beyond my understanding TBH. I don't find any of them relatable @__@
The anime took itself far more seriously than it should have.
And the fandom is one of the most annoying fandoms I've ever come across X'D

omg why? ahah

I found the characters boring, the animation mediocre (except for some of the water which was pretty cool I guess) and the development cliche.
The first few episodes were midly entertaining, but then it just went really downhill for me. I'm not really sure, honestly the characters were so fucking dumb, they made really terrible choices (like swimming in the ocean for some dude who just learned to swim earlier in the week, please.) And their idiocy made me want to slam my head against the keyboard. It then tried to take itself very seriously, and provide character depth for Rin's past, and Haru's involvement in it, but really in my opinion, didn't try very hard. I had no emotional connection to any of the characters and the sudden attempt to force me to feel sympathy for them just made me laugh instead.
The last episode was extremely ridiculous as they whored around with their dolphin/orca/penguin symbols and the ending we all some coming a mile away, coupled with legitimately useless scenes like Rin and his little shoujo cherry tree scene... It was honestly popcorn worthy.

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what did you do these days? :) and what are you going to do today? ^^

I wrote a bunch of papers for uni and watched Chuck and dem reboot Star Trek movies. And today I'm just gonna watch /more/ Chuck and probably edit some maybe if I can tear myself away from my marathon.

What are you currently obsessed with?

My entire life revolves around Shingeki no Kyojin
90% of that SnK obsession being Ereri
I am a fantastic adult.

Oh, okay!! Oh, if you don't mind, would you send me that fire overlay you used during the livestream? The one you used over the fireplace, I believe.

shh its a secret
I'll send you a youtube message with it Daisy <3

I think lots of people eat left over pizza for breakfast. Please tell me you didn't actually make MORE pizza JUST for breakfast xD

shh its a secret
OMFG no no. My mom and I ordered pizza from the pizza joint and it was just leftover srsly i bought the pizza from a restaurant XDDD

I bet you wish your pizza had eyes. Really cute eyes. Wait, you has pizza AGAIN THIS MORNING?! XDD

shh its a secret
.... lets not talk about my life choices
pizza for breakfast is totally legit

http://ask.fm/hydrazoite/answer/104932321969 IM LITERALLY FUCKING CRYING KAI I CANT I JUST I NEED AIR jes SU S CHRIST IM SO DONE WITH YOu

lingerings’s Profile Photoria
Apparently it's Starbucks' 2 for 1 holiday drink deal.
This is how I go in, get the drinks, pretending to be getting one for my boyfriend and then actually just drink both of them like the cool cat that I am.

Omfg NOO its not!! You see that pink triangle 3D model pizza with the pretty eyes (since I can't draw anything besides anime stuff)?! IT IS A PIZZA. ONE OF MY TEACHERS THOUGHT IT WAS A SHEEP. HOW?! I can't wait to present tomorrow though!! *^*

shh its a secret

hi this is brelloooxx and i started watching snk cause of your beautiful mmv's and my question is WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME????? TOO MUCH SAD

I am so sorry. I have ruined your life.

Omfg I'm dying over the last question. Pizza xD Hmm, which website should I send you the pictures on?

shh its a secret
You could put them on tumblr (on private if you wish) and link the URL of the post, or the url of the individual images to my youtube inbox or something :3

Kai, I finished my project on the DaKa character!! But then, the principal decided to visit our class during the presentations, and he told me to explain my project to him. He was intrigued by DaKa xD Do you want pictures of the project?! Its somewhat entertaining :3

shh its a secret
OmFG YOUR PRINCIPAL XDDD I'd love pictures!!! =D

whoever called the wii a bad console is terrible.

Each to his own I guess, but I do really enjoy my Wii XDDDD I spent hundreds of hours playing Monster Hunter Tri @___@ //and then they shut down the server *sobs*

how is your rapport with your partens? like i really but really hate my father what about you?

My mom and I are exceptionally close, but I still have a good relationship with my dad.


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