
Hollywood Daddy

Ask @HollywoodDaddy

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Have you ever smoked dmt?

No. I have some stashed away and waiting though. When I feel it's the right time, i'll partake.

Do you think that Bizarro Fiction could suffer the same fate as Alt Lit?

Nah, the Bizarro weirdos actually give some shit about writing. Alt Lit was just a social scene for vapid losers and ego monsters.

if you are willing, tell us one thing you know about your grandfather that made him a bad motherfucker (on either side, assuming you knew them).

I don't know much about the grandfather on my mother's side. He was a bad human being. I know that much. I've seen one pic of him. Straight up looked like a wife beating, criminal greaser. My family has never talked about him.
On my father's side, I vaguely remember my grandfather. Dude was an immigrant from portugal, fat and old, run down, smelled weird, barely moved, and a heroin addict. I visited him and my grandmother a couple times but that's it.
Remember playing with my negatron toy, alone, on the doorstep.
I think if I knew more about either grandfather, I'd have many reasons to list why they were bad motherfuckers.

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what is a thought? i know what a word is, i know what a letter is; i've seen those, i've heard those. but what in the fuck is a thought?

Letters don't exist without the foundation of thought. So, all your seeing is the manifestation of what the fuck you don't actually understand.

"I don't know. The extent of the sadness is different for each person. I was sad for the first 30 years of my life. Sadness does end. I know that..." thanks.

You're welcome.

the feeling of there being a self and other; the feeling that i am an object moving through time gathering experiences; both special effects of the neural processing of the animal body; a now irrelevant evolution of the perceptual container of the animal based on the need to survive. turn 'em off

No clue what your babbling about. Seems like some half-assed hipster philosophy.

do you keep secrets? do you ask people you care about to keep secrets?

I don't believe in secrets. I'm very much against granting power to something that doesn't deserve it. I'm unafraid/unashamed of what I do in life.

I thought you mentioned being on disability, that's what I was curious about...and when you maced that guy I think I remember you saying something about not being able to walk well or something

Ah, okay.
I'm not injured. Just have a body that's killing itself off. I have statutory blindness, partial/increasing deafness in the left ear, herniated disks, chronic fatigue, muscle spasms, and some other shit.

do you like JFA or R.K.L or any socal punk?

I used to thoroughly enjoy SoCal Punk. Revisited recently, and, as my girl pointed out, 'shit all sounds whiney'. So I haven't listened to much of the genre, except old school D.R.I.

how did you get injured? is it your leg? your back?

I don't understand the context of this question. Why do you think i'm injured?

"Arguably, they aren't problems. More like inconveniences. People who bitch and complain about such things are petty and self indulgent." but isn't what we're really talking about, when we get down to it, not a a thing, but a feeling?

All problems are abstractions.

"Yes, I was bullied frequently." did you fight back, or did you just take it, mostly?

I took it mostly. Fought back twice. Once was after I got tired of my pregnant mom hitting me, so, I grabbed her by the shoulders, slammed her against a wall, then shook the shit out of her. My little brother was born prematurely later that night as a result.
The second time I pulled a kitchen knife on my biker stepdad because he was threatening me while I was doing the dishes. I ran to my room and waited to club anyone over the head I saw with a ring sizing tool I had.
The bullying didn't stop after those instances though.
I never stood up against my alcoholic grandmother, alcoholic great uncle or anyone at school. Just seemed pointless. My entire existence was terror, loneliness and isolation.
Also, I'm, like, not a violent person until i'm a really violent person. I'll let someone hit me and just laugh/take it. It isn't until I reach a certain level of anger do I fight back, but, when I reach that point, like with anything, I have no modifiers and boundaries. Which isn't good. At least not in this bitchmade society where a tickle will get you jail.
The factors of my childhood are why I don't put up with any sort of bullying in adult life, regardless of how small.

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