
Hollywood Daddy

Ask @HollywoodDaddy

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Listen cock-weasel. I have filed a complaint with Ask Fm for how you have spoken to my son tonight. He looks up to you and you've upset him.


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you see us as two flies that are too spiritless to hunt for shit to feed on. i see us as two sociopaths playing a game of verbal chess. i hereby decree you the henry rollins of alt-lit.

I don't think your genius has comprehended what 'sociopath' actually means.

Hollywood Daddy (or Hollywood Daddy on Ask) is a deep and emotional extreme dislike. It can be directed against individuals, entities, objects, or ideas. Hollywood Daddy is often associated with feelings of anger, disgust and a disposition towards hostility.

Clearly you're not in tune with emotions because I have yet to be 'emotional.' But, yes, thumbs down where it's deserved. And caring/loving disposition where it's deserved too.

Asking because of thoughts that maybe I don't notice the feeling of happiness because I just take it as being okay and not feeling sad. Maybe I haven't felt extremely happy or happiness isn't as powerful. When I'm sad I can feel it throughout my body. Feel it on my skin, in my chest, around my bone

Happiness is strong and ephemeral, like the radiating pain a paddle hitting an ass cheek induces.
Contentment is like positive apathy. That's what you're talking about. Not the feeling of 'happy.'
When it happens, you'll know.

Thinking maybe I'm actually mostly happy and just don't realize because I don't feel it compared to the extremes of sadness. Idk.

I'd say it's plausible that you're mostly sad with a variance in intensity. Which is what's causing the confusion.

Have you ever felt happiness throughout your whole body?

Yeah, sure. All the time, when I was younger. It's been mostly conditioned out of me though.

(cont.) What moment in your life made you feel the most alive?

3. My granny had been in intensive care for a few weeks. And, barely alive one week too long. I didn't want to give up on her though. She had fought through so much before.
Her legs had marbled from lack of circulation. The nurse called while I was on my way to the hospital and declared, 'she doesn't have much time left, her body is giving up.' It didn't affect me and my apathy remained unchanged.
I stood there, next to the 4'10" woman that had been meaner/tougher/harder than any man i'd met or known of, and fully realized what I had noticed before, that she was still a small girl searching for unconditional love.
I reached down, held the hand that hadn't been mangled in the car crash, then said, 'okay, you can do it.'
The doctor made a nod and the nurse turned off the machine keeping my granny alive.
Her body slowly became purple, the last bit of fight departing from her. I knelt over and put my hand over her hand.
Despite all the abuse and alcoholism I had endured, she loved me in the fucked way that she knew, like, it was so poisoned and mutilated that most people wouldn't identify it as 'love', but, holding her as life ended, it felt lucid and obvious, to me.
Then I began to weep and repeat, 'I want my granny.' Over and over until the doctor finally pulled me away and out of the room.
When I went home, I didn't talk, laid down on the bed and went to sleep.

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What moment in your life made you feel the most alive?

Three come to mind and all felt equally powerful.
1. Had a goth roommate. Dude only wore black, refused to emote or acknowledge salutations due to 'crushing existential agony', pretended to be in love with the idea of dying and spent sundays listening to 'christian death' while dramatically propped against the living room wall with an arm shielding his eyes like a vampire threatened with sunlight. I didn't like him much but I try to be cool with everyone until they give me a reason not to. One day, he spontaneously asked if I wanted to go for a ride. I guess he was feeling lonesome or wanted to suck my dick. I don't know.
He drove a banana yellow volkswagen fastback. Which was pretty fucking hilarious considering the ideology he espoused. We went driving around the hills of newberg, or. They were fairly rural. I wasn't sure exactly where we were. It was somewhere near his grandparents house, I think.
The road had a lot of narrow turns. At one point, my goth roommate mis-navigated his hunk of shit on wheels and it began to tip over. Volkswagens are notoriously light, so it didn't take much. Remember the wheels on the driver side leaving the ground and the long drop over the road becoming visible from my window. The car had hit that quiet spot in its momentum where for a second it wasn't moving, and I began screaming 'woohoo!' because as afraid of death as I was, it felt comforting to know all of the depression, pain and agony would be soon over. The car fell back towards the road though and we didn't die. I looked over at my goth roommate and his face didn't need white paint anymore. Death had arrived and he showed his true bitchmade colors.
2. My son was due on my birthday, however, my wife had been ill with toxemia and induced early. Spent the night fighting with a nurse for being uncaring. Didn't feel anxious or emotional or almost anything during the labor period. Just kept thinking 'i'm going to die soon' and 'i don't like this lady (my ex-wife) much anymore' and 'hope my dog is okay (she was a rescue with abandonment issues and currently in my car).'
As the birthing process unfolded, I felt unaffected mostly. Just stared at my wife's pained face, how pathetic and helpless she looked. I didn't want to look down at her vagina. It wasn't that I was scared to or nervous about what I'd see. I don't know. Felt weird to be that close to a sacred act that didn't need a man for its outcome, almost like it was disrespectful of me to be there.
The doctor yanked my son out and into the light. His tiny body was red with white/purple dots all over. Unmoving. They rushed him over to a portable table with a heated lamp. All of the emptiness inside of me cracked open. I felt deeply emotional and frightened that something I partially created for this world was already dead. Then urine streamed out of his penis onto the nurses and I felt less alone for a moment. The little asshole was alive.

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but isn't honesty a synonym for authenticity? who are the most authentic artists out there?

No, only human beings can engage in 'honesty.' Authenticity is an innate trait and is applicable to many, many things, living or otherwise.
Your original question was about 'art' and now you've changed it to center around 'artists.' Feels like you're fishing for a specific answer. I don't know.
It doesn't matter though. Art is subjective and a good majority of its strength comes in the discovery process. So, asking me, or, anyone, where to find the most authentic or honest art/artists is a waste of time.
There's an entire world to explore. Leave your computer, walk outside and experience it. Art will find you.

i think in the future, as world resources get tighter & the dream of accumulating hoards of money becomes less & less, that the qualities of generosity & 'giving' will become more important / appreciated. think i'm onto anything with that? or will people remain just as selfish? ~Dawson welsh

I think you're right, but, like, the generosity will be among the starving and oppressed.
Pretty obvious the dudes with all the wealth and power in this world are pushing for a reality where machines do most of the militarization/police work. When that reality is achieved, people won't have any means to fight back.
Another 'complication' of the future is the average human being's inability to 'do' anything on their own. Like, we're rapidly moving towards an existence of mostly abstract thinking, with little knowledge or experience of concrete reality. During the first 'great depression' people were starving, homeless, sick, etc. but self-reliant. They knew how to sew, cook, travel, camp, fish, hunt, etc. But, now, in the 21st century, where corporations are dumbing everything down to pander to a larger demographic for the sake of profit, in the next generation or two, people will know a lot of useless facts and theories but be completely helpless without a button to push to accomplish simple tasks.
Which means, when the shit does hit the fan, it'll be too late to do anything about it. We'll all be herded to camps and live out our days like the factory farmed animals we allowed ourselves to become.
I think along the way the selfish majority will progress in their glib bullshit. And be the loudest to cry when it's too late.

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i agree with 'porn is detrimental'. i think by deranging everyone's ideas of sex & the opposite gender it actually creates more repression, not less. you seem very unrepressed in general. did you struggle with it at all when you were younger? ~ Dawson welsh

I think porn misrepresents both genders equally. Like, so many dudes shave their pubes now, which is a direct influence of porn. Seems like the saddest 'do you like me' move to date.
I would say my youth was filled with self-repression. Sex wasn't on my mind much. Death was. It affected how I interacted externally and internally. Most of my life has been spent in isolation, even when in the company of others.
The way I view sex is, like, we're all here, in this perverse reality of shit, living in absurd ways as if natural and healthy, slowly losing our minds, fighting to stay unbroken against a psychological weight possessing a girth larger than a million jupiters; and sex is our rebellion, our majestic triumph against the mutual insanity of it all.
So, whatever gets a person off is alright with me. I mean, as long as it's consensual.
The only time I get 'annoyed' by sexual antics is when they're forced upon me. I disagree with the idea that a person's penis/vagina activity defines their personality. Like, you're into sucking as much dick as possible, or, getting fucked by baseball bat sized cocks, or, wearing panties on your face, or, pissing in diapers, or, eating shit from fresh assholes, or, tickling, or, punching women in the face, or, sitting on daddy's lap, or, whatever, it's all cool with me. Just don't push it on others like a fucking amway salesperson or a born again christian.
What kind of asshole dictates which sex acts are appropriate or not? Not me.
Plus, i'm in to some perverse shit. Feels unethical to judge others while enjoying my deviance.

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how do you find yourself interacting with very earnest folks? do you feel irritated when someone is grave and somewhat humorless?

Earnest people are the ones I can communicate naturally with. And I can determine very easily if someone is fronting and will react negatively to them, which makes me look like an asshole in the eyes of the lesser minded that think the front is earnest.
A crushed by life demeanor is fine by me. I understand those people much more than the mouth breathing, excitable 'normal' personality most everyone rocks these days.

tell of an instant when you've been truly shocked. what shocks you

Haven't felt 'shocked' by anything in a long time. I've seen/endured enough shit in this life where not much is a surprise any more.
Also, my personality type sees the 'big picture', like, most narratives are boring because I can figure out the entire plot within the first 5 minutes, and, like, I have a natural ability for judging people, so, when something 'shocking' happens it's already been thought about inside my mind, which subverts its power over me.
Even my dreams are a lucid heaviness. I miss wonderment and fear.
Existence is... kinda shitty these days.
To quote my boy, 'it feels like practice.'

what's your cooking routine?

I'm only adept at bbq, smoking meat, raw food recipes and, like, side dishes and condiments.
Everything else I fuck up. When preparing the food, I get really enthusiastic and add too much of some ingredients or bizarre additional spices just because. During the actual cooking part, I get bored and do other shit, then forget about whatever I was doing in the kitchen, which almost always results in the food being overcooked/burnt.
I don't cook much right now though. My 'apartment' is just a giant room that's a converted garage. The kitchen is just this tiny area in a corner and the oven is half the size of a normal one with only 75% working capacity.

thanks man re the porn question. i'm glad this exists as a resource on the web. hope you still do this for a while. it's comforting to know this is out there

You're welcome.


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