
Hollywood Daddy

Ask @HollywoodDaddy

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Enter Ooze, Ooze, PP Ooze in the house - passive-aggressively attention-seeking, quoting Jereme Dean's: "Feel like most people online make great efforts creating a fictitious identity, one which counters their insecurities." And asking: How does Margaret Thatcher make you feel? Nothing? Anger? Meh?

Peppy Ooze - UnEdit
I don't follow american politics... why would I care about a country outside of that sphere.
I have great disdain for all politicians, police officers and corporate middle managers. That's the extent of my feelings about her.

The Megan answer was satisfying. I was glad you didn't throw shit. I think MB has much more of edge and an honesty than the annoying MG who I feel needed a bit of a take-down.

I think there's a definite earnestness with one of the two. The other one is more like this sketch:
http://youtu.be/wLM8uDKlR8oHollywoodDaddy’s Video 118210877530 wLM8uDKlR8oHollywoodDaddy’s Video 118210877530 wLM8uDKlR8o

What do you believe people assume you smell like from your appearance?

Eh, don't really care. The idea of scent/cleanliness conformity is reminiscent of a bunch of freshman twats sitting in a lunch cafeteria bullying/ridiculing anyone different than their 'clique' to shift the focus away from how inadequate they all feel.
Seems very 'pop serial' to me.
Homeless people usually smell socially unacceptable but are way more interesting to be around. Same with old people, truck drivers, manual laborers etc.
Currently, my arm pits smell like some cats fornicated on a large little ceasar's pizza pizza and my balls have a decent aroma going too, but, it's a different scent, more like, tandoori chicken.
So, no need to assume.

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What's your opinion of Megan Boyle?

Just fucking with you. Comeliness is tertiary to sexual desire. Though her blond hair style does maintain a certain charm that wasn't there before. I mean, from the 3 pics i've seen of her with the other hairstyle.
Feel like the only reason why people are asking re: opinion questions is to see me ripkick someone's asshole in. And feel like the motivation behind that is most people are too pussy to vocalize their honest opinions about, well, almost everything/anything out of fear that a critical eye will be turned towards themselves in retaliation, and, since people avoid/ignore negativity at all costs these days, it has exponentially more power than it should to damage their feeling of self-worth.
Think being 'plugged in' to this nebulous mother of distraction called the internet is causing human beings to be afraid of the dumbest shit, like, they're immediately going to youtube, snapchat, itunes, facebook, cnn.com etc. to mitigate any threat to their ego and never moving towards critical analysis about why something could be hurtful or how to overcome its residual feeling.
Think other people ask because they're cruel, disaffected shit hearts with very sad and boring lives, the type that make a city bus driver look like indiana jones.
Don't have much of an opinion on Megan. She's been operating in a different internet tunnel than me. It was only recently, because of her touring/reading with sam pink, that I become aware of who she was.
I started following her ask.fm because it seemed interesting enough and I didn't feel intense 'who is you' energy towards what she wrote/said, which is rare. It's one of two I follow. If you know of any interesting ones, pass that snarf on over.
Megan's not constantly jamming her 'brand'/writing/opinions/selfies down other people's throats, so, I like that aspect of her too. Or maybe she is and I don't see it. Seems doubtful though.
From my limited observation, I think she's constantly waging war against herself re: conduct. Like, part of her wants to be submissive towards everyone/everything as a form of kindness/coping mechanism with life and the other part of her knows it's an unattainable endeavor and a small part of her just wants to fuck shit up, because it's tuesday and there's nothing better to be doing on such an abysmal, meaningless asshole of a day.
From personal experience, drugs are the most effective at isolating yourself while engaged in that type of inner turmoil. Definitely think she's 'done the dew' unlike that other person I was asked about yesterday.
So, yeah, sorry to piss on the flamethrower. Ask me again in 1-3months if this answer wasn't satisfying enough.

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Why do u keep saying "pussy" in reference to cowardice?/ can you please stop

Because 'being a pussy' means just that. I'm clearly not using it as a specific attack against gender. Firmly believe in not giving words more power than they deserve and am not afraid and will not be afraid to use any/all in the context I deem necessary.
A word is defined by its usage, not the other way around.
What's really annoying--and selfish--about this situation, and others similar to it, is the complete disregard of how censorship can be psychologically detrimental to a person's health.
It's completely disingenuous for me to change the way I speak/think to appease a non-existent/anonymous digital wisp who comes here, to my place of conduct, on their own accord and feels devalued after internalizing a word I used in a fairly benign context, in regards to gender.
This may seem unimaginable to you, but, I've already tried the 'be something i'm not for the sake of everyone but me' lifestyle and the consistent result is a long lasting depression rife with self-hatred and destructive behavior. I'm not willing to do that to myself for you or anyone. I'd rather be a loner than exist like that.
I'm only as offensive as a person allows me to be. The onus is on you.
Now, i'm not an uncaring person. If we had some form of relationship, either in concrete reality or abstract cyberspace, then i'd take the time to discuss my position and yours and try to find an understanding. If an understanding couldn't be reached, then I'd make a mental note that X respectfully requests I not use the word 'pussy' and try my best to be mindful of X's limitations.
But... with the understanding I would continue using the word in their stead.
So, in regards to this forum, feel free to email me and start a discussion, get over my usage or stop coming here.
In other words, stop being a pussy about the word pussy.
Please read this in a kind-hearted tone because that's how it was written. My knee-jerk reaction was a lot more 'intense.'

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who is your fave serial killer?

I don't have a 'favorite' serial killer. Seems extremely immature to think of them like basketball players.
What I find interesting is their individuality. Meaning, a serial killer is a direct threat, and flagrant thumbs down, to society and its rules.
There isn't a 'point of return' for them to turn back on, it's just a life of living in the 'now' until their dying breath.
Maybe you've misconstrued the hostility in my heart. I'm very much against killing anything, unless it's a necessity. What I get worked up about is humans having the most potential and opportunity of all creatures alive and displaying such weak and disgusting misuse of spirit that it's shameful.
And we're too egotistical to acknowledge anything negative about ourselves.
The only serial killer i've felt a connection with is charles manson. But feel segregated from his sociopathic manipulation of others. That aspect I'm firmly against.

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can you delete the comment about your weight? it was pathetic.

Nah, I don't believe in revisions. Seems so pussy.
Failure and mistakes exist for a reason.

What is the tattoo on your chest of/say? What did it mean when you got it and has it changed?

It says 'hollywood daddy' in a graffiti font and has hearts and stars bordering it, with the 'oo' being two hearts.
When I moved to hollywood, every apartment building had a 'for rent' sign. The neighborhood was composed of vacant lots, abandoned churches, unused business spaces, homeless people, drug addicts, pervs, scumbags and an intense energy of wonderment and danger.
It's the only place I've ever lived or visited where I felt 'normal.' Nobody tripped on me. I was a weirdo, like everybody else.
I had recently shed the dictated dogma of society/abusive parenting and defined, accepted and began practicing 'love', then wanted to test my vessel, to see if I could exist in a hostile place and still remain true to myself. During those four years, I think I accomplished that.
Met some really cool people, met some supremely shitty people, got fucked over along the way, helped and was helped along the way too.
Across the street from my building was a party house inhabited by a proper crew of motley scumbags, originally owned by peter lorre. They invited me over after hearing me get in a screaming match with an armo lady after she let her unleashed bitch dog attack my puppy because somehow it was all my fault since the cowering ball at the end of my leash was a 'pit bull'.
I could write a trilogy on the people/events of that place. Shit, one book alone would be titled: the joints i've smoked.
The guy behind the band 'green jello' lived there for years, then let his latest stand-in band mates move in, and, like gremlins, scumbags multiplied.
The singer from fishbone, angelo, lived there. Hunter from gwar too. The latter is a good dude.
One of the denizens was an ex-meth addict tattoo artist from ohio who did time in joliet named rosetti. I liked him a lot. One day, on a whim, told him I wanted a giant 'fuck you' tattoo that could be seen from miles away with the only parameter being 'hollywood daddy.'
After a week, he came up with what's on my chest. It's unfinished. Some shit went down and he had to go back to ohio.
The place I loved is gone though. It's a mall and yoga complex for white twats now.
So, the tattoo is a tribute to scumbag hollywood, bukowski, the people i met, everything that didn't get out alive, the shit i saw and others will never see, weed, ecstasy, homeless people, police helicopters, armenian roosters, dancing until 7am, aggressive cockroaches, salvaged cars, heart shaped sunglasses, mysterious classical musical, after hours, voyeurism, broken crack pipes, opioid insomnia, the liberty bell temple, hot tubs sunrises, 4th of july rooftops, avalon, transgenders, muggings, struggle, mansions in the hills and the death of existential terror, but, most importantly, it's a statement that a strong mind and a self definition of love can survive anywhere without compromising dignity, compassion or self-respect.

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have you seen how ppl like roggenbuck and many many others share online their photos of smoothies and other fruit? i find it smug and it's as if they're telling you to eat as well as they do. maybe that's not the case but it seems implied. i find it unoriginal. any thoughts?

No, I don't follow the lives of other people like that. Don't use instagram, twitter, snapchat, etc. Seems bidirectionally needy.
Think people post pics of their food for one of three reasons: a) a desire to share something unique or well crafted, either by themselves or others. b) psychological manipulation of others to perceive them in a half-truthful or completely dishonest way. c) because everyone else is doing it aka mindless conformity.
In regards to the crumb czar, roggenbug, it's part of his 'branding' and I can see why you'd think it has a condescending connotation; it does.
Branding is the tactic of corporations to further their influence--leading to much greater profit--with a consumer base. It's a way of marketing a product line in to make it seem transparently beneficial and wholesome so that it's adopted as part of a consumer's identity, thus, removing any conscious connection with the product.
Like, the starbucks branding is really effective. They want their establishment to be 'a third home' for its customer base (home/work/starbucks) so they focus very hard on a lot of psychological/subliminal manipulations, because, without those, people would realize paying 6$+ for a chem lab engineered reconstituted powdered drink is fucking insane, on various levels.
Steve is using several morally aligned causes to propagate his brand. He's open about this. Which reveals both his arrogance and disrespect, because it's pretty easy to analyze the motivation and intent of branding (profiting from manipulating a large demographic into believing something frivolous/unhealthy is necessary for self-worth).
Anything needed/necessary/functional doesn't rely on commercialization or branding, it simply sells itself. That's why Roggenbuck's poetry, tshirts to save the world, zero production videos needing a revolving donation and 'internet poet' persona is as worthwhile as taking your mom to prom.
It's just, have you ever seen a commercial for a fucking tent?

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you a hunk of porcine jelly swinging alone in a desolate slaughterhouse. is that good enough? seeing you want to be insulted. i'll get lord of flies on you. we could dine off of you for months.

2/10 - lacks passion and originality.
A toddler named 'moron' could think of something more interesting than ridiculing my weight. Also, desperately feels like you need to stop watching peter o'toole movies and join the 21st century.
But you're on to something about the flies, just not in regards to me.

Have you read any of Mike Young's work?

I have a little here and there. Would rank Mike Young's writing as top tier in terms of uniqueness. Writing like his isn't encountered much anywhere, online or in print. Some of his sentences resonate on a much different frequency in my subconscious than any other type of reading has. So I find it interesting in that regard.
His subject matter doesn't captivate me though, so, it's difficult to focus on it for more than a few minutes at a time.
Think Mike is capable of achieving something like 'motorman.' Which is a book I don't think i'd ever have read without the recommendation from Blake Butler, but, the first seemingly simple sentence of the novel spoke directly to my heart. The rest was pretty fucking beautiful too.
So, yeah, I think of Mike Young's writing as something way more intriguing than most and if he ever chooses to write a novel that sings, to me, I'll always have a copy of it on hand.

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What do you splurge on?

Honestly think if you, as a sentient creature, engage in 'splurging', then the next logical step in life should be to fill a bathtub with cold water, stick your head in and breathe deeply.

Seems like everyone fighting for equality thinks a win for their cause is something that leads to an advantage for their group and isnt equal for everyone leading to more differences.

Well, equality is only achievable in death. I mean, even in the lunacy of a care bear 'reality' like 'star trek' there's still a military ranking system. And in the insect world, ants serve a queen.
The word can be used to market an unrealistic utopia, usually sold by people looking down from the top, or, as a dishonest battle cry, usually sold by a person or group seeking spiteful recourse for a valid or perceived disparity in social or economic rights.
So, yeah, basically a win for the cause of equality is vengeance or self-importance.
Altruism is the manipulative tool of the sociopath and almost always targeted towards younger people (13-27yo) because that demographic tends to perceive the world with an unrealistic ideology since experience is limited. Meaning, young people haven't been manhandled by the doom of life yet, which is why they're easily persuaded to espouse something like 'equality' by a person who's ulterior motive is gaining power or inflicting harm out of egotistical reprisal.
Once in a long while, an authentic loving/caring individual rises out of the hostile environment of extreme injustice and moves forward with a peaceful war banner and their influence makes up for every masquerading shit soul that'll come after.
Those types are very easy to spot though. It's in the cut of the jib, the gleam of the eyes and the eventual wound in their head.

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Can you nudge Sam to do one last 'who is you' post on giant? I know he's gonna do his thing

I'm incapable of nudging anyone, so, no.

MG: Like, helllo? Who is this guy? Like if he was anyone I'd know him, right? http://ask.fm/miragonz/answer/120484473001

3 out of 4 doctors agree: i don't give a shit.
Someone asked me a question. I provided an honest, direct answer. I've moved on. You should too.
Or don't. Feel free to not waste my/your time by forwarding the responses though. Not going to read them. Just seems pointless and boring.

most u ever paid in monies for sex with a stranger?

Zero. But I'm not 'too good' to pay for sex. Seems like a dream in regards to not having to deal with a lot of the bullshit leading and following intercourse.
I mean, in the culture of 'do you like me' a flavored beer and a compliment gets you laid, but, fuck, those people have the worst personalities so shelling out guap to bypass that horror seems like the smartest move for most men to make.
Also, think it's rather bitchmade of you to passive-aggressively make a shot at me. Stop being a pussy and just attack directly. I mean, you're in anonymous mode and still so immersed in the crumb game that you can't be direct.
Seems like a shitty existence to be that afraid of voicing your opinion in a forthright manner, ya know?

might be boring to ask about a writer again but what about your thoughts on bret easton and didion?

You know how bombadil puts on the ring, smiles, then gives that worthless trinket back to the hobbits? That's how I feel about these authors. Don't have any opinion, really.

Have you had the pleasure of reading Ben Brooks' burgeoning oeuvre? And, if I may be so bold, can you click the charming clip below of the edgy young underground writer who in some ways is a spokesman for a generation. He's a modern Carver, a true talent. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYKRNgAkfPo

I know of Ben but haven't read anything by him yet. People I respect have spoken of him in high esteem.

What's your opinion Mira Gonzalez?

When I think of 'mira gonzalez' two distinctive stereotypes come to mind: 'trust fund babies on adderall' and 'amazingly lame stepdaughters of successful musicians'. Others may not be aware of these stereotypes but, here in los angeles, they're fairly common, especially on the west side.
I had the misfortune of being within ear shot of her, once, for a brief moment of time, and felt woozy from her constant self-absorbed clack-clack speech that I had to walk away and avoid proximity for the rest of the night.
She reminds me of a skinny fat albatross that somehow gained speech from a drunk leprechaun and is excited to talk so much that it's almost impossible to follow what she's saying, but, no worries, whatever it is, it's about herself.
If she's actually done all the drugs she won't shut the fuck up about, then i'm the illegitimate love child of kareem abdul jabbar and glomer from the punky brewster cartoon. Real knows real, is all i'm saying.
What's really disheartening is how 'popular' she is. Like, we've become so enslaved by 'celebrity worship' that it doesn't even matter who/what celebrity it is, as long as someone is somehow and someway aligned with a person that is known to be 'famous' is enough for them to be universally accepted.
Feel like if any member of black flag actually gave a shit about the music they created/played, they would never allow their child/stepchild to be an antithesis to it. Or, if they just gave a shit about their kid(s), they'd do everything possible to not allow them to become the 21st century version of an organ grinder's monkey.
With all that said, she's a person, working with what she's got, and as far as I know, hasn't done anything horribly manipulative, just desperately jocking for attention she probably didn't get much of as a kid. So, I'm not giving her a 'thumbs down.' Just what she's about, which is more a 'thumbs down' directed at our culture.
But don't get me wrong, if I spot her at a party high on adderall, i'm exiting, stage left.

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Writing about drugs is boring do you think? After Burroughs who wants to read about New Yorkers taking pills? I do drugs but talking about them is like listening to someone tell you about their dreams.

I don't think writing about drugs is inherently boring. Depends on the writer, really.
Why drug writing has historically been interesting/intriguing isn't the drugs themselves or the introspection, but the environmental factors; meaning: the counterculture.
Like, fear and loathing was vastly popular because of the situations the protagonist was in, not necessarily solely the usage of illicit substances.
Now, most drugs are easily obtained, especially the pharmaceuticals. There's nothing mysterious/dangerous/weird to romanticize over.
So, what we have left is a bunch of impressionable young people lacking any real comprehension of what came before them desperately trying to emulate (and fail) at counterculture writing.
Drug writing is also relied on as a way of fluffing because most young writers are in a shared cycle of constant shifting distractions. Basically, they're all subscribing to the same experiences--the abstraction of the internet/television/music videos sans any struggle in concrete reality--without any substantial distance from it and consequently are unable to gain any meaningful perception since protracted introspection is avoided at all costs.
Which is why you have all this clinically boring writing about drugs. What's hilarious to me is that most of the people who write about substances in such a way have no self awareness of just how desperate they look.
I've taken a lot of drugs too. Writing about it mostly seems hard up as fuck. Like, as if my life/perception of reality is such a snore that it's the only aspect worth vocalizing.
Tony O'Neill does a good job at drug writing. Check him out.

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Creampie shots of E.R. Kennedy are surfacing on 4 chan. Bukkake shots of Sophie Katz too I believe, which i've not yet seen. The men are fighting back! We will win this war won't we?

Seems more like the boys with mommy issues, no pussy in their life and too much free time connected to the internet are 'fighting' back.
The possibility of these pictures only illustrates what I've said in prior opinion.
Also, something like this is only validating the lunacy of the fringe, on both sides.
But, on the real, exactly how does a sperm covered pussy or face discredit anything...
Seriously, hope there's a catastrophic event in the near future because people are such fucking idiots that we deserve to be reset.
But, hey, 'beyonce.'

Do you even normcore ?

No, I actually have a personality.
The current generation is unable to create anything of their own, it's just all mindless replication of past styles, like, a regurgitation without prior/current/post knowledge of the food they're vomiting out. Which is really sad and pathetic.
'Normcore' is the emulation of yuppie fashion from the nineties, but, not the 'asshole hip cocaine snorting wall street' types, the 'have a wardrobe sponsored by lands end and spend friday nights listening to npr' type. The kind of person who's never done anything physical, never struggled, feigns aloofness, doesn't have kids or if they do parenting is done through materialism and neglect, thinks of themselves as more intelligent than the common man and is just a spiritless lop of shit. Seems insane for any person to associate themselves with that type of banality, even in a contrived ironic/passive-aggressive cuteness sort of way.
The most illustrious example of 'normcore' emasculation can be seen in the horrible television show called 'dave's world' based on dave barry's writing/life.
Dave Barry's writing/life makes listening to a leaky faucet seem wildly romantic.
I rest my case:
http://youtu.be/kRtz9Q7xAqEHollywoodDaddy’s Video 118127062106 kRtz9Q7xAqEHollywoodDaddy’s Video 118127062106 kRtz9Q7xAqE

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HollywoodDaddy’s Video 118127062106 kRtz9Q7xAqEHollywoodDaddy’s Video 118127062106 kRtz9Q7xAqE

How about "do you like me" in the context of a monogamous relationship?

Think the merits of 'do you like me' in the scenario of a monogamous relationship is the worst possible context.
I mean, if you're constantly trolling for value/validation/attention from the one person in this world that (allegedly) holds a deeper connection with you than anyone else, doesn't it seem... pathetic to act that way? Like, shouldn't you be confident and comfortable being yourself at least with that one human being you've developed a trusting connection with.
The truth is, most people are in relationships out of safety and/or a fear of loneliness and don't actually have a trusting, loving, emotional, psychological bond with the person they're sharing living expenses with.
And as long as they both stay distracted with bullshit, it's not so bad, sort of, not really.


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