
Hollywood Daddy

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Some skating is now mainstream, what is the current underground sport? Parkour?

Leave your computer screen, walk outside and find out.

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fair play man - i'm getting maybe addicted to loading this ask page - A question is do you think the walking STD is feeling relief due to the Tao Lin gossip?

I don't know the context of the tao lin gossip. So, can't speak on it.
Think the walking std will only feel relief after being cleared from consequences. Right now, he has the mindset of a 14-year-old who's stolen his napping mommy's purse money to buy now-n-laters and slush puppies and is paranoid/frightened that once she wakes up that his ass is going to get beat. Shitweasel's completely unconcerned that the money was for the overdue electric bill. Ya dig?
Someone forwarded this to me earlier today: http://altcrit.tumblr.com/post/98949821891/chatlogs-with-rapist-stephen-tully-dierks-see
Pretty gross. And shows his manipulative nature. Wish every person who threatens suicide as way to influence someone would actually commit suicide. Just another tool of the bitchmade.
Spent the last 14:09 mins watching a video of megan boyle paint her room the color of what I can best describe as 'easter bunny bling' and it felt thoroughly more interesting/satisfying than all the std drama.
About to watch the latest episode of naruto and foresee it being the highlight of my day.

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Would u fuk Obama?

Deleting all dumb questions of a passive-aggressive 'cute' nature, except for this one.
Advise you to read 'motorman', go on a walk in nature or ask your parent why they're such shitty human beings rather than continuing the pathetic behavior you're currently engaged in.
I get it. You want to feel valuable and have almost no skillset to do so, but, firmly don't give a fuck about you/your sad life under hegemony.
Enjoy the loneliness of your room.

What do you find beautiful about boxing/mma?

The opportunity to view an honest moment in a reality of abstract lies.

I was in a bar last night. The NL wildcard game was on one TV, N'Dam v Stevens was on another, and in between them there was an MTV show that consisted of home videos where men jump on rakes, fly off poorly built ramps, and hurt their nuts. Everyone was watching the nut punches

Well, I'd argue that most people who watch football don't understand/care about the actual game or athletes. Most follow for egotistical pursuit. It's a reason to feel prideful and passively victorious without actually doing anything. It's also used as a vacation from being a non-shitty human being. Like, hey, it's football season so i can drink excessively and act with complete disregard for other people, including those close to me 'cause the game is on.
And, now, with the creation and popularity of 'fantasy football' there's a huge increase in people watching without involvement. Dudes who've never played any sports or even been in a schoolyard fight are 'fans' because there's a web interface and wagering involved. Eh.
Think everybody watching the 'jack ass' style show is a testament of how our society has evolved, people want constant flow of ephemeral distraction. A football game is too protracted, and consequently boring, to pay attention to, especially since everyone can log in later and check their fantasy score.

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Have you read this: http://sweetdreamsyouareverybeautiful.tumblr.com/post/98752794709/4-17-14 Did it change your opinion of STD??

No, I hadn't. The original story was brought to my attention by someone I know. Otherwise, i'd still be in the dark. I try to stay as removed as possible these days.
It doesn't change my opinion in regards to the original story though. Still think a person is responsible for their actions and it amazes me how the focus is completely on attacking STD with no conversation about why the choices leading up and during the ordeal were comprehensively stupid.
This encounter varies greatly and much agree that it's rapist behavior. Which really pisses me off. A lot. I don't like anyone preying on another person, for any reason.
The truth is there are a lot of shitty human beings in this world and very few are honest about it. Doesn't matter who you're with, if they seem 'hip' or 'friendly', always be cognizant of the actions, not the words.
As far as my opinion of the walking std as a whole, thought I did a good job voicing my severe disliking for the dude, which isn't a recent phenomenon.
Think the most surprising aspect of all this is learning stephen has a penis. Always suspected he might be a female-to-male convert based on his physical attributes.

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but the darkest bit of news that surfaced in the past 24 hours is about snkpck - who would have thought it? snckpck!

Not our boy, snckpck!

What percentage of people in America do you think are stupid? Answer honestly please.

Well, 'stupid' is relational to the 'intelligent' of its time. So, you're going to have to define the parameters of both before I can answer this question.
Previous standards don't apply. The 24/7 nature of the internet/cable television/satellite radio has created an environment where most everyone can read, but few comprehend.
Most every person I've met with a college degree seems to be very much a simpleton.
I think the better question is how many people are weak-minded. In other words, how many replicate what they see or hear without any, or much, awareness.
I'd say approximately 95%.

#DierksGate is trending. You best not get embroiled into this murky saga or I will never post here again. I mean it.

Lol, what do I care if some anonymous person frequents my ask.fm. Clearly, you don't understand me.
Also, the only way I could be 'embroiled' is for vocalizing my solicited opinion. Not going to let a large group of people bully me into sympathy or reticence, nor am I going to let my disdain for the walking std skew my opinion. Both dumb asses should be responsible for their actions, but since women are viewed as weak and helpless, the girl isn't. Which is fucking absurd.
Waffling would be disingenuous and self-betraying. Fuck std, fuck sophie, fuck them and fuck you too if you think i'm going to change who/what I am to play to the majorities whim.
I'd rather be chased down in an open field and eaten alive by lions before being afraid to be myself. I do my own shit.

What are your thoughts on bringing new life into the world?

Feel divided like a mcdlt, circa '85.
Definitely understand a woman's instinctive desire/need to have children. And, man, even in the most fucked/extreme reality, not okay with saying it shouldn't happen.
The world is getting so overpopulated now though. Seems worrisome to add to it.
I am a proponent of having only one or two children. Keep seeing these selfish pricks with their 3+ gaggle of offspring and imagine them as a platoon of grim reapers. Each one of those kids consumes a shitton, which means a shitton of excess is left, which means some dolphin is floating upside down in the ocean with a fucking plastic diaper lodged in its blow hole.
I can't justify having that many kids. It's glib as fuck. This is the 21st century. Science/technology/medicine is keeping people alive for way longer than they should be. Your precious little assholes have a better chance now than ever at surviving, so, keep it to a minimum.
Actually loving those children is a different matter altogether too.

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Your Roggenbuck description amuses me. In maybe my naivety I emailed him once. Didn't get a reply, which is fine. But I think: If JM Coetzee could reply to my email, why didn't the didactic poet Roggenbuck? Have you ever emailed a famous person you didn't know? If so, who and why etc?

I broke down what I think of roggenbuck and alt lit a while back on htmlgiant. You can read it here (if interested): http://htmlgiant.com/massive-people/why-do-you-treat-alt-lit-steve-roggenbuck-in-particular-with-such-scorn-ask-the-oracle-part-i/
No, I've never emailed a famous person.
Completely think hero/celebrity worship is the pastime of emasculated mouth breathers. And, fuck, man, a moderately large turd in wayfarers and wax lips can become 'famous' now. Everything is so corporatized and made in a quick/shitty fashion that it seems surreal. People are too afraid or stupid to make value judgments about anything.
'if it's 'good enough' then it's good enough!' is the new patriotic anthem.
Living in hollywood and working at a large film/television studio lot provided plenty of opportunities to approach 'famous' people. Honestly, after observing them, I despise those shit hearts more than most.
There's a handful of people I respect for what they've created/accomplished in life but don't think i'd ever initiate a conversation with them. Maybe, a 'hey, sorry to bother you, i really appreciate what you've created. have a nice day.' But that's it.
I believe in my own strength and don't view anyone else in more esteem. Just because someone can do something I can't it doesn't mean I'm less than them.
I did talk to a ufc fighter, Josh Barnett, that i've been watching since the late nineties and only did so because he was already being social in public and not engaged in any other activity. Plus, I really respect what he's done as a professional combatant.
Sat next to Cain Velasquez--the current ufc heavyweight champion--his wife, and their tiny dog, at a vegan/raw food restaurant but minded my own business since he was eating/spending family time.
Passed a lime green lambo with Rampage Jackson sitting in the driver's seat, hands in the air in a 'what the fuckkkk' motion, looking confused that made me laugh and feel better about life.
Fighters are the only 'celebrities' I pay much attention to. Would have loved to thank Diego Corrales before his death. Any of those other famous fucks have to be something remarkably special.

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True. Who knows how aggressive the choking was. The fantasy of pornography is on point. I think men assume women want it that way and women assume men want them to act like they enjoy it that way. Feel like everyone gets their feelings hurt way too easily and feel they're owed something for it.

Yeah, people are definitely a bunch of whine-prone, back-biting babies these days. Finding someone with a sense of humor is becoming increasingly difficult too. Like, in 12 years, there'll be a fox news special where geraldo makes an expedition to antartica to visit the last tribe of non-internet connected eskimos and video what genuine laughing looks like.
And everyone watching will wonder, 'do they like me?'

You're a victim blaming old fashioned misogynist!

Silly ol' wimmen hatin' me believes in taking responsibility for one's actions.
Feels very misogynistic to believe that a person shouldn't be held responsible for what they've done, like, as if that person is too frail/incompetent/helpless/pathetic to function like any other animal.
'Sophie' was perpetually dishonest because she didn't want to ruin her vacat... er, i mean, 'business trip' to brooklyn. She wasn't raped, at least not within the context of the 'story' I read.
It's not that difficult to assert yourself. She chose not to. The 'condom situation' was just sad, especially in regards to her acquiescence. The current generation thinks everything is a 'joke' and there's no real consequences for anything. There are.
The surefire way to get a condom on a guy's dick is by refusing sex without it, not circuitously urging twice for it, then 'giving up.'
I mean, don't get me wrong, think the cherub faced moron's methodology is pretty disgusting/lame, but on a 'fuck don't you have self-respect' level and not the way people are making it out as.
But, whatever, don't really care. If the flower petal army wants to kick dirt on penny loafers and keep empowering the 'powerless' behavior taught to them by the patriarchy, be my guest. It doesn't affect me.

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Are people becoming weaker? Today I read a news article about a sexual assault case where both people agreed to have intercourse but the guy choked the girl during and she didnt agree to that. Feel like soon youll have to ask 'may I smack your behind?'.

Well, in regards to this case, the girl may be justified. It completely depends on how aggressive of a choke it was. Chicks/dudes who do 'choke play' really like to fucking choke, like, pass-out, soul going towards the light type of shit.
If homeboy was strangling the girl in that manner and she wasn't familiar with that type of sex, feel like a surprise near death experience is pretty fucking traumatic.
Think too many dudes live within the fantasy of pornography and think a) it's genuine b) all women want to be fucked 'porn style'. Which is a very moronic concept. There's a lot of weak minded men in this world emulating that nonsense.
If lil miss freaked out over a light grasp around her throat, then that seems amazingly ridiculous.
But, to answer your question, people are absolutely getting weaker in spirit. Experience, skills, confidence and all the other attributes gained from taking care of business in concrete reality are becoming extinct as a result of technology and the dumbing down nature of corporate profiteering (making something as simple as possible to sell as many products as possible).
The bitchmade behavior of our coddled modern existence is magnified by the police state we live in. It's much easier to go tattle on someone than beat their fucking ass, especially since the gang of pigs (ironically) punishes severely for doing such an act.
A trait of the current generation is having more easily accessible resources than probably all past generations combined but being too lazy to utilize them. Find it utterly disgusting how people manipulate others by onlne whining, complaining, feigning ignorance, etc. instead of using the internet to learn how to accomplish whatever minute task they're looking to accomplish.
So, yeah, the human spirit is waning like never before.
I mean, what can we expect from the neglected offspring of yuppies, kids who were raised by effeminate limpwristed television shows like 'rugrats', 'boy meets world' and 'the suite life of zach and cody' and utilize materialism to impress others for the sake of gaining a tiny bit of attention since they're shitty parents refuse to acknowledge their existence because they're too busy going on golf trips, strip mall churches and adulterous cheesecake factory dates to give their babies a fucking hug or meaningful conversation...
This is the age of crumbs, my friends. Get used to it. Shit just started.

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"He seemed to be ‘preparing’ to have sex with me," made me laugh. "He had sex with my body while I stared up at the ceiling." - I now want to castrate the antagonist. Although clicking https://twitter.com/iamtully it seems as if he's already killed himself. What does Daddy think?

Don't know or care. Think a person like him is only concerned with social ranking and not concerned with anything else.
Most likely after this dies down dude will blame drug use for his behavior and slowly weasel his way back, inch by inch, most likely with public support from his spiritual adviser, steve 'i have no referential life experiences, nor am I a licensed therapist, but will gladly dictate how to live a morally clean existence' roggenbuck.
Which is bullshit. I've done plenty of drugs, plenty of times, and I've never raped, robbed, molested, lied, etc. while under the influence.


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