
landona montana

Ask @hikikosora

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Like shouldn't she/he be happy that the person is happy. why are pple so confusing? The sad thing is, you don't even know who they're talking about.

The extremely sad thing is that I probably do.

that anon..... That's too rude honestly...... who r they even talking about and how exactly can someone be too happy


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when did u first start listening to kpop

I started "listening" in 2004 or 2005, but I didn't actually get into it until 2008 or so.

who's to happy? bcos if ur talkin about me being excited about meeting a cool person u better move landon senpai you're the best

I'm senpai now aYyyyyyYy

Why'd you tell that girl she isn't annoying? She's annoying as f. I don't even follow you and I know that you are too


ooo who speaks esperanto in your family? this is my first time hearing about this language

Nobody. I learned it by myself.

I thot you were fluent because of your letter^^

Yeah um 37% of that was Google Translate and the other like 67% probably doesn't make sense (even though I tried!)

what ethnicity is your dad's side? your mom's side? ((sorry if too personal))

My swagdaddy is Korean and my momma is Filipino/African-American

fav on t-list??

Olma, Zach, Peyton, Alice, Vivian, Mary, and the members of Four Horsemen.
And you!...whoever you are....

How many sms do you send a day?

SMS as in texting?
as in how many texts do I send a day?
as in how many friends do I have?
The answer is zero.


Language: English