

Ask @hevharv

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Do you ever call your friends things like 'my girlies'

Yuck no that's like the most patronising thing e v e r
also, I don't see how my male friends fit into that bracket

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how do you usually do your makeup xx

I'm really lazy with it normally... like I never really wear concealer/foundation, sometimes just a bit of powder to stop me looking shiny and then just eyeliner and mascara, and also lipstick if I can be bothered

what are your plans for today?

Went to see Jethika Pikalz Aged 5 for a few hours, was very pleasant, and from now onwards I'm not really up to anything much :)

:( really kind of upsetting that you think like that... you should have more self confidence you're gorgeous x

Thanks haha

i wasnt the same person as the luke and suz question lol, you must of been pretty pissed seeing alex call jade pidgley sexy though, i would of been

Oh apologies then
and I've long since come to the conclusion that I'm not even half as good looking as most of the people around me haha

. I honestly do wish one could take you on a date, but that's impossible, anyone would be lucky to have you by their side, you seem like such an amazing person, everything about you, is perfect, you're personality is off the charts and your looks are incredible :) r u on kik? we can have a chat mayb

No kik

Who would you say is the best horse you've ever ridden?

Personally for me it's Bonnie cos she's my horse/pony of a lifetime, but then technically I've gotta say Honey... most delightful mare ever, literally you look in the direction you want to go and she goes that way - so sensitive, moves away from pressure and body positioning etc. Never ridden anything like her, really exceptional horse.

my ponies have to stay in full time cause they're little shits who we can't handle ;)

Exactly, necessary reasoning for them to be in ;-)
Liked by: Harley

Why would a horse ever NEED to stay in full time with no turn out? o_o I just think it's cruel. They aren't bred to be cooped up inside.

If they'd had an injury then they may need to be on box rest? But yes, I would much rather have a horse out than in, but unfortunately if they have hurt themselves or there are other issues surrounding it, then it may be essential for them to stay in..

only asked because i know you know them and i know youve been cheated on

Just because I know them doesn't mean I have anything to say about it??
& me being cheated on has nothing to do with it either lol... it's not like we're the same people it's a completely different situation. Whatever they're doing shouldn't really be influenced by anyone but themselves

What good idea you have had lately?

Wear clogs because they're so squishy and comfy and don't antagonise the friction burn on my foot

Would you ever keep a horse in full time with no turn out?

Well if it needed it then of course I would lol

i love your hair colour omg how do i get mine to go like yours and what colour would you say it is?

I dunno what colour it is
all I can say it is that I dyed it a weirdy not quite red, red... then as it faded I dyed it a more vibrant red then just left it lol so my roots are like half my head and a weird browny colour, then fades into a light coppery sort of tone, then into it being more reddish, then finally in the sun the ends of my hair look blondish sometimes hahaha

do tou care that alex calls other girls in your year sexy?

Are you unable to spell the word "you" with a 'y'?

what do tou think of the luke and suzanna and katie thing?

I don't really think it's any of my business, and for that matter, I really don't think it's yours either. :--)

How many times a day do you look at yourself in the mirror?

Apparently not enough..on the times I do cross paths with a mirror throughout the day I'm left wishing I hadnt because then I'm able to remain blissfully unaware of how crappy I've looked in public

Which of your friends do you love the most?

I love them all dearly but of course, it goes to the Raptor

No i dont get it, so like Alex isnt exclusive to you and you love other people as well as him

Honestly I don't understand how you can be so dim?
I love Alex
I love my friends
I love my dad
all different kinds of love. All more than one person. Jeez


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