

Ask @hevharv

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youre really weak sometimes and it makes me kinda sad because youre strong in lotsa other ways

I feel like this is an insult disguised as a compliment

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ho on cara hayward

She's like a younger sister to me, very considerate and thoughtful but honest. Sometimes she lacks common sense but she does try bless her heart. Love her to bits as well, she rarely passes judgement on people and she's also incredibly supportive

Can't skype on ipod! But its about what James said to you xxx

Ohhhhh right ok, I'll reset haha, be with you in a tick X

I dm'd you, need to talk to you about something xxx

Ok :-) my Twitter app isn't working properly.. Gimme a rough idea what its about? Or Skype me breh

How many hours do you sleep at night?

Erm sometimes not at all, sometimes I'm flat out before 9pm lol but no matter how much or little sleep I get I can never sleep past 9 in the morning which is the W O R S T

wuu2 X

Nothing right now but yesterday I got my A-level result certificates, gave a book back to one of my old teachers, cooked dinner with Rosie, decorated her Christmas tree then Santa came early to hand me over a present and then I went home and tortured myself by breaking my own heart with rewatching Fringe.. :''(

what are you up too

I've been watching a programme about crazy wedding cakes all afternoon and other than that I've just been trying to sell my stuff

Which three things would you take to a deserted island?

An overweight human (to eat)
A box of tools n materials to make a way home
And tanning oil with SPF 15 cos bitches don't wanna burn
Liked by: Lara Collinge

Sorry this is really random but I'm doing something similiar to you talking about how power is presented in literature... What would you use as a counterargument for power being bad? Thanks xxxx

Uhhhh, for a counter argument I personally would say that power in it's unused form isn't positive or negative, it only takes on those characteristics when it's influenced by external forces. As for backing that up in evidence, I don't know if you already have set texts or not but I would reference things that show power being used for both "good" and "bad" or where it is depicted is an energy. Hope this helps x

What's the worst thing about Portsmouth?

For me its the way my house walls are paper thin, don't wanna near my neighbours witchy cackle at 2am everyyyy day


Language: English