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i know you like to read so five books you'd recommend please and what theyre about? :)xx

Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson. Synopsis - "Lia and Cassie were best friends, wintergirls frozen in matchstick bodies. But now Cassie is dead. And the voice inside Lia’s head keeps telling her to remain in control, stay strong, lose more, weigh less. If she keeps on going this way – thin, thinner, thinnest – maybe she’ll disappear altogether." (This book DEFINITELY comes with a trigger warning but it's so eye opening)
We Were Liars by E Lockhart. Basically about a girl in a seriously rich family who always went to an island every summer, but one day something happened and she woke up without any recollection of what happened and her family wont fill the blanks for her
Wonder by RJ Palacio, about a young boy with a facial deformity and his family/friends
that's all I'm doing cos I cba to write anymore

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Best feeling in the world?

The moment your nose unblocks when you have the worst cold in the world and you promise yourself that you will never again take being able to breathe easily for granted
Liked by: Sammie Mosby

Why are you and Stella so weird, wth is wrong with you two

We're Shamans, don't be so rude man. I may have been a horse in my past life, but now I'm a human too.

what's your opinion on sammy mosby katie Belmont Suzanna Kennett & Maggie coffee

Sammie's a don
Katies ite
Suzannas v sweet
Dunno Maggie too well but she got good hair
Liked by: Sammie Mosby

i didn't say i thought u should break up b y the way, but i only wondered because you tweeted about finding more girls attractive than guys and thought you might have left him for a girl

Ohhhh right! No, hahah I just think the male population is seriously lacking in the department of good looks right now in general lol, I think I'm fussier when it comes to males so its a compliment to him if its anything
Liked by: Alex Ripley

do you wish you could have a polyamorous relationship? do you think you could handle it

Um I think when it's just written down it looks like something that could be doable and I guess there are people out there who function wonderfully with it but really I think it would cause a lot of doubt and jealousy and slightly devalues the importance of a connection between 2 individuals ... so no I don't wish it, nor do I think I could handle it either
Liked by: Suzanna Kennett

i disagree needs a strong bond cuz have you seen how big the jumps are!!!!

Yeah the jumps are big but to a horse of that level and quality, jumping fences that big is second nature. They're trained to be bold and brave and (for the most part) obedient. Having a strong bond doesnt come into it when you think about it realistically

would you meet anyone of fb/yt/ask that you havent met yet and who :)xx

Wanna see Stellaboo soon again.. but for haven't met already Harley and Emma

Do you think that having a stong bond between horse and rider is needed to jump and compete at top levels? Xx

When I was younger I probably would have agreed, but now I understand so much more and I really don't think it's essential at all.. Most top level horses will jump round those tracks with any competent and capable rider. Sure it might not have the "sparkle" that it has when their ridden by someone they have established a connection with, but they'll still do it nevertheless

Why do you not answer questions anymore

Because I keep getting asked the same questions, repetition is irritating


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