

Ask @hevharv

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what are you working on with roxy atm?

on the flat - collection and her general shape, getting the hindquarters more engaged and having her active
jumping - again forward energy and striding yet i need to sort my position out lolz

I swear all you do is just sit there when you ride horses anyway

nah mate thats not how it works, its not as if we just sit on the horse and it magically knows what to do... you need to be telling it what to do constantly. depending on what you are asking the horse to do your entire body has to be positioned accordingly. you need to be supple and you have to hold yourself, you cant just slouch otherwise you restrict the horse sooo much. plus if you're riding a difficult horse you always have to be one step ahead and anticipate what theyre going to do yet stay completely relaxed because they pick up on tension like a sniffer dog smelling crack

What's one thing you've always hoped to do "one day"?

obtain a large amount of money that entitles me to live a life of luxury

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Did you teach your horse to smile?! How?!?!

she smiled a lot anyway
and then whenever i gave her treats when i turned her out she always did, so i just started wiggling my fingers as she did it and saying smile then giving her a treat and boom she knows it now, she just tends to get a bit excited about smiling and sometimes hits her head on things (including me) slobbers on things (including me) and lots of other weird shit whilst shes smiling (usually involving me)

Why does everyone always call you a bitch? I dont really see it x

because i am a bitch trolololol but thanks i suppose

what is it like being in your friendship group at schol like what are you all like and whats your relationship like

we never compliment each other
we constantly pick on each other
we physically abuse each other
we are always sarcastic
we know each other inside out
if someone is lying we can instantly tell and then we bully the truth out of the liar
we can be horrible pricks
but we dont care and we luv each ova niwayx x x x

what type of hackamore does she wear? i swear they are pretty strong... do you like strong tack or something?

o m g
you have no idea how much it pisses me off when people are like 'u luv strng tak u ovatak ur hrsez' she wears an english hackamore. yes it is strong, and she needs strong, you are welcome to try and come and ride her in a snaffle or something cos i promise you will be in america within 5 minutes.. but just because i have one strong piece of tack on one of my horses doesnt mean i like strong tack... hence why picks just wears a bent bar loose ring snaffle and roxy wears an eggbutt snaffle OMG SO STRONG SNAFFLES OMG HOW DO THEY COPE??!?!?!!?!? :'''(

what do you boot your horses up for?

travelling & jumping
but bon wears boots everytime i work her because shes presh

what different bits did you try on bonnie? what was she like in each of them?

hanging cheek happy mouth snaffle - strong and leany
dutch gag snaffle ring - pissed of with me multiple times
dutch gag 2nd ring - marginally better control but still pissed off
dutch gag bottom ring - for the first couple of weeks i had much more control but she would run straight through the bit and just drag me around everywhere still
hanging cheek snaffle - so this is like a normal metal one, and we put her in this because we were thinking of the whole less for her to run away with idea, but she was so fussy with it and hate it and was all head tossy and draggy
d-cheek cherry roller - she went so nice in this for ages! the rollers made it harder for her to push her tongue against the mouth piece when she wanted to run off so she went pretty well in it, so i started schooling her on the flat with this and jumping still in the gag on the bottom ring
then for a while i varied between both the hang cheek and cherry roller
i put her in a loose ring bent bar snaffle for like a really easy mini DR test but when i tried to ride her in it after that i nearly died
and then she split her lips because she is a retard and i had to ride her in a headcollar, and although she was completely nuts and flat out and i was sure it would result in my death i actually preferred her in it because despite her speed she was pretty chill
so then it was the hackamore, and she loved it and responded well to the nose and poll pressure and is lovely and still in it now :)

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What about getting a horse to go forward in general? Like my horse is so lazy and I struggle to get her going quickly :(

literally sounds like another gruffalo haha
in terms of getting them off the leg, less is defo more. the quieter you sit, the more likely they are to carry you forward rather than if you are constantly nagging. plus the more you constantly thump and kick the more likely they are to go dead to the leg, so sit still and tell them once, if they dont respond, back it up with your stick and then lots of praise the minute they go forward :) lots of transitions will also help to get your horse listening more, and anything that engages the hind end will be helpful as well :)

Have you ever ridden a horse who naps? How do you deal with it? It's really starting to scare me now!

yes i have :) and you ride forward, and be as firm as you can with it. you have to be sooo assertive and really ride forward with lots and lots of leg! if your horse is napping to a particular direction that you dont want to go in, for example horse is napping to the left, you want to turn right, never turn your horse in a circle to the left in order to get them going the way you want them to if that makes sense? if you do that in the horses eyes, they have won and will do it constantly. sometimes you might need to give them a smack behind your leg to let them know that you arent scared! be firm but fair x

I'm sorry but you crit Issy yet you can't ride half as well as her - I don't get it?

i'm sorry but i don't care
youre just getting pissy because i dont idolise her like the rest of the blind idiots on the internet. theres plenty of things wrong that people choose to ignore and ive decided not to ignore it anymore

are u judgmental?

anybody who says they arent are lying, you will always see someone and think something about them before you know them, its just the way the world works

do you get lonely?

i dont think i have ever felt lonely once in my life... im perfectly content with my own company lolz

do you need the internet to survive?

although i would be marginally screwed if people wanted to contact me because i still haven't sorted my phone out yet :L

do you think you have less of a social life because of horses?

well i dont go out very often, but i think thats just because im lazy and i really cant be bothered, nothing to do with the horses. plus i socialise with people at the stables so its not as if im entirely lonesome


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