

Ask @hevharv

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what xc course did u walk and why was it horrendous

and it was pouring with rain, hailing and the ground was genuinely pure shit and terrible, the water jump was sooo deep there was slippy wet shit called mud everywhere

Did U ride Ur horse?

yes and she was AMAZING
after a trollish start she went brilliantly, jumping through a grid of bounces really using herself and popping a fairly decent sized spread at the end , YEY

How often do you change your desktop background?

i havent changed it since like 2010
i dont really see the point either

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Do you think kissing in the rain is romantic

i really dont understand how anyone can think this is romantic
first off it will be freezing fuckin cold and i cannot deal with the cold, secondly everyone looks like ratty ugly messes in the rain with their shitty bird's nest hair and more than likely make up all over your face where its running down your fucking cheeks. and of course afterwards it will be shit because you'll more than likely be wringing your underwear out for like a month after

My horse always throws his head up and tosses it around after doing jumps in a course and whenever I try and pull him back to stop it he just does it more. What can I do?

don't pull him back! sit back, leg on and ride forward, dont let him back off with the head shaking and make sure your hands are gentle so there is virtually nothing for him to snatch :) if he's still rude, maybe a tap with the crop to remind him you're in charge

What would you advise for a horse who constantly tanks off when it's being led to and from the field?

if it is seriously tanking like zooming off and dragging you, i would advise in investing in a chiffney :)

Is leaving a horse unrugged all through winter cruel?

depends on the horse! obviously you wouldnt leave a tb out naked all through winter, but if your horse is accustomed to being left out rugless and has a nice big coat and a good bit of fat on them, it's not cruel at all :)

How does it make them screwed for later in life? Just wondering :)

well if you've started them out as a 3YO or 4YO in a strong bit, you dont really have much else to put them in if they learn to run through the bit or take hold of it and bolt. its far better to keep a horse/pony soft mouthed so then there will be less problems

Why do some people choose to use strong bits when they back horses? I don't get it

i have no idea considering i personally don't know anyone who has or would... although i'd imagine it would be for some kind of ludicrous reason such as teaching the horse to 'respect' the bit and not tank off, although really all they're doing is hardening the horse/pony's mouth which will make them screwed for later in life so yeah

what are your horses nicknames?

bonnie: bon, la bonbon, bonge, bongie, marey, bons, pony
roxy: rox, roxas, gruffalo, bitchy, marey, pony
pickles: pickpick, picky, fatty, fatman, wuss and ive started calling him smurf recently as well haha

You seem so pessimistic about so many things... not trying to be critical, just an observation from being around you.

no i wouldnt say pessimistic, i would say realistic ;)
and who are you?

do u believe in love at first sight

no way :L
i think you end up initially attracted to the way someone looks and then you fall in love with them as a person if its meant to be or whatevs

do yu think people can only fall in love once

no, people change and so do feelings
i think it depends more on your capacity to love than anything else

What is your favorite childhood memory?

i will never ever forget the incidents of the 'black bean' when we used to go and stay with my cousin and aunt when they lived in devon... every year holly would end up with a black baked bean on her plate when we were there ahah


Language: English