

Ask @hevharv

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What do you mean it isn't always enough to love someone???

Well it's not. You can't be with someone if you just love them. If you don't trust them, or you're somehow losing a bit of yourself it's not right to be together either.
Liked by: Tam harley may

it makes me sad that you didn't take alex back, you loved each other soooo much

I'm sorry it made you sad... I think? But it isn't always enough to just love someone.


I've just come back from Chloe's, about to go for drinks for Jo's goodbye thing... Then working. Probably won't go out this weekend because I'm exhausted, so yeah just working really. :-)

how was your weekend

Friday night was fun, Saturday morning was shit and I was worried it was going to completely throw me off and spoil my afternoon/evening but then my pretty pwetas were just glorious. Work on Sunday was good as well, drove Gee to get ice cream in the Kabuto and tried to swerve so she tipped straight out the side #wotusayin

How do you feel within yourself at the moment?

Up and down, but then again, who doesn't feel like that? Still battling constant weird/bad dreams and night freak outs but for the most part I'm fine! I'm busy and I'm ok :-)
Liked by: harley may

would you like to sell your hair

How much are you offering for my unbrushed, bleached straggly mess of rat tails?

last thing to make you laugh out loud?

I'm still chuckling at the prat who tried to tell me horses don't live in herds... Ffs

Weekends plans?

Tomorrow night drinks and chilling with Tami, Amie etc, Saturday afternoon and night at Leanne's for her birthday and foooood, Sunday at work. :-)
Liked by: Tam

What things should you never tell your parents?

That you showed that picture of your dad stuck in a tree to the rest of world

Who are your absolute favourite people?

I'm asked this question all the time and the answer never changes. They know who they are.

So what do I have to do for workers and what do they look for?

For WH you have to jump a course of jumps and then return for you go round and individual show. Jumps are all rustic. Since your horse/pony is supposed to be adopting some of the characteristics of a hunter hence the name of the class they need to bold around the course and have a stride that covers ground. You don't want to be flying around like a bat out of hell, though. Need to show you have control.
In your individual you need to slow up and demonstrate that your horse can "work", so come round into a correct shape and outline, be responsive and pliable to both hand and leg. :-)

any book recommendations?

Special Topics in Calamity Physics by Marisha Pessl (it's not a text book I promise!!)
We Were Liars by E Lockhart
Winter girls by Laurie Halse Anderson
Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
There are loads that I just can't be bothered to write at the moment. Just message me and tell me what you're into and then I'm sure I can give you something :-)
Liked by: harley may

my horse knocks jumps down so much, what can i do to stop it?

Without seeing or knowing more, it's hard to say but I'd more than likely assume you need to slow your horse down and fix your canter work. :-) It's always a good starting point as it is.


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