

Ask @hevharv

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do you like nat, rosie, sophii, matilda, sophie, kate, nicola,

Nat just seems like a straight up bellend ngl, Rosie doesn't exactly appear to be as vanilla and innocence as she comes across and I dunno the others at all lol
Liked by: Harley

so who do you like out of all the yt people

I don't know it's not as if I can sit and think of every single person I've possibly ever been associated with and tell you if I like them or not? It's not as if I know most of 'em well enough to even give an opinion
Liked by: Harley

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why do you always take harleys side in everything you seem like a person people would love to have on their side but you always take harleys

Harley's wonderful
Liked by: Harley

are you scared for results day? I know i am bricking it?

I have moments of sheer terror where I'm like oh shit if I don't get into uni I havent exactly come up with any sort of back up plan, but then I don't really think about it that much so those terrifying moments are very fleeting
Liked by: Harley

Have you ever bailed off of a bolting horse? is it scary? xxx

Yes I have, it's both scary and painful lol.. I ended up stuck to a fence :P

how many horses and ponies have you had since you started riding xxx

4 but was lucky enough to have the ride of a few others and had a big selection to school and stuff haha

why do people always put horses with navicular down? i swear that you can manage it?

Mmm yes I suppose really you can manage anything if it's not too severe. A lot of the time though that isn't the case, so no, it's really not always manageable and once they have navicular there really isn't an easy way to get rid of it... very painful for the horse

How is your summer going

Very weird, so fucked up really because there is no middle ground of cruising through, it's either feeling incredible or pure shit

would you be comfortable riding a stocky 12.2 that has carried men?xxxx

Nah would still be squashing it lol x

worst advice you can ever receive when you are upset

"Chin up" it's just so infuriating lol makes whatever is bothering you seem so ridiculously insignificant

would you rather loan or buy

I think everyone would rather buy... loaning is great and although I've never had a bad experience with an owner, your name isn't on that passport so really not many of the decisions regarding the horse lie with you at all. Loaning might save you money, but I think buying a horse is more likely to save you emotional trauma
Liked by: Alex Barsdell

my horse keeps opening its mouth and stretching its head all the way down to the floor when asking to halt should i put a flash on him

Most horses put their heads down because of the rider, weak riding through the seat lets them get away with it so I'd make sure you're being as effective as possible... also see what other things you can eliminate before chucking a gadget on otherwise you'd be addressing the symptoms and not the cause of the problem

she shouldnt be rude back

In an ideal world I suppose yes, people would be able to ignore the comments that get made about them but seriously there is only so much a person can take - it's not like these a tiny insignificant things being said about her, they are actually awful. Do you honestly expect her to just roll over and accept everything that's being said about her and to her without trying to defend herself?
Liked by: Harley


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