

Ask @hevharv

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people need to stop because you're not the most beautiful girl alive, your boyfriend probably sends all of them on anon. Your boyfriend is a massive cheat and you're blind and sticking with him because you're desperate and know that you've told him too much private stuff to break up haha get a life

I am fully aware that I am not the most the "beautiful girl alive" & I'm pretty sure nobody has ever said that I was?? If you had any more substance to what you said and were genuinely serious about saying hes a massive cheat then you'd actually say to something with a name otherwise it's not exactly anything that can be taken seriously loooool
& yes, sticking with him because I am desperate you've defs got that one right :))))))))

how are you

No other word to describe how I am other than exhausted
I'm going to be flat out within seconds today

do you leave scratch marks on your boyfriends back when you have sex

I have no nails so unless I plan on sharpening my skin into points, that doesn't happen I'm afraid

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What's your best subject?

Currently it's drama hahaha I'm finding it pretty easy going to be honest. For some reason I just find that there's a lot I can write about and it's fairly simply to keep it relevant to the question. Plus it helps that I do like our exam text as well

When you go to a movie, do you like to sit in the back, middle, or front?

Front = aching neck
Middle = perf view of the screen unless there are tall people in the way but noisy eaters seem to be much louder and whispers tend to be very noticeable
Back = more likely to have tall people sitting in front of you

Do you think people are born to cheat :/ I think Alex is.

I don't understand how this never gets boring for you

Beautiful honey, you'll be ok x

May I ask why I am getting a sympathy message? Nothing is wrong as far as I am aware lol

what do you think of the country India?

Random question... I've never been mate so I don't really have any personalised opinions

So if you were in a bad mood and I tried to cheer you up, you'd get madder?

Oh lord, it really just depends on who you are if I'm honest and how susceptible I am to accepting what other people have to say to me. Sometimes I just want people to ignore my mood and just treat me like normal... Rosie and Tami are particularly good at this hahaha but then again, they do know me pretty damn well

What do you mean trying to cheer people up sometimes makes it worse?

Well if you're in a bad mood and the people around you are grinning like village idiots and acting like total bellsniffs in an effort to get you to crack a smile that is probably just reflex and not actually genuine it can get very annoying very quickly... also if someone plagues you with "whats up what's up" and then when you relent and let them know that you're in a bad mood and they're like "OMG WILL GIVE YOU HUGS AND SENDING LOVE" and making a superhuman effort to try and improve your mood it's just really irritating sometimes hahah. The best way to deal with it isn't making a fuss, it's just being completely normal with them

How do you cheer up a friend when they're feeling down?

Sometimes trying as such to cheer a friend up just makes them worse. It can be so annoying if people throw their positivity at you sometimes it's just like piss off lol
Occasionally just sitting in companionable silence until they are ready to talk to you first, or stewing with them is the best way to sort it

what make up do you have on in your fb profile picture?

Mascara and eyeliner and eyeshadow, but I use the eyeshadow on the lower lash line because it lasts longer than most liner pencils hahaha

thats grim!! how did you actually do your hair red?

Well I dyed it obviously... you know the normal way you change your hair colour :S
It's not as if there was some magical way it happened lol

You are how I would define the word 'flawless.' You are absolutely stunning, some kind of heaven sent angel to walk among mere humans such as myself. It would be a dream, a crazy, out of this world dream for you to ever be able to notice someone such as myself. Sweet girl, you are luscious.

Am I allowed to freak out now

why did you hold too much?

Rox was a really big mare so she was soooo long in the back so it was really important I had powerful and held together otherwise she could just cart me off anywhere she liked and get out of doing anything, but she also had a tendency to randomly rear at jumps and stuff so it was a mixture of trying too hard to get her where I needed her and being too cautious :)
could never overhold on the Bonnie, I ended up in an electric fence the first time I made that mistake on her... never again

what would you say is your worst habit when jumping a course?

Havent jumped in like literally 9 months lol it's ridic but I used to hold too much which meant always ended getting too deep

why not :(

What would be the point in posting a fat picture of just my face right here when it is clearly visible on Facebook where you have clearly already seen it?


Language: English