

Ask @hevharv

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i was just wondering if it's worth it to go into working with horses... that is all

Sometimes it's very satisfying work, other times it's incredibly tedious. Just depends on you as a person and what you find "worth it"

First liker gets follow and 30 likes?

Every single time my answer is no
What makes anyone think I am going to answer this differently
Who even says yes to this shit anyway

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do you have a job? what do you do?

I do
I feed horses, I turn out horses, I bring in horses, I shovel shit, I sweep yards, I tidy up after people, I shovel more shit... you get the general idea

have you ever played any drinking games? what drinking game gets you the most drunk?

Yes of course
Never Have I Ever... theres really not much that I cant drink to LOL

are there any horses on youtube that you would like to ride?

I don't really know who/what is on YouTube any more so I can't really answer this :) but if I was offered to have a ride on a horse then I'd accept regardless of what it was lol, as long as I wasn't going to die or squash it haha
Liked by: Justin ✔

would you meet anyone off of the internet?

Only people who I know for a fact are like "real" if ygm, like my baby Stella

Not sarcasm. Sometimes you include cheeky innuendo that most people don't pick up on :)

Well I appreciate that someone reads what I have to say closely enough to notice, I am flattered ;)

Some of your answers are a bit cheeky aren't they ')

I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not :P
Elaboration on how they are cheeky?

my horse knocks a lot of uprights what can do to change his jump ?

Obvs depends on the build of your horse, some have naturally flat jumps and if they are reaaally flat there isn't always a lot you can do, but gridwork can help improve bascule, v poles to encourage lift in the shoulders. also work on their paces in general to make sure your horse is really uphill - flat canter, flat jump otherwise!

how would you warm up a horse thats usually really whizzy?

Make sure I do things that involve keeping the leg on, so many people make the mistake of leaving their leg off of sensitive horses when really that makes them run away from it more because they explode when it actually makes contact with their sides lols

if you went to look at horse to buy and you were riding it, what would you do on it?

Well I'd obviously want to try it out doing everything that I'd plan to do on it? Like school it, jump it, take it somewhere on the roads, out in a field/woodland area, perhaps a couple of xc fences


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