

Ask @hevharv

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Oh lovely. Have you ever been on holiday with friends before?

Yes I have, just not with these specific friends hahah

Are you planning much for the summer?

-Holiday with Rosie, Lara, Abbey, Tami, Harriet, Charlotte and Anna
-Pedro's visit so the 'chevdro' will be together
& then basically just trying to spend as much time as poss with everyone I want to spend time with :-)

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i have heard you say before that it isnt about height, it is about weight. did you get to heavy for bonnie and that is why you stopped riding her? no hate, just curious

Oh, I also stopped riding her because she's a bit of an OAP. She was 24 years old in those photos, so she's 26 now!! I wasn't too heavy, but she'd always had a very active life where she worked her socks off - plus there wasn't really anyone at our yard that would have been small enough and capable enough to ride her... she may have been an old biddy but she had the exuberance and life of a 2 year old :')

I don't get it you dont like her riding though so you cant really like her?

You are... wow, you're just an idiot.
Just because you don't agree with something someone does/don't like the way they do something, doesn't mean that you don't like THEM as a person? I'm really close friends with people that I disagree with on topic matters and stuff. I don't get why it makes a difference?

But you said you didnt like her riding

Key words there are "her riding"
I do not like the way she rides horses
I know nothing of her personality - I cannot hate her without being given adequate reason to do so.

So you hate ally?

Where did I say that I hated Ally? That's right, I didn't say that anywhere
I don't even know Ally personally lol, of course I don't hate her.

i find it kind of incredible how your boyfriend doesnt really realise how gorgeous you are


what annoys you most in your life my sweet bby g xooox

Depends on how irritable I am :P
Currently, the bane of my life is having a blocked nose, but I'm also getting agged by people mixing up "generally" and "genuinely" -_-

Bc it's funny how it just drops to having like one curl in each bit of hair right at the bottom

-_- We established long ago how uncooperative my hair is lol

Do you still upload to yt

Naaaah lol effort especially with last year of a-levels and exams just around the corner
Plus I don't have a horse any more so I just sort of ride as and when I can haha

you've been looking roughhhhh recently lol cretin

1) I don't use sixth form as some kind of beauty pageant, whats the point lol
2) I'm ill as fuck so it's understandable that I would be looking distinctly worse than usual

What questions do you usually ask when you want to get acquainted with someone?

What is your name is a good start I suppose

Can you post a picture that isn't a derp please. I'd like to see you smiling.

As you can tell I made such an intimidating soldier on Halloween
Liked by: Jay Ravat

do you have good teeth x

Well I used to have significantly better teeth than I do now
But I got drunk, I was in literally mentally insane period of life and completely disassociated back to probably one of my most traumatic life experiences and then passed out and whacked my teeth on the edge of a friends sink in their bedroom and now my front teeth are chipped. What a story for the children #swag


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