

Ask @hevharv

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i really wish i could be friends with you properly but i cant because alex will hate me but just so you know not everyone who is friends with him hates you


All you do is talk about Chris heard you talking about him with Chloe today are you like in love with him or something????

Yes, talk about Chris aaaall the time when if you'd actually heard properly, you would have realised it was about Chloe's Mormon cousin Chris setting up a paypal account and playing Cards Against Humanity
Are you dumb
Liked by: Amie Capozzi

when was your profile picture on Facebook taken? I dont think you ever had blondeish hair?

It was 2011 lol

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Today Alex was walking behind you and I was walking behind him and he said that he was itching to just push you down the stairs and break your neck.

I don't understand what on earth you gain from telling me something like this lol, it's not particularly necessary piece of information to relay to me haha

Omg fink I left anon on der plz dnt ansa dat wun or dis wun dey woz meestaces peepol will h8

0oOooOOO0mgggGgggG kan evry1 pls h8 on diz boi he 4got an0n wot a loza

wot do u fink of cahleh lay?

I fink u 4got an0n l0l oops ur a dik so atenshun seekin askin aboot urself al de tym watz rong wif u ://///

why would you even do that to alex, you know what he's like and how badly he takes things

I'm tired of repeating myself.
Scroll down if you are that interested.

have you done anything interesting today

No other than praise the lord that my back door was unlocked when I got home this morning then I did a lot of reading and then I walked to Molesey and back with Ben and that's about it

So you lied with him to have sex with him? :L

No, I didn't go to see him with the intent of having sex with him. Nor did I lie in order to have sex with him. I lied because initially, I thought it would be better that he didn't know and then things happen and I was feeling like shit for lying to him so I told him the truth.
Should I really have remained a liar?

But people are trying to help you

With some things, perhaps they are
Others I believe are just trying to rile stuff up so if everyone shut up it would be a lot easier

Sweetie you haven't even done anything bad, you weren't in a relationship. It wasn't as if you slept with him, it was just one little kiss.

Ok thanks for your input :)

what do want right now?

For everyone to stop speaking for me and coming up with reasons as to why I did what

Ok opinion on Tim Hazell, Matt James, Billy Boulton and Chris

Tim is great, good laugh and fun to be around but whenever I talk to him about something serious he just seems to get it
Matt just gets all my TVD feels and fangirls about it with me, he's also fun and good company
Billy aka TEDDY, comes out with some interesting things, sometimes I am not sure how much of it is utter bullshit but again hes good company
And I'm not sure how wise it is to answer the last one for fear of receiving an onslaught of questions again

describe your friday and saturday night with one sentence for each :D

Not doing friday #rulebreaker
Saturday = 'Ohana means family'

Can you just say here please? I am too scared to message you

Yeah whatever I will
Someone kicked me in the top of the stomach bottom of the chest area, now I am having problems with food and drawing breath properly

Why were you at the walk in centre?

If you really want to know message me
But it depends on how you are as to if I answer you or not

so you basically expected him to forgive you and then he was like we cant be friends and you were like oh i dont love him any more

I didn't expect him to forgive me, I wasn't really sure what to expect. Maybe a chance to explain myself or something without being told to shut up every time I tried?
And no, that wasn't the definitive moment
You are missing a key part of the story there


Language: English