

Ask @hevharv

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What's your favourite song at the moment?

I dunno something really chilled out like West Coast by The Neighbourhood
Or anything staind right now as well I'm a bit in love

you always seem really fun but quite immature but then i read all the stuff that you post and you just seem a different person its like you are 2 different people

When I need to be serious, I am serious
If I don't feel the situation calls for it, then I won't be
Currently I'm not in a fantastic mood, so I'm not gonna be all like SKJDFHDHVJDHEEEYILY

But what do you think about? Is there anything that sets it off, or triggers it in particular?

Literally everything that could ever be thought about. And not exactly no, like if I doze and have a particular dream then yeah maybe that sort of influences my way of thinking but otherwise no, it's just when you're sat in the dark with nothing but your own mind to keep you company I just sort of tend to go over things with a fine tooth comb and worry about stupid things and questions stuff

Why is it that you don't ask? Is it because you don't care? Why is it that you think your brain needs an off switch?

It's just never really occurred to me before, that's all. I'm sure they'd say something if they were worried anything was aimed at them specifically or whatever, or at least I hope that they would.
And it needs an off switch... because it needs an off switch. It just goes crazy at me in the night when I can't sleep and there's very little I can do to make it shut up
So maybe a mute button would be better actually

Fair enough :) The things that you write... it seems as if they're indirectly directly aimed at people/situations in your life. Does it not make your boyfriend/friends/family a little nervous? Your twitter seems like a path into your brain.

'Indirectly directly aimed' great, thanks for making sense there lol
I dunno I've never actually thought about it or asked... I just tend to spill what's on my mind a bit
Seems a bit more socially acceptable to do it on twitter than anywhere else to be honest

No, it's a good thing. Shows that you aren't just a pretty face. I would love, I mean LOVE to get to know you better. Are you single? Either way, can I have your number?

Oh ok, then thanks haha
And no I'm not, and I don't really feel comfortable giving my number to someone across a website on anonymous... sorry :S

You tweet such weird cryptic things sometimes and I always get really weirded out about asking you for some reason. You're such an odd person. You seem like there isn't really that much to you, but then there are so many layers and I kind of just want to see you at rawest form. PS, you are beautiful

I don't know if that is a good or bad thing? :S
thanks for the last bit though haha

What were you talking to each of those people about?

Hamza was about his sadness at being kicked out a club for wearing trainers
Pedro was something about japseyes and his fear inducing company
Chris was a very extensive convo about game of thrones

Why do you teach young and innocent children about prolapse and skat porn??

Because, Tom Denison, it is a lesson in life you really need to know

What have you done today?

watched coraline
got offered a bacon sandwich by Rosie, so went over to hers to eat it
Ate it
Had a great hand cooked dinner followed by pancakes
Extensive music session
now just chilling out and chatting 2 peeps :D

You think you're so cool just because you're friends with Harley. She's so ugly and nasty.

Harley and I are acquaintances more than anything else
But she is not ugly
Nor is she nasty
She's the definition of B E A U T Y and R A I N B O W

do you like licking my arse? does it taste good?

I love to lick your arse
My tongue is super long and stretches from Surrey to Cornwall, so occasionally bits of dirt and grit find their way onto my taste buds, but otherwise you taste like sunshine dust and rainbows


Language: English