

Ask @hevharv

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no but that's just it, i do worry about you. i haven't seen you eat a thing at school all week. you look so worn out all the time. please honey, you need your strength. xx

& i have it
i'm ok i promise

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What are your plans for the day?

distract myself with vampire diaries to stop myself doing stupid things
and then probably see rosie and collect my stuff and whatnot

Pick 10 friends you adore, just friends. Then give a short reason why for each.

anna-rose lee - she is my best friend, and no matter what i do or tell her she never judges. shes just there for me, always
abbey wilson - she is such a long time friend and i know she's a girl who'll always believe in me regardless of the situation. she's just so happy, i love her
chloe bull - whether it's for a serious conversation or a total spack out about a book or a film or a tv show, i know whatever i tell chloe is in confidence
leanne pusey - she's blunt, up front and honest, rarely serious at all, but when it comes down to it, shes someone that you know is going to help you through
eva butler - quiet but brilliant, the things she randomly pipes out with just makes my day brighter on a regular basis
jack milburn - total plank of a boy at the best of times but he's still a legend
callum hilton - this guy spent 5 years just making sure i was ok. i owe this kid SO much, literally don't know what i would have done or where i would have been without him over those years
stella de jesus - i value this girl SO much. i know that whatever i tell her, she'll give me a straight up, honest and unbiased opinion as well as sound advice to go with it. i adore her, and all i want is for her to be happy
heather baxter - just recently got close to this girl and i don't think i've ever became so close to somebody in such a short amount of time, she's very lovely

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I cant believe yu gave up! xxx yu were so good and I used to really wish I cud ride bonnie xxxxxx

hahah she was so cool, managing to jump pretty big things ridiculously close and 99 out of 100 times leave them up! she was the best :-)
Liked by: Abbey wilson

Is it true you've given up riding? You're so talented and it seems like such a waste!!

yep, it's true. was a hard decision, but i believe it was the right decision.
i miss my horses like crazy, but you've gotta do what you've gotta do.
thank you so much for the compliment though!

Last book you read?

erm finished book was 'cat on a hot tin roof', but the last book that i read was the one i started today which is 'worth dying for' by lee child

Super skinny fit in size 8? What in the hell? How is that possible?

i think they just got stretched in the wash or something
weird because i usually think that things shrink in the wash but yolo whatevs :S

Saw you by the Spa earlier today and you were wearing some really baggy jeans

i know i normally wear tighter but just because they are baggy doesn't mean they don't fit haha
would you believe that they're a super skinny fit in size 8 though wtf happened there lol

so happy that alex has finally woken up and seen you for the sket that you are and is moving on LAD LIFE FTW now to get him some pussy and smash your head in

wow that's really funny think i just cracked a rib laughing tbh

is there anything you miss

just being like this. not really caring about anything else other than my pony.
of course she'd be looking the wrong way.. haha what a goon she is
Liked by: Grace. Sammie Mosby

If you could only see three people for the rest of your life who would it be?

rosie, stella and someone from my family i don't really care who
and bonnie. yeah, that would be nice. :-)

How would you describe yourself? Not looks wise but like your personality?

erm odd question
i dunno really! my mood changes faster than you can click your fingers at the moment like tiny tiny things can just put me from a really pepped up good mood into the shittest one going like instantly and i need to stop doing that because i know it pisses people off. catch me in a bad mood and i can be really unpleasant to be around, good mood i don't think i'm that bad, and i know for a fact i am nice to people i like :-)

can you and your friends shut the fuck up in 6th form block you are so fucking loud pisses everyone off

aggression is not a nice personality trait
but then again even if you asked nicely, the answer would still be no. if you gave that much of a shit, you would have said something in person. but still, the answer would be no. :-)


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