

Ask @hevharv

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is Cordy easy to ride? like what kind of person would he need? xxxx

hes very straightforward and uncomplicated but hes green so anyone thats interested would need to bare in mind that whilst he is easy, he still needs teaching and needs to learn. he'd need someone calm and confident so they are firm enough to correct him and tell him whats what but give him the encouragement he needs when hes hesitant or nervous x

What are you doing with Bonnie these days

literally just started bringing her back into work - so nice to be back on my girl I have missed her so much you dont even understand :') shes very unfit atm so i've just been doing lots of walking and bending to strengthen her muscles and introduced a little bit of trot work today

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What are you doing with Roxy these days

just working on getting her forward so lots and lots of transitions :-) she's a lazy girl so it's hardwork keeping her going and I want to start getting her much more uphill

You are really fat.

did you know that one day when I was about 11 years old i went to the park to kick a ball and i kicked the ball so far it flew high up into the clouds and when it finally dropped back down before me there was a small cherub attatched to it holding a harp and i was like aw you are cute and went to tickle it's chin but the little fucker bit my finger off what a prick
really that proved the theory that heaven is underground and hell is in the sky and the cherubs are really evil shits disguised as angels to make people believe that heaven is up when really heaven is down so when people say 'DE ONLI WEI IS UP' really they are condemning themselves to a horrific life in hell

So what is it that you like the most about being in a relationship with Alex

there is nothing to like he is horrible and beats me up constantly do u not see how bruised and broken my face is, i barely even have a face anymore i lost all my teeth after a particularly violent episode where he became like an enraged bullock after i refused to feed his rabbit extra cheesy wotsits
Liked by: Jay Ravat

what is Cordy like to ride? xxxxx

very very straight forward and uncomplicated. he's very dopey and relies on you completely to tell him what to do but hes sweet enough and is a trier and learns quite quickly once hes got past his initial 'WOT R WE DOIN AHHHH' moment x

Here are two words I would use to describe you: physically repulsive.

one day i went to the petrol station because i felt adventurous and wanted to smell the sweet scented fumes so i rolled on in, ready to set up my deck chair and portaloo for a day of fume smelling when i was rudely interrupted by a skunk that had decided to replace all the fuel in the petrol pumps with his sickly scent of shite and then i was sadly left with no choice but to leave because nobody wants essence of skunk instead of petrol
Liked by: Anna-rose lee

when i walk in the club, this is what i see, a pile of fat just staring at me, i got tree trunks for my legs and i ain't afraid to show it show it .. im obese and i know it... COLLAB WITH ME YEH?

no i don't collab with whales
just manatees

What is your opinion on homosexual people? Do you agree with public displays of affection, marriage, etc?

They can do what they want
I don't get why it's so different for them


Language: English