

Ask @hevharv

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how have you spent this evening?

helping my mum and doing school work :)
& i have just finished watching an absolutely intense episode of pll

why do you guys just sit in the corner at school? you all seem so funny and cool but you just stick yourselves i'd really like to get to know you all better!!

well we do socialise with other people lol
we just like the company of each other the most

on a scale of 1 - 10 how confident would you say you are?

like a 6
i can interact with strangers very easily and its something i need to do with my job when speaking to clients and such... i just choose not to interact with randomers usually

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Opinion on Nadine Fink/nfequestrian/ibrokeourpromise

she's the one with the nutty chestnut with the flaxen mane, correct? i think she rides that mare really well and quite effectively considering it's so like RAAAH about everything trololol

no seriously. i want to murder you whilst i rape you and then keep going for it with your dead body

i would rly like that xoxoxo

just wondering what is it about horse riding that get people hooked?

This is a horrible question lol, erm it depends really everyone are individuals so it's different things for different people really. much to most peoples shock it actually does give quite the adrenaline rush sometimes, particularly when you think about the fact your an animal about ten times as strong as you with a mind of it's own and can easily choose to not cooperate and try and do everything in it's power to get you on the floor... this is gonna be really gay but i love it because of the bond that's shared between a horse and rider/owner can be so strong and it's just such a nice feeling that an animal that practically speaks a different language can be so in tune and sync with you and there just isn't really anything like that :)

i want to hack you to pieces with an axe whilst viciously fucking you like the dog you are

thats cute

can never understand yours and rosie's conversations :S

no point in trying to keep up pal, you either know or you dont :)

Who is the prettiest girl you know?

i know lots of very pretty females... hm aneesha bailoor is gorgeous


no i shat on a plate for your dinner
get it right son

Why are you always late to college?

i value the comfort of my bed/sofa much more than a walk to college


Language: English