

Ask @hevharv

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In Final Fantasy VII where did you go to train to level up?

lol aw hi video game person
erm gelnika plane wreck under water, but then i also would go to gongaga and morph those green tank things into power things that boost your over all strength, i forget what they're called it's been a while

Kingdom Hearts, yay or nay?

are you even asking this question
it's a no-brainer for me, defo top yay

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i wouldn't of thought that you would need lessons after you've been riding so long, surely you know it all now anyway

that's a pretty close minded view, there is always something more to learn :)

What is join-up supposed to do?

well it's supposed to like form a bond between horse and rider, like the whole idea of trust between them. and the whole idea is that it's the horses choice to bond with you and be with you, not yours. obviously you're encouraging them to want to be with you by making them feel lonely but then they get to decide from there really.

How do you know that horses communicate with body language?

...they're animals that's what they tend to do.
plus from just like watching them you can tell that that's how they communicate, even if you only pick up on simple things like an ear will twitch towards things that they're interested in, ears will prick forward when they are alert, turned out to side when they are relaxed, pinned back when they feel or angry or threatened... erm bottom lip drops when they're relaxed, eyes half closed uhhhh a horse might turn it's arse on you if it doesn't want you near it or doesn't want you to do something. just stuff like that really

how can you like, ride a horse and trust a horse but not trust people when they pick you up?! that makes no sense whatsoever

well i whole heartedly trust my horses mate... even if one is raging lunatic, the other is hateful monster and the other one is just perf so ya know. i guess it doesn't really make sense but horses are like less malicious. :)

What problem does your mum have?

she has MS and now has no sense of balance whatsoever so shes basically wheelchair bound unless shes got things to hold onto to heave herself around the place

Who do you trust more, horses or people?

horses definitely lol
i let horses carry me, run as fast as they can, jump things... i will not let people carry me if i can help it :P
if i tell my horse something, i know it can't speak to tell other people :P
and last but not least horses dont judge you or screw you over like people do lol

What is the one thing you want most in your life right now?

can't narrow it down so here is a list:
-mum not to have ms anymore and be completely cool
-be rich
-pass year 12 and then pass my a-levels
-have a car and be able to drive
-own bonnie
-to never be squashed against a wall by pig when im helping rosie pull his mane ever again
-to get reaaaally good at horse riding
-to be able to stop time so i can just catch up on sleep without actually missing anything thats going on
-ian somerhalder

what would u change about ur body if u could change anything

my thighs are fucking fat lol would defo be changing that

Why do you like horses so much?

i'm not sure, just one of those things. after the first time i rode at a 'pony party' i just loved it and kept begging my dad and then eventually he took pity on me and i just never grew out of being slightly in awe of it.
there is nothing that feels as good as actually having achieved something when you get off your horse, no matter how big or small. the fact that you've managed to trust an animal to carry you when it's like 10x stronger and has a mind of its own is pretty special ngl

Do your family drink a lot?

well when we are aaaall together yes
we're like a military based family so you can expect the alcohol to be flowing

When do you and Alex ever even see each other? :S

everyday at college lol
and some days after as well so i dont get why the confused face

your wec group who is the joker of the group? the baby of the group? the preetiest of the group?? the bitchest of the group? happiest? experienced? oldest? most responible? stupidest?

joker: rosie/daisy c
baby: cara cos shes the youngest :P
prettiest: they are all beautifullllllllllllllllll
bitchiest: i think we're all as bitchy as each other when it comes down to it tbh
happiest: abbey
experienced: grace
oldest: harriet
most responsible: daisy rooks
stupidest: maundie

How do you decide what movie to watch?

i ask myself if i want to cry or not, and then depending on the answer i narrow it down to films that fall under the yes or no category for crying, then i just ip-dip-dog-shit until there is one left

thanks for the best but i didnt get what you meant on like the second bit will you explain more please im quite interested thank you for all your help xxxx

ah ok, no worries :) what i was talking about was a sort of join-up style method, hopefully you've heard of that if not ask again and i'll tell you :P basically, the horse can make the decision to either be handled and remain in company (horses are herd animals so unless you have an extremely solitary horse, this is what he will want) or choose not to have his touched and be alone. to make him alone you drive him away from you, and wait for him to decide whether he wants to come in a be with you again. you let him be with you when he's decided that, try and handle his head/ears whatever it is, again if he says no, repeat the process, so on and so forth until he says yes and submits. :) and no problem, i like helping people hahah x

hi i have a question how do you stop a horse from being head/earshy? thanks xxxx

well bonnie used to be a bit flinchy with her head when i got her, and with her i just kept everything slow and calm. i started just resting my hand really lightly on her head, and if she wanted to back off i'd let her, then put my hand back in the exact same place as before, again, if she wanted to back off i'd let her as you don't want to make the horse feel pressured into being in a 'frightening' situation as they're more likely to panic. i did this until she realised that a hand on her head wasn't bad or uncomfortable or frightening, and then i started moving my hands around her head, stroking her etc. again, if she wanted to back off i let her, and then tried again. repeating this just got her used to having her head and ears touched. sometimes as well horses respond to methods where if they pull away from you touching them, you drive them away and then allow them to be near you when they show signs of wanting company (just ask in another question if you dont get what i mean) and then seeing if they'll accept their head being handled or whatever, if they still say no, drive them away again and keep the process going until they accept their head being touched. this means they get two choices: be handled and therefore stay in company, or not be handled, and have to be alone and work. :) x

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