

Ask @hevharv

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how would u encourage a stubborn horse to bend? thanks :) xxxxx

lots of circling! open out your inside hand, keep the outside rein stretched and consistant to stop them from falling in, and a really firm and strong inside leg to keep them out and give the horse something to bend it's body around :) a schooling whip might help as chances are they will probably fall in, so something to back up your leg aids would be beneficial. also making sure your shoulders, legs and hips are all in the right position will help your horse as well.. also if it's really taking the piss about not bending, sometimes you can put your inside rein across the wither to get your horse to bend, but block the inside shoulder movement so they can't fall in. i would also be tempted to lean down give the inside hock of the back leg a flick to encourage them to bring it up and under them x

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Name some bad habits you have when riding

erm i dont really fold from the hip enough on roxy, and because i never have her properly in front of my leg i get thrown around a bit on the landing, although this all improving (i hope)

WDYTA Lauren Allports lower leg?

it's scary lol, shoved so far forward that i think it hinders her actual fold and release
Liked by: Grace.

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Do you ride in the rain?

if it isn't torrential, then yes
although it isn't my favourite thing in the world considering i end up soaked to the skin and freezing -.-

If you were asked to ride a horse that hadn't been ridden in a couple of weeks, what would you do first?

like you mean when i got on or before i got on? because if i knew the horse i'd probably just yolo it and get straight on and start working it long and low getting it to relax etc, but if i knew it and knew it had the tendency to get fairly excitable then i'd probs lunge it first. and if i didnt know it i'd lunge it first just to be on the safe side

Do you like your appearance? Why?

i despise my legs, they are like tree trunks
and i am a tad on the podgey side

would you say you are a productive person?

not particularly productive
today is a prime example of where i've done jack shit, other than watch season of the witch, carry on matron, sleep and play computa gamez wid ma bruda

honest opinion on rosie's horse sox?

sox is the biggest retard i've ever encountered... not only is he stupidly fast and strong, hes incredibly irritable and has the shortest attention span ever. yet saying that, he is sooooo talented!

honest opinion on cara's horse razor?

razor is beautiful, hes a lovely jumper and his flatwork is really getting there now :) his downside is the fact that he's a massive wuss haha but that's just him and he's brilliant if you ride him through it like cara does
Liked by: Grace.

wdyta about jemma's harry

oooft harry is a total tank, you can see when he sets his neck there is jack shit you can do to stop him haha. jemmas done really well with him and hes starting to work a bit better now as well :)

wdyta harley's simon

simon is an absolute nutter but hes got the sweetest face on him. hes got such a big jump for such a small pony and it's such a shame that hes so nutty in the head because he could be going out and doing some really fantastic things. harley handles him so well though :)

wdyta rachel's quidelle?

i dont think theres anyone that would say they dont like q! shes an amazing mare, powerful and scopey. she and rachel as a team have some brilliant results behind them... yeah shes a top horse :)

wdyta gina's paddy?

i know for a fact i could not ride one side of that horse hahah, hes very beautiful and has the potential to go brilliantly but he's an arsehole and spends his time pratting around napping, although i think he's not doing it as much now? gina rides him very well and has the patience of saint to stick at it with him. hopefully soon it all just clicks in his head that he's supposed to behave and they start getting some good results :)

I heard you got a bit bruised yesterday haha, how are you now?

ha you are correct i did, and i am good thank you, just aching and extremely tired

best part of your weekend... redited seeing libby hill having an amazing ride on a very well behaved gruffalo having a very eventful ride, but riding an exceptionally brave jj and seeing grace fall of multiple times which was hysterical for 20 minutes oh and not dying

yes, exceptionally brave jj... hmm
HAHAHAH oh man that journey home was weirddddd
and then when we got into the party room and just died
Liked by: Grace.

best part of your weekend?

oh i had a pretty good weekend so i'll round it down to seeing libby hill again, having an amazing ride on a very well behaved gruffalo, and not dying today


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