

Ask @hevharv

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I have never heard of you being so sincere as when you wrote about your horses just then...

i don't know if that's a good or a bad thing

Why do you like Pickles so much? :)

pickles is the most laidback, chilled out kinda guy in the world. hes very cheeky, hes caring and looks after children as well as he looks after himself. there isnt a bad bone in this pony's body, and after being my buddy for 5 years i can safely say i know him as well i know my own brother. hes been there quite literally through absolutely everything i can think of. and he is the real reason i can ride properly now.. so here i owe a thanks to his shit conformation with his stupidly flat withers for never being able to find a saddle that fitted and spending 2-3 years with no saddle, riding bareback for absolutely everything. hes special to absolutely all of my friends as well, in way or another. much much much love for the p-man!

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Why do you like Bonnie so much? :)

...shes just literally my everything. there is no secrets from this mare, we know each other inside out. shes been able to make me feel confident, as well bring me back down to earth when i need it. shes taught me what love really is. she makes me feel so secure, yet very on edge at the same time... theres nothing like a bonnie adrenaline rush :') honestly dont think i would be anything without this horse. shes made me.

Why do you like Roxy so much? :)

oh my lantern.. tbh i wasnt sure how much i liked her when i first got her, but i was completely deluded because i thought i was going to end up with a completely normal, uncomplex straightforward horse, and of course i only seem attract the semi-sane animals. :L but my opinion of her completely changed :) underneath all the stroppiness and bluster theres a lovely little horse just waiting to shine. i love her to pieces and i can only see it getting stronger from here hehe gay i know but i dont really care.

Why do you like horses so much? :)

i cant even begin to explain that. but all i can say is once you're hooked on it, there is seriously no turning back haha
although for as much as i adore them, i hate horses simply because they make you care so much and its utterly inevitable that they will break your heart at some stage, for whatever reason, and they always force you to make some crushing decisions

then explain some of those situations

yes that sounds about right, broadcast things i dont ever talk about to where anyone could see it if they wanted too... good plan :S

What sin are you most familiar with?

i'm sorry but how does winning a sponsorship competition improve your horses behaviour
officially lost

doesn't seem like it

then you clearly dont know me :)
99% of the time you just have to laugh at the majority of the situations or you'd cry

who do you get on with more, your mum or your dad? :) xxx

definitely my dad
my mum worries too much for my liking
my dad is just like 'i will worry when it actually happens' hes so chill and we are like the same person in terms of humour etc

what time did you leave neon?!? one minute you were then and then you were gone! xxxxxxx

i left at like 11.15ish
i had to go to the stables and my dad had to be up early for workin'
so it was an abrupt departure, soz to disappoint

what was the last message you sent and who was it to

but it was to roz and it said 'the club cant even handle steve actually'

What's the reasons behind all their names? And I am trying to follow a conversation you and Rosie are having on a picture, and I literally cannot do it, you just seem to be talking utter crap to each other!

gruffalo - roxy is hairy and extremely moody and grumps and grouchy and she just embodies the definition of gruffalo
slinky malinky - because im a comedy genius and said that sox was slinky malinky because hes fat and threadbare, not sleek and skinny
the krakken - it just seriously suits razor so much omg
bilbo baggins - lola has furry feet
gollum - sunny has skinny limbs ;)
and thats because we are, all we do is speak shit that nobody else understands but we seem to know exactly what each other means

Do you care about what people think of you?

no, they can think what they like lol only people who matter know the truth

And what do you mean by the birth of the krakken and bilbo baggins?

basics all the horses have their nicknames like roxy = gruffalo, sox = slinky malinky and then today we christened razor as the krakken, and lola as bilbo baggins and we also named sunny gollum. and there is perfect reasoning behind each of their names

You and Rosie have so many private jokes I just can't keep up!

sozzard lad
we are like cheetahs on speed there is no keeping up with us


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