

Ask @hevharv

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tell me something disgusting

talking on the phone to daisy about harriet washing off toffee in the summer bare foot and wet mud squelching between her toes YUCKKKK

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what kind of stuff did you do with bonnie? :):)

in terms of competing, basically nothing
when i first got bons i spent most of my time clinging on for dear life as she ran around the school as fast as she could hah loooove her! then we sort of figured each other out and i've never looked back :) bonnie is definitely my horse of a life time, shes one beautiful special little mare :)

How long does it take you to get ready for going out?

no time at all
if im going out out, i decide what im wearing like 5 secs before i leave, chuck it on, dash of mascara, bit of eyeliner if i can be bothered, shoes on and out the door BAM sorted

When was the last time you laughed?

swear ive been asked this about ten thousand times
but early whilst riding spongebob pimppants

why did Toffee die?

i'm not properly sure to be honest, you're better off asking someone else who can answer this properly


Language: English