

Ask @Hemalily

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Aru you sexy thang! :D -not a question, I know- /shotdead

Aru;; Wha-a-a-a-t? Who are you? This is extremely awkward, what made you do this? *huff*
Aru is very confused, but slightly flattered. <3

Are you afraid of falling in love?

Yes. I've been "bitten" before and it hurt. I don't want to experience it again.

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Do you like living in Utah?

Oh, I love living in Utah! Besides the occasional pollution, Utah is beautiful and very peaceful. It's very safe and people seem to enjoy living here. There is tons of access to parks and forests, and a great climate. So yes, I do, very much. :D

Could you go for the rest of your life without drinking alcohol?

Duh! I don't even drink it and won't ever so hahahaha.

If you were a different gender, what name would you want to have?

Hallon; I guess Xavier. That's a pretty sick name.
Gyll; I like the name William, it's quite romantic <3
Aru; Uh Aru? I don't know. I guess that Blarulle or Rulle would work if I was a girl.
Me; IDK! I'd want to be named Ender. Cause it's epic <3

When was the last time you saw an animal in the wild?

I saw a teenage boy stalking his girl prey in the wild halls of school? That work?

What position do you sleep in?

Hallon; Stretched out.
Gyll; Curled up in a little ball.
Aru; How am I supposed to know, I'm asleep.
OOC ME: I toss and turn, so the "action" position.

How many times a day do you look at yourself in the mirror?

Hallon; Like never, who has time for that?
Gyll; A few times, but mostly to make funny faces <3
Aru; Eh, I don't know. I'm more concerned with keeping things than my appearance.
OOC ME: Like maybe 5. I don't like to look that closely though...

What are your plans for tonight?

Stay up with my little sister and watch the NORAD tracker. We'll stay up all night <3

http://www.santarules.com/the-list/ Enter your Deerssert's full names and answer with the full result

"You are currently #6208 on Santa's Nice List. Not too shabby considering everyone in the entire world! Keep up the good work!"
Hallon; Wait, really? Dang. I''m good.
"You better start making some room for the huge lump of coal your about to get, or either start cleaning up your act Gyllene!"
Gyll; WHAT? I tried so hard, I've been nice and helped people...Was it the time that I spilled my milk?
"There's a reason Santa created a Naughty List. And you're just one of those reasons Blarulle."
Aru; Seriously? It's just a computer program that generates random sayings. Santa doesn't exist!

Which gives you the most pleasure - giving presents or receiving them?

Hallon; Receiving them, I am quite selfish.
Gyll; GIVING THEM! Duh! I love picking out gifts and giving them.
Aru; Neither really? I don't really know/
OOC Me; Hehe, receiving them. I'm poop.

Where do you think Santa Claus is from?

Hallon; The North Pole, duh.
Gyll; Our hearts, the joys of the season has created him for us <3
Aru; Really? You still believe in that carp.
OOC me; Iceland. or Timbuktu.

What does the life you want to live look like?

It looks like a bunch of sparkly trombones flying away from rutabagas in a giant green castle.

I'm in your freezer ovo *Licks popsicle*

O.o Who are you and how did you get into my locked freezer? AND THAT'S MY POPSICLE!!!

What's something you're not very good at but enjoy doing anyway?

Me; Singing. I know I'm crappy at it and my friends point it out, but I so love to do it <3 Writing is another one.
Hallon; Drawing, I used to draw all the time when I was little even though I was a fail.
Gyll; Baking <3 I love the good smells, even if I can't make them.
Aru; Singing, I've never learned so I sound like a dying half whale.

Would you date yourself if you were someone else?

Hallon; Sure? I guess I might get boring after a while though :/
Aru; Probably not, I doubt that I would even let them get close.... :(

The zombie ghost thing is your guinea pig because you experimented on it c:

pangaea and roomie
Oh, yes. yus it is. If I win, I'll have to go find it and post a pic. if It hasn't already run away or something. creepy little demon.


Language: English