
Chelsea Tang

Ask @helloitschels

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have you given your first kiss to a guy u like before?

That is assuming that we're mutually inclined towards each other, of which i can only heave the greatest sigh of depression ever

Where do you see yourself in 50yrs time?

If im lucky enough maybe somewhere random, while still fulfilling my dream of travelling around the world

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Why are you so confident haha I am not a confident person esp in front of the opp. gender...any tips/advices?

Chin up love! Trust me, i am not as confident as you think i am! But sweetheart, girls/guys are ultimately human and since we don't live to please anyone, just be yourself! I can gurantee both genders appreciate that way more than you putting up a facade of who you actually are, and at the end of the day, it hurts your soul too. Just remember, unless situations call for bitch-mode, always be nice! :)

Hey I don't think you are full of yourself and egocentric. I think you are confident and bubbly,and that's a very attractive quality...stay awesome!:)

Aww thanks so much sugar that meant a whole bunch to me! You stay awesome too x

Why are you so egocentric and so full of yourself?

At least i acknowledge my flaws and i don't go around putting people down in any way but sweetheart i'd suggest you spending time more wisely - oh here's a great one: Spread love

How do you do well for gp?

For one i think the marker was lenient and i got lucky but as what my gp tutor says is to arm yourself with examples from as many domains as possible and more importantly answer the question

why don't you get together with edwin? he's a great guy and both of you are compatible. i think he likes you too. :)

But ah, that's what YOU think. He's a great guy, undeniably, but that doesn't mean i have to get together with him right?

What's one talent you wished you had and why!

I wished i had a natural talent in sports... Athletic and sporty girls tend to be more attractive, don't you think?

Are you one of the top performers in your class? or among your peers? How do you do it!!

No way! You overestimate my capabilities. My classmates perform at the same level as i am, if not better. My results aren't the best anyway i never once got out of the U category for Econs, but if you insist on knowing how do i "do it", i push myself to study my ass off most assiduously, which is really what you should already be doing :)

Impressive results! Disappointed or satisfied?

I'm pretty ambivalent about them, they're not even the real deal

How are your results so far?

Let's see by far i've only gotten back my overall grades for GP and H1 Math, of which both i got B. Check back again soon for the rest of my subjects!

Hi, when will you do another opinion-ish blog post? :) haha it's not that I don't like your outfit posts, but I kinda miss your full-writing kind of posts too!

Hello! I miss writing opinion entries too but those kind of entries requires time, and that entity isn't really on my side now :'( I promise to update more of those after my As, for now please make do with my outfit posts, I do put effort in them too! :)

You're so fucking hot, Chelsea :)

Wow i see you're attracted to flabby arms and thunder thighs, that's flattering so thanks a whole bunch x


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