

Ask @heartinacage1251

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Besides persian carpets, which ones or kinds do you like? Doing some redecorating and in doubt about the carpet since my boyfriend doesnt like persian carpers that much.. (and I do, so lookibg for alternatives ;))

Uhm, I don't know? Any other non-Persian carpet? It all depends on the carpet in particular? Sure, I like them plain, light, dark, printed etc. As long as they aren't of the fluffy kind.
I'd suggest browsing flea markets, interior shops, carpet shops and the internet together. I'm sure you'll find some compromise. ;-)

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What is your favorite fashion blog right now? What do you like to see in a blog? (Picture of everyday life, outfit pics, description of some items like shoes, bags..) if I want to create a blog what advice would u give me in order to have you as one of my readers? :-)

I don´t have a favourite blog. Maybe Maja Casablancas or Vardagsbrus.
Well, first thing would to not ask me my advice. I'm only interested in people who do whatever they please. If you ask somebody else for advice, I'm not sure if you could keep a blog running at all... Anyway, everyday life, outfit pics, culture, food etc. I'm not at all interested in blogs that try to oppose buying shit on me, spare me posts on 'hot picks of the week' and trendzzz.

Hi there! Where did you buy your chanel flats,in store or in online? And if so where exactly? And wheredid you bought your repetto? Thank you!!

Bought them at the store in Amsterdam. Repetto's via www.foudefoot.nl

Ow jammer.. Misschien dat ik hem nog kan verven ofzo. Is die van jou van trend/divided? Ah als het deze is ben ik echt even heeeel blij! Zoek hem al sinds ik hem bij jou zag!

Haha, dat is lief. Die foto verspreid zich nog steeds over tumblr, haha. :$
Trend! Misschien zou verven inderdaad een optie zijn, als het jurkje echt roze blijkt te zijn...

Hi Kim! Ik ben hopeloos op zoek naar dat rode h&m jurkje met open rug dat ik enkele maanden op je instagram zag. Jij staat er ook zo mooi mee! Is het dezehttp://www.marktplaats.nl/a/kleding-dames/jurken/m889503786-nieuwe-knalroze-jurk-met-open-rug-h-m-trend.html?c=8c285449651fa109c354bbabe740c1b&pre

Lijkt 'm wel te zijn, ja! Alleen is die van mij echt rood en geen felroze?

Im confused, you would not buy them in red since you wear red lips etc.? But you are totally right, I love the shoes but I dont like it when items are too hyped..

I'd feel too matchy-matchy haha. I never use a red leather bag for that very same reason...

What do you think of the stan smith adidas collection? In which colour do you like it most (blue,green,red)?

I think they're classics but I just hate how trendy they are right now. For that sole reason I won't buy a pair.
If I were to buy them, I wouldn't buy red as I wear red lipstick and nail polish all the time. One of my sisters has a pair with green details.

Bedankt! dat lint en het asymmetrische storen me ook wel.. Super dat he die jurk nog gevonden hebt! Waar hadden ze hem nog als ik mag vragen? hij ziet er echt heel.mooi uit maar vrees dat ik er niet de gepaste lengte voor heb.. Alvast bedankt!

Hij was uitverkocht in elke stad die ik de afgelopen weken heb bezocht, maar gisteren hing er toevallig weer een tussen een stel andere jurken in DH.
Nu nog een gelegenheid vinden om hem te kunnen dragen... :$

Hi Kim! What are your latest purchases? (Foodwise, home/interior/clothing/books/plants) ? And how do you find your books, based on reviews, recommended by friends..? I really want to read more but besides the classics I never know which books are "good".. thank you!

Hahaha, geez. Uhm, foodwise, a slice of red velvet cake and two cups of coffee. Home: a lovely smelling bar of fig soap, tulips and gypsophilia. From the top of my head, I bought a beautiful edition of Oscar Wilde's Salome, a book on Joy Division and New Order, The Gold Finch - Donna Tart, On Beauty - Zadie Smith, The Tenth Man - Graham Greene, The Penelopiad - Margaret Atwood, Mrs Dalloway - Virginia Woolf. As for clothes, a black slip dress from Oysho with a very pretty lace back (no picture, don't think it's online anymore) and I happened to find that blue velvet dress from Zara Studio I was lusting over.
The classics seem like a good start. Otherwise you could sign up on goodreads, you'll find lots and lots of recommendations there. ;-)

Who is your favorite author?

Virginia Woolf at the moment, Vladimir Nabokov is my all time fave (if I had to choose just one author which would be an insane demand)...

You always look so beautiful.. may I ask where the top is ftom you're wearing in your latest picture on instagram? Sorry to keep asking you this here, maybe one day I'll make an account there! Thank you x

No problem!
Thank you!! Good thing you've never catched me in my pyjamas. ;-)
The top is an old one from my mom. She bought it some years ago at Vanilia. x

Your house looks so nice! The flowers, books, furniture,.. would love some pictures of it! Where do you find all those lovely decorations/furniture If i may ask?

Haha, my room is really small, I barely have any furniture... I think I photographed nearly every angle already on instagram. ;-) Most of my stuff is either Ikea or secondhand. As for decorations, mostly museum shops , book shops, gifts.

Hi Kim! Your simple and chic style always inspire me. I wanna ask you some questions about the basics..Regarding shirt botton up do you prefer a tight or a loose fit? For spring, would you buy a khaky or a denim shirt? (already have white and black) just to pair with black skinny, chanel flats, etc

Haha omg, please stop complimenting me. I feel like this is almost turning into a practical joke. ;-)
I prefer loose fits, obviously. ;-) Khaki, I think?

Haha I did write you several of these messages indeed, but I can say I do not write all of them so it's safe to say you have multiple admirerers ;) But I'm pretty sure Jeanne Damas has multiple as well.. and you dress at least as well as her imo!

Very sweet of you to compare me to a beautiful, wealthy Parisienne with thousands of Instagram followers, haha. Merci beaucoup! ;-) x

What was the last movie you watched?

The Postman Always Rings Twice, the remake with Jack Nicholson and Jessica Lange.

Hi Kim! You have such an amazing style, so classic and chic, yet always with a modern, trendy twist. I really feel jealous of you picking out the most perfect items to look incredible. Are there any more items in particular you are looking for to add to your closet?

Haha, I can´t help but suspect there´s just one person on here that keeps complementing me in different messages. I really can´t believe there are actually more than like two people out there who appreciate my style enough to actually send me these kind of messages...
Anyway, thank you so much! It doesn´t matter much whether you´re in fact that one person behind those messages or if I have multiple admirers, I feel extremely flattered (and a tad embarassed) nonetheless.
Well, I still want that blue velvet Zara Studio dress but no hope as it's been sold out for weeks. Otherwise, I'm not planning to buy anything for a while as I'm dead broke and I need to pay for my studies and other obligations mehhhh :( ;)

Ow grappig haha! De schoenen uiteindelijk maar niet gekocht (mijn maat was er ook niet meer) maar het Shirt ga ik wsl wel kopen. Bedankt trouwens! Vind jouw kledingstijl erg leuk! Zit jij nog op fora zoals egf of thefashionspot?

Jammer, vooral voor die prijs! Ik heb de schoenen echt absurd veel gedragen sinds ik ze een paar maanden terug kocht.
En nee. Ik was het EGF zelfs compleet vergeten. Ik bekijk nog weleens de Angelina Jolie of Olsen pagina's op TFS, maar ik post al jaren niet meer.

Hello! I was wondering... When did you start smoking and when do you want to quit? (IF you ever want to quit ofcourse... :)

Haha uhm I don't see why this is of any importance? I smoked my first cigarette when I was fifteen. Started smoking more regularly when I was seventeen, I think.
I don't want to quit for now. But hopefully I will someday.


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