

Ask @Hanniechristine

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What the hell is the difference between an indirect object and a direct object

An indirect object is something I don't care about. And a direct object is something I don't care bout

What famous person would you like to meet?

Freddy Mercruy if he were still alive. And I would thank him for making beautiful music and my favorite song ever. And for being damn fucking amazing

What was the last time you were angry? What happened?

The last time I was hungry was when I was locked In the basement for 2 weeks with nothing to eat. After I escaped I ate my sister.....

What historical figures do you most despise?

Napoleon because he's short and mean and reminds me of Matassa

What are your hobbies?

My hobbies include sleeping, being lazy, being hungry, and procrastinating, and trying to over achieve but failing because I procrastinate

What is one thing that many people don't know about you?

That deep, deep, deep, deep down, I hate you

What's your wildest fantasy?

To be a leprechaun. I would always be at the end of the rainbow with a pot of gold and I would hide it from all dem bitches who try to steal it from me

How well can you cook?

Well I screwed up hamburger helper.
I'm pretty damn amazing at making cereal


Language: English