

Ask @Hanniechristine

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What age are you scared of?

20s.. Idk it's an exhilarating thought to live on your own and be in college but like you don't know how to do anything really

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What was the last book you read?

Last book I read was Divergent and now in reading Twilight for probably this 6th time

What kind of music calms you down?

Literally one song can calm me down in the worst situations and its Bohemian Rhapsody

How would you change the world if you could?

In little ways. Helping cute someone from being sick. Expecting little but giving a lot. Helping those in need etc

if a guy bet you $10 that you couldn't knock him on the ground from a kick in the balls, would you do it? how hard? hahah ;p

I wouldn't actually... I don't like to hurt people unless I need to defend myself...

Are you able to play any musical instrument?

I can pick up any instrument and learn how to play It in a short matter of time


Language: English