
Mama G

Ask @getsome_korean

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Wow 5 months? Wow amazing! You guys clicked so fast! Not even half a year!! How did you guys meet?

Haha yeah ^___^ I'm so glad we did... And HAHAHAH. It was on Halloween... LMAO I was dating someone else at the time who was friends with him... And shady as it sounds, that's when I clicked... The moment I met him.. And the truth is revealed lol

For the jeans question.. I'm looking for something stylish+girly but nothing that reveals my stomach because dat shit ain't flat LOL :)

LOLOL. Ok! U can def go with a flowy shirt. Even if u don't have a flat stomache, it doesn't show anything! Lol or like a cute tank. Like a simple white loose tank! With those pocket? I think simple and clean is not only classy, but cute and girly! Let's say ur wearing a white loose tank,wear like a gold bracelet or earring or necklace. And flats! Flats that are light pink with a bit of shiny gold decor on it and carry a small maybe light creme or white purse with a little bit of gold on it also! And if u get cold, throw on a simple cardi! Do u kinda see the outfit I'm trying to put together?

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Aww, that is so cute. You and nick are cute. Did you mainly smoke cigs or weed?

Haha thank you. He is a life changer... And cigs.. Bad for you but idk...

Lmao, i never knew you could Google things for people xD that's hilarious lol

LMAO same! Trollers, gotta love em

Seriously, hope we can be friends one day! Can't pass up an opportunity to meet someone like you. You're one in a million lol. More real than half the people I know.

Ur so kind! I hope so too! Thank you for appreciating me even if we don't know each other too well! Always awesome to meet someone who is as open as you :3

Do you still smoke those or no? Last question about this topic. Hope your not annoyed

Lol it's ok! This is real talk and I don't mind. And I quit after I met nick. <3
Liked by: joey the slut

I don't live in cali atm but planning to once i graduate and hopefully I'll see you randomly at some place! Lol, I'll be the girl asking for a pic with you! HAHA

Oooo hmu! Just a picture?? Naaaw I'm going to give u a tour of what I know about Cali ^^

Looks ain't everything. But most of our society nowadays is so blinded by that, to the point where they don't even take personality into consideration. Sad ain't it!?

Yeah... I mean I'm not going to lie! I been affected too! But now I'm just like oh what the hell! Imma do my makeup the way I wana and blah! Luckily a lot of people know me for my personality, so I'm really fine... But I wish society wasn't so fucked up...

i suggest spirited away and howls moving castle, since they are the most popular and my favorites :) they are really good and they teach alot of life lessons!


Did you ever try cigs or weed? Just curious ahh

I'm not going to lie. Yes I have lol. There is no point in lying ^^

The world definitely needs more people like you! Can tell your future will be surrounded by positive vibes and good people. Hopefully I will get to meet ya one day!

Seriously appreciate ur words! They are like blessings ^___^ and I look forward to my future! I would love to meet strong kind people like you too! Hopefully we do meet one day and we can have a fun conversation and get to know each other ^^

do you truly feel like selina and eric really did love each other? or like liked each other a lot?


Wow, selina hella fucked up her life. She lost her boyfriend and great friends like you that she could've needed in the future. Just saying, not like talking bad about her. All she has now are her supposed "friends." Shows a lot about what kind of person she is... Looks ain't all that.

Of course looks isn't all. ^^ ur completely right! But a lot of people in this world... That's all they want... They think it's easy with life as long as they are pretty

i think selina isnt THAT bad of a person. she's probably very self centered. and end up pushing her friends away because she only focuses herself and does not take others into consideration. she knows she is wrong but her ego is too high so she keeps ignoring it and acting like nothing bothers her

She's not. I think she has issues in her life just like every one of us... But what I do is face it head on. Not runaway from it... But yeah

your're missing out if you haven't watched studio ghibi films!! they are animated movies made by hayao miyazaki, like howls moving castle, spirited away, kiki's delivery services, princess monoke, ponyo they even have a new one out "when the wind rises" you should watch them i think youl like it :)

Oooo ok! I will watch it when I have time!

So i brought my black knee thighs, what can i wear with them? i was thinking a dress maybe not not to long of a dress like above the knee?

Socks? Lol tights? Well imma say it's socks.. But u can wear it with shorts or skirts! Dresses... Unless it's a flare dress, dont. But they look SO CUTE with skirts or shorts!

no way in asking them. does eric have an ask?!

Ummm I think so but he doesn't really use it... And I'm not in any position to answer it haha

i love you actually take the time to answer your questions, selina responds with either yes or no or tf? Lol like she only uses one word to answer her questions.

Yeah... I didn't like how she was so rude to everyone... Like this is called ask.fm the whole point is to ask and actually answer the questions. And u can even choose not to answer them...idk man.. I love all these questions and it really excites me to help someone out with tips and advice or just conversation starters!
Liked by: Kim Pham


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