
Mama G

Ask @getsome_korean

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on the lookbook link i sent you, would you say look #2 is casual classy? like its not SUPER formal but leaning towards casual/ sharp looking? ;O

Exactly casual classy! Hey u got it! It's very clean cut but not formal. For me it shows that u take of urself and know how to be proper and have manners.

LMFAO whoever keeps calling selena a beaver is fucking hilarious. omg. its so random and weird but she does look like one.

I know! So random! But hehe I laughed at that comment
Liked by: Kim Pham

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honestly if selena was TAHT much better than dannie, wouldnt you think ppl would ask her to be an import model? or ask her to go to shows? come on now!!

That's exactly what I Thot

are people seriously comparing dannie and selena? what is there to compare? theyre nothing alike! maybe for the same hair style but thats it. stop gassing up selena. jus tcompare her to a beaver and you'll see a stronger resemblence.

LOLOL. Btw her name is spelled seLINA. With an I. Nothing like Selena Gomez
Liked by: Kim Pham

im tastier than yew, try to find me out of all the peple in westminster.

There's only one that's tastier than me and it's the mirror that I look into

why is selena going to prom? doesnt she know ppl are gonna throw soda at her. sheitt niggaaaaa. aint nobody tryin to see her ass... or hear her horrendus laugh.

LOL. Well it is her senior year so u know. Everyone deserves one prom in their high school life

are you bi-sexual? because of your Facebook it says so lol i am just curious.

HAHAHAH that just says so

selina is prettier than danny in at least my opinion lol but danny might have a better personality.

Lol EW. Dannie so muc better in every aspect
Liked by: Tina Nguyen

so funny how selena is exposing dannie's old pics accusing her of surgery... whether or not Dannie had surgery, SHE IS STILL BETTER HTAN SELENA. like come on... i get the feeling selena thinks shes prettier than dannie. btich looks like an ill beaver. so ironic because selena herself looks FAKE nad

Dude I know right?
Liked by: Tina Nguyen

what can guys wear with white shoes like converse? LOL ideas plzzz!

i think jeans. and not those black pants or khakis but actual DENIM JEANS. with a white v neck and makybe just a jacket haha

Are you planning to purchase or rent prom dress this and next year?

Hmmmm I don't know yet... Maybe buying?

Where did you rent your dress? Any suggestion for moi? I'm running out of time.

I rented at Thai bridal shop down brookhurst? If anything, but a normal dress and try to improvise on it. Like get some jewels and stitch it on or add something to make it look like it lol

Y doez every Korean girl on social media look da same :( whyzzz

I know! Like dude come on! Be unique

Random question Are your parents/family racist towards blacks and Mexicans :P Or just non-Asian lol

Well we aren't racist. We love everyone. Especially my mom

How do you feel about Korea's beauty standards? Small v-line face, double eyelids, high nose bridge, clear pale skin, etc....

Well it's a bit difficult... But I think they are so cute but sometimes they take it too far

Dannie doesn't want her real name to come out you know. There's a reason for stage names. This model that I saw on yevvo says that she's actually been stalked before so she chose a stage name I'm pretty sure its the same with dannie since she's getting popular

Oh well I guess that works lol it's smart

Dannie Riel is pretty and all but she's pretty fake. She will block you if you ask or mention about her plastic surgery and real name....she denies it, it's like she is ashamed of herself :/

aw well she prob has insecurities too. see if people were more accepting, she wouldnt have to block or hide it. but people bash on her because of her surgeries. a person is only fake if their personality is, not their surgeries. unless ur like the barbie

seriously what happened between selena and eric? obviously we only hearing from her side...

lets just say she doesnt know her priorities

you troll us with your video going to be up like 2ne1 comeback lol jk

lol i know the video is over an hour long so it takes so ;long to edit

selena as answers on her ask.fm bashing on Eric and how hes bad at sex. thats just very unfortunate for him. i bet he regrets seeing her trashy ass.

i know so rude and disgusting of her i mean who does that


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