
Mama G

Ask @getsome_korean

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do you think boots look good on guys? i mean from your perspective... like i dont know what if u have a pic in mind most preferable

Only certain ones but they have to be black. And low. It can't be no thigh high ones. I just don't believe in that. Or like boots with no design on it. Just a black boot

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you can try, it might help! if not you can change it back and make sure you always save your project after you make any edits because windows movie maker is known to crash alot Lol :)

Oh damn! Alright thanks!!! :D

do you think its fair men can walk around shirtless and women cant ?i mean breasts are just two lumps of fat and guys with man boobs can walk shirtless.

Well whether a man is fat or not, they aren't meant to have tits. Women, are meant to. So it's only right that women take pride and cover up... Idk guys who are that fat.... Sorry but I think they need change their lifestyle. It's completely fair tho... Cuz women should be conservative of their bodies more than men cuz that's what we are known to be. Poise and sophisticated.. Although in this generation, not so much

i have an video editing tip, since you're windows movie maker idk if you're using widescreen if not u could try to use the 4 by 3 instead to make yourself more full screen if you go to project,you'll find it the standard 4 by 3 it might make you more full screen if it doesnt just use widescreen lol

Oh ok! Well cuz as u can see my video was on its side so I just switched it right side up. So it has like the black sides? Does the 4 by 3 help for that too?

yayyyyyyy!!! :D grace is doing it, sad hamster no more, i'm excited i wanna see it! you should be a youtube beauty guru, you could talk about life, relationships,makeup tutorials, i think it would suit you well :)

^^ hehe yay too! I'm so excited to start and I'm excited that people actually wants to watch it! *cryscryscrys* thank you for being a supporter! Really means a lot! I will try to make good videos <3

how should i approach a guy i like? were friends but i like him, how can i get to know him better without showing my feelings?

Lol theres no way to let him know u Like him if u don't show him ur feelings!! U wana stay friends? U can be friends just stay hidden... But if that was me, I would want to drop hints not explicitly tell him lol. You know how us girls are! Just try to play around with him, but show him that u care more than a friend. Let ur feelings little by little peep through. And get close to him. Try to learn new things about him and listen to what he has to say. Show him that u care and sometimes try to impress him as well!! And who knows? Maybe he thinks the same with u!

grace, i'm a sad hamster :( i really want to see your video *starts crying :.(

Lol well ur in luck! I'm editing!LOLOL

A good dark brown brow pencil for black hair: ) I tried rimmels dark brown brow pencil and it had way too much of a red undertone in it:( any good recommendations?

I use to use that! But now I use NYC brow pencil! I think it works wonders!

Why you so popular? TEACH ME YOUR WAYS baby~

Lol me popular? U must be cray cray. YOU WANA KNOW WHO'S POPULAR? BARAK OBAMA

Okay, here's a scenario: You are getting married and as you walk down to meet your new husband you notice he's wearing basketball shorts, slippers, and a tank top instead of a tuxedo/suit in front of EVERY guesty your invited!....what would you say/do to him?

Lol. Me: you do realize we are getting married? Oh u must be the wrong man cuz the man I'm marrying is classy and has common sense on what to wear. Just cuz I love you doesn't mean u can look like ur at home in our wedding day. Go change and we can start this over again.

what's your thought/honest opinion on asian guys that wear hoodies and tie the strings into a bow? is it a complete douchebag thingy or actually pretty cute lookin?

Lol that's funny cuz then u look like ur choking urself... I wouldn't say douche bag but it looks mighty uncomfortable

is it true Asians dont like to date outside their race??

No way! I know plenty of Asians who date other ethnicity! In my opinion, I find Asians more attractive cuz I kinda been scarred from Caucasians and black people.. Lol idk but I still find some of them very attractive. But then again, some people like to stay within their comfort zone! Lol everyone has different taste, so technically.. I would think it depends on how they were raised... If their parents made them always think in a box or their parents let them be free
Liked by: Christine Le

please do a eyebrow tutorial :(((

I feel so terrible! I'm editing and my laptop is beyond LAggy! I will try to use my dads when he's done with it! I promise! I'm thinking of doing a video for tricks and tips for eyebrows later too! But def going to edit that vid!

you're always so proud to be korean like as if it's the greatest race ever, you're just a decent lookig korean so please just get rid of some of your pride, it's embarrassing

Lol I'm proud of being Korean. I mean aren't u proud to be whatever race u are? I use to always want to be white because of how I grew up, but as I grew up, I realized that nothing could change me. Lol u sound really pathetic btw telling me to what shoot myself down? Ur so lame lol. Or maybe u could take more pride in urself instead of being jealous of how I can proudly stand on my own two feet and say I'm Korean. Lol u don't know me u don't know my story so screw off. It's not embarassing, ur embarassing for not being proud of where u come from. That's pathetic. If u can't have confidence in urself lol who's going to like you? No one. I never said I was drop dead gorgeous , even on my ask I said I'm decent looking and there are far more beautiful people (not even Koreans) out there and I acknowledge that. Lol. I guess u just don't do ur research and I'm sure ur a narrow minded, shallow pathetic loser who can't take pride in their nationality... Lol. Have a good life always trying to hide what u are.. So sad

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Liked by: Christine Le kokoqui

eyebrow product for black hair! pleasee answer

Blackhair... I think if u have already nice clean eyebrows, all u have to do is clean it up once in a while and put gel in it! Or if u have almost no hair like me, take black eyeliner, but not too heavy, and gently sketch out the form of ur shape. Then u kind of blend that with an angled brush into the precise shape u want! Make sure it's not too dark. Usually some people use dark brown whic is what I would do, but this is if u WANT black eyebrows. And then later, try to mix a bit of dark brown and black powder together and go over ur eyebrows with that angles brush again. And that's how u make it more precise. Does that make sense? Or I can explain more if u like!
Liked by: Andy O'Lam

mmm haha. Lamborghini is really irresistible. lol. hmm favorite animal?

Hmmm it use to be cheetah but now... White tiger


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