
Mama G

Ask @getsome_korean

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Are you sure it's her dad. That's some crazy shit right there. You're a good friend.

Lol I'm about 80% cuz he's been asking EVERYONE on her fb and everyone knows its not her.. And no one can access her fb except him... I try to always be there for my friends and keep their hopes up you know? I went through a tough time before and my friends were no where near me so I had to deal with it by myself and I realized I will be the friend that anyone can trust and go to. And even if they don't know later that I always had their back

Was that really her Dad? Yo that's just some bullshit right there wtf smh

Yah... That's what I'm thinking cuz he talks like that... I can't respect any father who can treat their daughter like that... Like no. U have lost every bit of respect...

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What's Selina's tumblr?

Ummm idk.. I think it's her name? Lol can u go stop being lazy and look for it urself?

what do you think is more stylish/more versatile for guys to wear: Nike Roshe Runs or Converse Low Chucks? (both in black) thank you! :))))

Hmmm I would like to say chucks but I know nikes will... Lol not only are they athletic, they look nice with a lot of outfits!

damn what happened to you and selina..? well its none of my business soz im curious how you guys got like that :o

Nothing. Wtf lol. Just cuz I said watch ur fucking mouth? As a friend im trying to tell her what she's doing right and wrong.

Hahaha whoever asked the forehead question LOL. It also depends on how big your fingers are.. Haha I can fit 3 and I have a very small forehead ^__^ I like medium foreheads though cuz they make you look innocent I think. I think a better question would be measure forehead in inches lol

Lol fasho

how many times do you wear the same bra before you wash it? sorry if its personal

Lol it's ok ^^ I will wear about 2 maybe 3 then wash it.
Liked by: Diamond Cat

i you don't mind me asking is there good breathing techniques when singing? :) how can i control my breathing? to add more control of the notes?

Hmmm when I use to sing, I always took deep breaths. You are suppose to sing from ur diaphragm and not ur throat. It's kinda like running actually. Breathe in with ur nose and out with ur mouth. And be calm and think of what u are singing. Really get into the lyrics as u sing cuz that's what gets the emotions out. I notice when I sing I tilt my head back idk why but it helps for me lol.

I need some singing tips, when im singing do i have to sing in the same pitch as the piano notes? and how to i know if im in the correct pitch or not? :) and to you have any tips for a person who wants to learn how to sing? a beginner?

Ok my tip is to sing with piano first. As you play each key sing each note as well. Try to get the notes in ur head so that you know exactly what u sing. Don't try to rush it, this takes time and practice! But yes all songs are from piano do its always good to know how to play piano too. Lol, listen to each note carefully and keep practicing

it doesn't matter what happened between you and timmy its your business not theirs

THANK YOU. Haha and it never even said we did anything like that they just assuming. Stupid people you know?


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