
Mama G

Ask @getsome_korean

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What does every King with no son say to himself? "How am i supposed to breath...with no heir..."


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How often do you wear fake nails?

I usually always have them but I like to give my nails a couple weeks to breathe

Its so pretty!!! Do i have to be eighteen?

Thank you ^^ I wana get more. And no but you also need your parents consent :(

What does the tattoo on your back mean?

Oh it's my bday. I only got it so I could match with my sister. So a sister tat

Thoughts on your JV team? For vball

I know I got this a long time ago but I feel like I can answer it. There was only couple people I liked in it. Other wise I would have smacked them. They were rude, disrespectful and not a team. I'm speaking of those who I was not fond of. Now see, vball is a team effort. Within this team, it wasn't a team effort. It was go by whatever anyone felt like. As Individuals they aren't bad. But team wise was hell no. And I'm saying this as a truth. They could have been better, but I don't blame the team. The girls are still young and don't know better. The one I blame is the coach. There's a limit to what the girls know so it's the coaches job to teach and help them along. But it's not good when only three out of the whole team gets more attention than anyone else. I don't giveafuck if I get shit for what I'm saying because a lot of people agree and this is my thoughts about the team. If it had different people it could work. Even personally, I would have rather played on frosh. Imma end it at that. Let the insults begin.

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list of your everyday makeup in order?

Lotion always. Concealer. Foundation. Powder. Eyebrows. Eye primer. Shadow. Liner. Mascara. Lashes. Line eyes. Bronzer. Blush. Done lolol. I do a lot

What do you think girls have a hard time with boys?

Almost everything.... Never doing something. Doing too much of something. Being loud. Being silent. Being stupid. Being a smart aleck. Dressing to under. Dressing too over. Being nice. Being mean. A lot of things... Boys just don't do it right most of the time ugh

Is global warming real? What do you think will happen?

Yes it's real wtf... Lol the world is Guna explode and die

Advice for falling asleep?

Pack a bowl. Or drink some hot tea and cuddle into your blankets and watch a movie. Or listen to soothing music with all lights off. Or finish any unfinished business
Liked by: Nicholas Nguyen

Does CSU system allow student admission easily? I have a 3.8 for my overall hs GPA and I wonder if I'll get rejected if I get a D on my transcript or do I need to go to adult school and remediate that class. Junior yr's so hard.

I would suggest try to make up all ur d's and f's.. It's really worth it! Don't ever think colleges are easy to get into because sometimes it might even be a bias reasoning


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