
Mama G

Ask @getsome_korean

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can you do a tutorial on the colorful gradient eyeshadow look you posted on instagram the one when you were singing nick minaj please!!!

Oh yeah sure!! I was going to but got lazy

seriously... what happened though? you guys were really close... :/

Shit happens and that's what she was. Idgaf anymore. I have Tina and nick and other peeps that love me for me and I do the exact same. And honestly? I have never been so happy

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Hey grace what kind of brush did you use on ur face with foundation? I want one cuz in have acne on my face :( it covers really well

It's not what kinda brush I use it's how u use products and what kinds in order! But I use a flat head one

When one should stop learning?

Never. Just people need to fucking realize, school does not determine your intelligence. Getting all that great grades in school does not make u any better or any smarter. Everyone is smart in their own ways. School is just a fucked up way of trying to put so many kids down and now a days, there is no encouragement for kids who don't do good but only for kids who are doing great.

sometimes i want to say hi to you but im afraid youll think im weird.. :(

PFFFFT I AM WEIRD! Let us all weirdos unite!

aww okay thanks grace! :) i'll try that! and do you wear foundation everyday? doesnt that ruin your skin? :O i heard like the more u wear it, the more discoloration u have on your face o_o not sure about that though

Yeah I do! BUT this is what I do... I use the cap of the foundation so I use a very small amount! But as long as u take care of ur face u will be ok

how do you wear makeup without breaking out? ;( like if i only wear powder or mascara they end up smearing and i end up getting a pimple sometimes and i finally cleared my skin -_-

Ok u always ALWAYS need a base. Try bb cream! What I do is use lotion, bb cream, THEN concealer and foundation. I would recommend a face primer too. But after the day is over, use baby wipe to really wipe off every bits of makeup. If it's safe for babies safe enough for me! And that helped me clear up a lot!

Thank you but your skin is perfect girl! its lovely!! for me its hard to find red lipstick that matches me because too red looks bad on me and too dark looks bad on me lol but im going to look around i'll try the coral red! thank you love :)

Anytime! Coral red would look lovely on you! Hopefully you find one just perfect for u!

Hi grace :) im back lol I wanted to ask, my skin is very tan, i have caramel skin and ive been looking for a red lipstick that could match me and something in the 10 dollar range nothing to expensive lol do you have a recommendation it could be lip balm too but something with color & is noticeable?

I think ur skin is the perfect color! U should buy a either really red, (ruby red) or slightly coral red. Ummmm I think a lot of drugstore brands have them! Cover girl? But believe me they are every where!

Grace how do you deal with cyber bullying and hate on the internet? because i have experienced it and so did all my friends :/ its kinda frustrating to deal with >.>

Ah I know it's very hard... But BELIEve me! Those are people with no real friends and no real lives. They want to get attention from just about anyone by cyber bullying and tryin to sound smart when reality they stupid. You just have to be mature and say whatever and leave. If they continue to harass u u can always block them.... But if it gets to the point of really so bad, u should face to face talk to them. Because really, they just pussies in reality. I know cuz it happened to me too. And it was by an older girl who supposedly was "known" to be mature and smart but in the end, everyone found out she was just all talk and full of hypocritical lies! So don't fret!
Liked by: Cat Marvin Pham tram

i see youre on ask.fm now ;) ive been waiting for you to answer a question secretly, so i can ask you for advice ;DD

I'm always on!! I just answer the newer ones! Feel free to ask me anything!

why you no post on youtube no more? i want moore makeup videos hehe.

Really?? I didn't think anyone watched them anymore.... >______< awwwww I so happy! I shall!

Grace are you engaged??!!? well congrats! i wish you guys the best of luck and hope you guys a wonderful relationship i hope its suceesful and beautiful :)

HAHAHAHA no!! But thanks for noticing! ❤️ means a lot. And thank you for ur kind words! I'm really happy!

What are the benefits of being famous?

Nothing. Even if the people start with a good side of maybe spreading good influence they later get dirtied and completely 180 turn


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