
Mama G

Ask @getsome_korean

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porcupine needles hurt like hell LOL you dont want to mess with an angry porcupine lol im just telling the anon for future references dont throw porcupines at people or maybe he or she domesticated it and it doesnt release its quills anymore lol

I heard about them! So cute

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Can you guys shut up with the disappointment in her questions please? It's getting annoying, plus, I think she gets the point, besides, what's over is over right? just ignore them grace!

Thank you ^___^ I'm stressing over other things too... But thAnk you really

Do you not even feel bad for fighting her?

Of course I do. I held back a lot. I made sure not to make her bleed or leave bruises which idk that

i shouldve came and threw my pet porcupine on you guise to end the fight. you wouldve stopped then, i do have a pet porcupine i just never told anyone, i shouldve asked wendy for directions oh well lol i really woud have im not joking.

Lol I would have been like YEEEE what is that!

you shouldnt have turned down the suggestion and moved on with you life, that way you looked like the bigger person. i felt like vomitting watching the video because i am disappinted it led to that T.T

It's ok. I'm not as perfect or as good as people think. I don't want people to have a fake idea of me. But I do apologize if that made you change your thoughts about me. But I do have my priorities and I do love the people around me. And I would rather get hurt than they get hurt and id have nothing to do for them.

If you go to Korea would you be considered "fat" since a lot are very skinny?

Yes haha. My mother calls me fat each time she tries to buy me jeans. So I stopped calling her

But if you hugged her and talked to her weren't you on good terms right just before?

no i didnt talk to her just hugged. i didnt say anything bad

Grace I thought you do small burps on purpose when you need to get it out?

yes but not big big ones

If you like to end it on good terms why was it this time you had to fight?

someone suggested it and she never wanted to end on good terms
Liked by: Diana Mai

Oh I never knew that, I was just curious if you knew how to burp so I asked haha

ohhh hahah nopeeee it hurts :(

you guys cant fight at all lol come to the bronx and youll see the real fights


So you'll probably fight someone else again soon huh? How has it been on your mind so long if you hugged her before that?

nah i dont like to fight. i usually like to end things on good terms or it bothers me alot. so i wanted to be nice and just end it like that u know?

You're the pathetic one fighting some girl cuz she talked shit

ur even more pathetic cuz u hve the time to sit there be on anon and cant say it to my face. at least she said it in the open.. loser

You make it sound like you fight like this on a daily basis. It's just some shit talk. You said you never fought anyone before cuz of that so why now?

ur right i never fought anyone before. but because its done, im just relieved to finally say bye to it and maybe because its always been on my mind for so long


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